No one leaves the game cuz they removed TF lmao . If i do a raid i will get a raid loot according to that raids dif , if i do a dungeon i will get a dungeon loot according to dungeons dif. I don’t want to randomly get a 252 ilvl chest from a wq or i don’t want to be forced to do lfr to get a titanforged tier item…
I really hope they will nerf all old instances. BfA dungeons on mythic scalling made me so angry in 9.1. I was able to solo them for about 2 months before 9.1 and then a sad surprise came up.
I really don’t understand why can’t we solo BfA raids on any difficulty? It’s old content. They are mogs to collect, achievements to achieve, mounts and pets too. Finding a group for them is becoming increasingly difficult - even for mount dropping mythic raids. It used to be plenty of groups at almost any given time but recently I see maybe 10 legacy raids groups in the group finder.
That’s something many people who are not intreseted in m+ or current raiding would love and surely enjoy. Which means they’d subscribe.
I was able to solo bfa dungeons during 8.3 and prepatch for sl destroyed that for me
I never had enough iLvl to do it then 'cos I don’t do m+ and current raids. I was happy to solo them in SL as it was another fun thing to do outside the bloody SL. And then they took it away
Who said anything about nerf?
You are just making things up. I said casual also need progression, that is not nerfing the oh so “pros” gameplay in any way.
How should they make contents for casuals then?
Im casual and I dont do mythics. I think there are some good stuff in there for me as causual as well.
I like that I can get all covenents, good for my tmog collection. I like that it seems to be more alt friendly, though i fear the price of upgrading all my heirlooms… again
I like to ability to lvl my alts through thorghast, better than fate imo
I can solo expedistions now which is also good for me as casual
Granted I have no use for the mythic stuff but there needs to be something for playes which are not like me so overall im content about it
What I don’t understand is why are you so opposed to the idea that a casual player (which means a normal person who has a life outside WoW) could get some extra equipment busting up their iLvl? Are you so insecure? Or have no real life and what you achieve in WoW is all you have?
Why do we need more iLvl? To do what we like doing faster. So we can do more. I can guarantee you that no “casual” will enter your precious m+ because we value our sanity!
Having a reward structure doesn’t mean “being elitist”. If I kill the strongest boss in the game I get the best rewards. If I farm boars in the world, I shouldn’t get equally strong rewards as the guys who killed the strongest boss.
A normal person can have a family, full time job and still raid mythic. Both personal and raid team member experience. The question is if you “want” to raid. If not then the “omgez I haz reaLEZ lifez” is simply an excuse to hide behind.
Problem is…when it will stop? Raise the ilevel of boar slaying to say 239(HC level). Will the “casuals” be content there or will demand the cap to be raised to 252(mythic level) cause they plateaued on their boar slaying…progression?
And the current boar slaying level is already 233ilvl. Sounds pretty high to me.
Korthia grind will at one point get you to 235 ilvl, which is more then enough for open world content, Torghast, normal/hc raids and -10 m+.
The posters above are right, there is no need to reward higher loot then that. Korthia is a grind, but a chill one tbh, and its good for people who camp rares and collect chests to have a gear venue as well. IF it rewarded high ilvl loot, then a large portion of playerbase would ‘‘feel’’ compelled to do it for min/maxing, and would then spam the forums.
There has to be a middle ground and tbh, the current situation is exactly that.
I mean, how did ‘‘casual’’ people gear up before titanforging? At one point, you smply hit a brick wall and had no choice but to jump into pvp or raiding.
Hehe don’t worry I’ll lose it anyway in a month it’s a common thing with me here either due to inactivity or when i play my lawyer card to other people xD.
It also depended on the classes and corruption u had. I mean with Sl launch same toons that had no problem solo dungeons couldn’t do anything even with the current gear
Read all the comments, the majority dont think it is a good idea. Think about it again.
They can do quest, they can upgrade choregast, to drop loot, based on item level, they can even up the WQ loot level, based on item level.
no thank god. TF was the absolute worst thing they ever added to the game. Good that its gone
So none of these really affect your game at all. When a casual get these gear levels you are fully decked since months. Casual gameplay wont get you fully decked(without boosting), by the end of the expansion, but it is a progress, not standing still on 220 for months.
There is no need for gear at all with your logic. They could just give temporally gear for you at the start of a raid, cos you don’t need that outside.
yeah good change. finaly. to bad 2 manny left already
It affects everyone cause it disrupts the reward structure.
If I farm HC raids. There will be a point when I reach the cap of 239-246 and then I have either a choice: Move on to mythic or accept that I have reached the current level’s progression cap. Killing HC Terra 9435 times wont suddenly start giving me mythic quality pieces.
A simple step system. Either move on or accept your limit
Unfortunately some casuals doesn’t understand this system and wants to keep slaying the same boars till they reach lvl 260…