Not a single casual friendly change in 9.1.5

How can opinions be wrong?


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they also dont need to play game

which they are not doing atm

what they are playing is FF14 which doesnt put such elitests attitude towards majority of its and now of ex-wow playerbase.

we are talking here about milionsof unsatisfied customers

and blizzard thinks they will come for transmog ? thats not even a joke. its pathetic.

hubris ? tht just statement of facts

i was completly correct both about WoD and SL - while most streamer/youtubers and forums were completly wrong.

proven both time by mass exodus of milions of players in first 6 months of expansions.

much faster in SL because it was obvious from beta that its taegeting only elitest toxic tryhards.

its just some basic analisys of situation. which most on those forums lack becuse they enjoy wow being instance symulator not rpg game.

Ah I get it, you are jealous, so someone, could get a gear piece months after you.

So we should be happy to do a feature, meant for the previous expansion?

You can raise the level after a mind numbingly dull farming, of archivist trash, and waiting for months to reach the required covenant level. But till then you will stay at around 220.

best content at the moment

so when we getting dungon/raid story/solo mode ?


and you should praise blizz for it

just like simps defending them here on forusm do

alternatively you can spedn all day long swapping covenants - quality content.

Let’s not start that old slippery slope, okay?
Because most people don’t need gear for much of anything. You don’t need mythic raid gear to do the mythic raid. You don’t need heroic gear to do the heroic raid.
You don’t need good gear for PvP because you don’t NEED to win. Etc.

Gear is a thing and it’s a thing for EVERYONE.
And yeah; I DO need it. Because being able to do world content easier and quicker is NEEDED. For me. You can’t judge whether that’s true or not, so you’ll just have to take my word for it.

If they break a clear ethical or socially accepted line, I suppose.
But that’s a different kind of wrong. :wink:

Don’t speak for me please. I AM playing.
And I’m sure as hell not playing that piece of crap called FF14.

which game is better is never objective, its always a subjective opinion, i have friends that play FF14 and wow and dont have a particular favourite between either they happily play both, i have friends that dispise FF14 and friends that dispise wow for different reasons, i have played FF14 myself and couldnt get on with it at all, but thats just my opinion.


nope - its very objective

whichever game has more players and is growing is better one.

no matter how many blizzard shills will defend current state of game it wont change facts that more and more people are quiting each week

and 9.1.5 is not giving them any new content to do.

You can’t just arbitrarily pick a metric and claim that whichever thing has more of it is “objectively” better. That’s like saying that a car is objectively better than a bicycle because it can go faster.


Well according to Lilith. A budget friendly compact car must be 100% better than a Ferrari cause there are more compact car owners than Ferrari owners. :clown_face:

I find it intresting that Lili does not even consider giving up. Even when 99% say no, what a childish behavior… God bless him!

kinda stupid comparison but ill bait.

imagine if suddenly on market production companies announced that they no longer produce cheap cars and only produce as expensive cars as ferrari .

what would customers do ? im sure they woudl all go take huge loans from banks just so everyone owns ferrari.

wouldnt they?

they for sure wouldnt look for that 1 company that would still offer budget cars. and thatcompany business would bloom

while all those who offer ferraris would go bankrupt .

reason is simple - im correct and you are wrong - more so i was correct from before SL launch .

proven by actions taken by blizzard.

proven by 80 % of playerbase leaving game

proven by mass exodus of streamers/youtubers .

all i have to wait and see - that 9.1.5 will change nothing - subs will be bleeding - FF14 will be booming

that they announced is not new content. its garbage.

Can be by your metrics very objective better. But for me, as a former FF7 and 10 player (mostly playstation), i disliked like everything in FF14. Totally fine when it is a better game, but it is not fun to me.

have you tried FF12 ? i found it enjoyable too - still worse then 7,9,10 :slight_smile: but was fun to play

for me best were always 7 and 9 .

Didn’t even understand your…“explanation” so I will just leave it that.

Ok… Now I will bite. Lets say your “right” AAAAAAAAAAAND? Now what? Are you expecting a medal or something? So go be “right” in FFXIV or whatever? Right now you look like a religious zelot screeming his “only my religion is RIGHT!!” without any real reason besides…screeming for screeming’s sake?

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No, i really don’t …

Doesn’t make in untrue tho.

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Wtf? Are you that serious this al ALT friendly all the way. This is casual friendly all the way immo.