i´m casual… i do endgamestuff. if i reach it in time.
cata and bfa i think it was wq´s and lfr that showed up that spurred me to take the fast way up.
but mostly my kind of casual gets a freezing sensation in the neck when we get as far as endgame with the m+ and raiding and the workhours that guilds demand so you can stay in.
Its basically two of you that wants it.
Blizzard are experts in deceiving people with these patches, most of the content of this patch is trying to solve the mess they have done instead of improving the game?
Why not unlock all soulbind tree rows then instead of having to compromise as always dps for utility or defensive.
Or maybe if they had time instead of fixing borrowing powers they could instead work on fixing their classes and put more work on them,
Also, boosting that is completely out of control in this exp will still be fully present.
Just about everything in:-
is casual friendly.
Just because something does not meet your own personal wish list does not mean it is not casual friendly.
Imagine thinking that people who left for FF left due to TF XD
No one cares about clowns who went to play a trashy anime weeb wow rip off.
Stop bringing it up on the wow forums.
swapping covenants and conduits is a change that has a positive impact on literally every single player, now you can farm your mogs and what not without having to create multiple characters,
how exactly would they go about making valor account wide? earning on your main lets you spend it on an alt? or are you expecting all of your alts to just get free currency without having to put any effort into them?
there are plenty of casual friendly instances, they are called normal/heroic/mythic, and basically anything below a 7 on M+
why should you be able to “gear to decent levels” if you are going out of your way to play casually and not taking part in the more difficult content that other players are playing
also please just stop with the idea of titanforging it was an absolute cancer to this game and them removing it was more than likely the single greatest change that was ever made in this game.
the vast majority of the negative things in this game has a much bigger impact on higher end players than it does on the casual playerbase, so why wouldnt changes be more focused on that group?
maybe if you gave some examples of these so called major issues then there would be something to go off. because most of what you have said either makes no sense or is not really a problem.
You dont need good gear if you’re “casual”.
Most of the "Casual"s are just sweaty people that wants full bis in 1 week.
This changes are good for both high end players and casual enjoyers.
I don’t think they should have Valor Points uncapped. Otherwise it would be a matter of grinding dungeon X for Z times until you get the desired item move to Oribos and pewpew ilv246. No need to raid or progress.
And that makes it true? It’s a game. Made for entertainment. No-lives take it way too serious.
If I didn’t save gold for a couple of mounts I want to buy I’d easily get better gear than yours from the AH. Without stepping a foot in any silly m+ Can’t hear any of you saying it may “destroy the ballance”, can I? I
why dont they have anima/stygnia tokens in 9.1.5 why only soul ash tokens ?
or Kortia rep tokens
im not sure hard it would be to code m+ gear to be bis inside of m+.
doing something like with the pvp scaling, but instead of pvp, do it for m+ gear in this case.
talked to alot of ppl, and most ppl i talk to really want it.
Then go back playing it I ain’t going to stop you.
I’m going to enjoy my Ventyr mog as Kyrian while riding a flycorpse mount, changing my conduits to try new builds and have fun.
I agree with no TF! That was horrible. Lot of casuals joining high keys because ilvl and ruining them.
I remember fondly.
yeah that is something a lot of people have been talking about since the benthic gear in nazjatar, they should have tier gear in raids that works for the raids, they should have some sort of gearing system for dungeons that works in dungeons but not raids, and the same for PvP even if its like the old PvP gear that had different stats on it.
would make the game so much better, those who only want to do dungeons wouldnt feel forced to have to raid all the time for gear, and those who want to raid will only have to raid, same for PvPers. it by far makes the most sense
No TF …
I swear, whenever I read a post like this it is as if I am starting to suffocate mentally. Read update again.
By that definition I am a casual player as well, and I am doing high end raiding with a guild. Having a life outside of wow while still spending time in it are not mutually exclusive. It is all about setting your priorities and how you spend your time.
Also keep in mind that with Korthia you can raise your itemlevel up to an impressive 233 ilvls (so the cap is not 220 like someone mentioned it is.) That means if you put in the time to grind for your currency you can entirely outgear those who are doing normal raids, and are near the level of heroic raids, which is the endgame for the majority of raiders.
Semi-hardcore/hardcore doesn’t mean that an individual doesn’t have a job or a ‘life.’ There are plenty who have the drive to schedule their life in order to have time for the hobby they like to do. My entire guild consist of raiders who can only really spare enough time to raid during the weekends, and everyone barring a few cases have family and/or work beside that.