Not a single casual friendly change in 9.1.5

I got mine back in Retail in MoP :smiley:

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Seems I got mine in 2015, so WoD :slight_smile:

Content draught , best time to farm mount / tmog and leggos it seems

I’m currently trying to farm and learn every patterns for every profession because … why not

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I think the only lege I’m missing from old content is the Glaives, I have just never farmed it that regularly.

Dont bother using reason with that person … as far as he/she is concerned anyone who uses damage meters, or in anyway care about doing good or becoming “better” at the game is a “Toxic hardcore mythic tryhard RIO Meta slave”

Funny tho … He/She is a Kyrian Vengenace DH … I’m sure that’s purely for RP reasons …


I’ve never understood this idea that casuals need things like TF or WF to improve their gear. Like, what do you need that gear for? To make your world quests go 1% faster each day?

When you step into content that requires that gear… you’ll be given the gear for it. Weird how that works, huh?

same like gone is 80 % of playerbase

but hey - as long as mythic try hards can swpa conduits/covenants on everypull game is saved.

for the simple reason

people play mmorpg to feel constant progress of power

wow is now devoided of it

FF14 has it

where are people ? well they for sure are not in wow which now have less players then FF14

but sure - game is saved because covenants swaps.

i am - same like majority of wow players which are now ex-wow players

this perfecly sums up current situation


yeah people left because of titanforging… for sure (: silly troll

There is something strange about people who are playing a different game but feel the need to constantly come back and complain about the previous game they played. I honestly don’t understand the inability to let go and just enjoy their new game and leave this one behind. This urge some have to come and post here constantly is baffling.

It’s like someone who obsesses over an ex partner after having split up and have moved on to a new relationship.


Completley agree with you mate, i even wrote a thread about it.

I don’t understand that mindset either. Personally i keep playing, largely due to the people o play with more so than the content, though i’ll often make remarks about things i dislike about the game as it currently is.

I don’t get why some feel the need to say that they’re playing a different game instead, unless they’re giving concrete examples of areas they feel could be done better in WoW with a base in how it’s done in a different game. Then again, usually those suggestions are things that are far removed from what WoW even is as a game.

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It rly shows the “denceness” of a person if they still go when all disagrees :sweat_smile:

but people dont actually truly have fun in FF14… it’s just a lie to make wow dev’s do something about the game… once wow is hopefully fixed theres going to be headlines all over youtube and google about the weeb MMO everyone thought would be a success, but failed

I don’t think so. It’s a similar game with ton of fun leveling content. Once it’s done yes, the content drought is even worse than in wow.

Mark my word, final fanasy is pure hype, the audience for that sort of game long term is NOT big enough. What i mean by this is many people trying to play it right now, will eventually quit since they’re still 2 weeks into the game and havent done anything, so they cannot judge whether or not it sucks yet.

I’m not sure if you realise that, but more casual players often love collecting transmogs from old content so that their character can look better. :slight_smile:

It isn’t just casual player exclusive!

Looking fabulous is a 5% dps increase at least!

because as we etablished people are allowed to only play 1 singular game :slight_smile:

and you are not allowed to opinion as a customer :slight_smile:

80% of players told blizzard with their wallets " we are done with being 2nd rate citizens in this garbage made only for toxic mythic tryhards"

and letting people swap covenants is not the way to get those people back

but lets be honest - raiders are happy that those people are gone. because they wanted them gone in first place.

its been months since they moved there. and each week more and more people are swapping joining their ex-wow friends

so its definetly not hype.

what are they supposed to do ? farm korthia for next 6 months ?

just lol .

oh bdw - no changes to Korthia announced either

so people have fun killing the same rares for months.

lol sure - that why milions moved from wow to ff14 - because they dont have fun there

they for sure will have fun while swapping covenants and farming korthia - oh wait :0

Talk about spewing a load of nonsense, 90% of the changes thus far being added are hugely beneficial to casuals, likewise for the rest of the community.