Not a single casual friendly change in 9.1.5

Isn’t it like 12 years old that game? kinda long term imo.

All the race additions is considered casual friendly content.

Which instances? Current or past?

You can solo past instances in BFA for example with poor ilvl. I did a normal Motherlode on a 150 Fury warrior.

As for current, well it’s current content. it’s supposed to be hard :man_shrugging:

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I love it when someone who doesn’t do hardcore/semi-hardcore content doesn’t like something, so they automatically assume that those who do that content love everything about the thing you don’t like.

At this point, they could increase the spawn rate of critters and you’d still cry that it was done for mythic raiders.


Who is we? Most people play multiple games but don’t feel the need to use one as a beating stick for the other?

You don’t care about being able to swap, lots of other players do who aren’t included in your unsubstantiated stats, do.

Many casual players care about cosmetics, as do all sorts of players. This allows them to swap freely and collect everything.

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i have played this game for 16 years + and blizzard have never listened to the people who play this game there stock answer has always been its our game and we do as we like they will never change in a million years

It will be if they introduce a trinket like the WoD one for rogues which you could use to do some hilarious oneshots.

I wouldn’t bother so much with Liliith. It is not worth it.

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Need to Nerf us casuals. We talk to much without thinking hahaha.

I wouldn’t bother with a lot of people here. Not anymore.

Lol you’re actually so desperate to let people know how your weeb game is better. Have fun with your little isolated weirdo community, but let us human beings with just a tiny bit dignity left continue to play this MMO, because if it wasn’t for WOW, most of us probably probably would not even game. It’s not about just having a “good game” to play, it’s also about the game itself, and there’s no other game exactly like wow and that’s why you and FF14 will never “win” this “battle” that you care so much about that you have to respond to every single post in this thread. This person is high as hell on copium

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Wrong. And insulting.

With that, I agree.

Agree. And do it for world content as well.
Seperate progression for seperate activities.

And don’t forget world content. Those players also want progress and fun.

Except that covenant swapping is loads of more content for the casual and for the “tryhards” as well.
Covenant mog restrictions no longer exist? All those mounts and mogs? This is a win for sure.
Conduit limitations by energy, who did it benefit? Oh yeah… absolutely no one.
Who will it benefit? Anyone who wants to try out new conduits in different content.

Legion timewalking is for everybody… maybe even useless for the most hard core, but i bet even they want to do something “new”.
Also i didn’t see anyone say this yet but, Legion Timewalking will bring some mogs, mounts and pets in the vendor for it. So people… save your timewalking tokens for that!
Can’t wait to see what they add there.

BFA legacy now? Nice for anyone that needs mogs there, pretty sure most casuals love collecting mogs.
Alt skips? Hell yes. Torghast for alts? If you wanted it, you can do it, if you didn’t… then don’t. Threads of fate improvements? Well… it surely needs some.
Heirloom upgrades for alts? Well here we go!

All in all, i never get this debate of casuals vs hardcore 1%ers, it’s never that cut and dry, there are loads more in-between that like to do both things and this patch will be the one add stuff for a whole lot of players.

There isn’t a single change in 9.1.5 that is a downgrade to the current game, it’s definitely an upgrade to 9.1.


Please stop feeding Lilîith.

All they do and all they have ever done is constantly moan. Oh, and please don’t expect them to take your arguments on board. They are one of ‘those’ people, you know they speak for everyone and know what is best.

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it is better though

its objectively true

it has more players

its gorinw its playerbase day by day

and all big main ex-wow streamers are streaming it atm .

FF14 is the next big mmorpg.

wow lost its right to call itself that since they go more and more into loby based instance symulator direction - conduits swapping is another rpg element of game dead. and people are cheering

it shows that they do not want wow to be rpg.

that why FF14 is natural refugee for people who enjoy rpgs .

wow is not one anymore - sadly.

this is true - i indeed dont care about people/s wrong opinions. :slight_smile:

i was one of first few people here on forums who called SL for what it will be - long before its launch and when people were overhyped about it

. same like i was one who called WoD garbage when streamers and youtubers were still prasing it.

it does make my opinion much supperior.

Expected KSM account wide. It was there, idk why they took it away and Idk why they expect us to achieve something we’ve achieved on our alts as well? It’s weird.

Idk why they are sooo stubborn on getting back to MoP / WoD PvP gearing. It was THE BEST system we’ve had for PvP gearing. Everyone wants it back; bring it back.

You got the soloqueue for island expeditions?

That’s because they aren’t playing the game they say they’re playing.

It’s like that meme, guy puts 8,000 hours logged on a game, writes a steam review saying how it’s awful and he’s playing something else then proceeds to clock another 10,000 hours.

They’re banging on to seem relevant whilst most of us that played other games, literally, just did that without feeling the need to constantly harp on.


FF14 is the next big MMO?

It’s over a decade old. We said it was a great game for years but until your favourite streamer told you it was good, you guys didn’t want to know.

So you want to gear without playing the game at all?

Blizzard could probably add some vendors so you can buy max ilvl gear for gold, but the only activity you are able to do with that gear in bags or equipped is run around in a cow pen hitting training dummies and duel other people also in the cow pen.

No, he’s right, you don’t need that gear, you might want it, but you don’t need it… 2 very different things.


Don’t trip over your hubris…

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