Well then you’re being purposefully ignorant.
Which you CAN do. But it won’t make you look any better.
I just told you it does. For me anyway.
But again; you don’t WANT to believe me. That’s your choice. So this is a ‘you’ problem.
Well then you’re being purposefully ignorant.
Which you CAN do. But it won’t make you look any better.
I just told you it does. For me anyway.
But again; you don’t WANT to believe me. That’s your choice. So this is a ‘you’ problem.
So it’s back is it?
I really don’t understand people’s entitlement to gear they have done jack all to deserve.
You don’t get to decide who does and doesn’t deserve something.
If Blizzard would give mythic raid level rewards for WQs, the people doing those WQs would deserve that gear. It really is THAT simple.
Ps: To make this perfectly clear: This does NOT mean I’m asking for this to happen. It’s just an example.
No. But you should expect a fair treatment. Knowing that the reward will based on your merit and accomplishment…not who whined the most on social media…
Blizzard designed world gearing to be a slow process, and even if you find it boring the option of it is still there. You can of course opt to do other content to round out your gear selection (doing a +5 key in mythic+ should net you a 223 piece of gear, on top of the possibility of the chance to get a drop that you can upgrade.)
You can do all dungeons on a +5, which allows you to upgrade a few piece of gear you have for 229.
Archivist also gives you a 239 piece of gear with domination socket. You can beside that pick a single piece of gear that crafters make that is ilvl 230.
You can also get domination socket gear from raids, which are objectively stronger for most content than higher ilvl gear are (if you dedicate the time to do it weekly for the shard upgrades.)
If you are only doing a single type of content (world content) then yes, you are screwed because the system was build upon layers. The more content you do, the faster your average ilvl keeps going up. It is fine to only do a single type of content, but you shouldn’t expect it to net you gear up from a certain level.
If you want to have more options you have to dip into more content. If not then you play the waiting game, like we always did.
But ‘merit and accomplishment’ (or ‘effort’ for that matter too) are subjective.
This is already a thing. And it’s why we have some horrible stuff in the game at this very moment. Casual people are usually NOT the ones who whine the most, because they’re less likely to be ‘hardcore’ about their wants and needs for the game.
In a perfect world, yes.
But the sad fact is; people who enjoy world content are NOT treated equally (and thus not fair).
We SHOULD get content that is on-par with ‘the big 3’. World content SHOULD be the 4th pillar of endgame.
So how does one treat everything fair, if the whole basis of it isn’t equal to begin with?
And I’m sure there’s plenty of folks out there who think M+ isn’t treated equal to raids or pvp isn’t treated equal to pve.
So we simply CAN’T expect fair (and equal) treatment as long as things stay like this.
We NEED seperate progression paths for these 4 endgame pillars. THEN we can all be treated fairly.
Because we have 6 slots we cant use (5 for dom sockets and 1 leggo). If dom sockets were an items we could put on anything people would like the vault. But having 6 choicea in the vault and only one being useable bcoz of those systems is naff
I am not. I’m using fair treatment. If you don’t do raid content, you should not be awarded raid-tier gear. It’s that simple.
Lol no they wouldn’t cause they didn’t do mythic raiding. ERGO they shouldn’t get Mythic Raid gear. I understand it was a hypothetical example meant to make your point easier to understand. But it’s an asinine argument to make.
And it would also serve as a VERY good basis to flat out remove content from the game. If you can get Mythic raiding gear from WQ’s for example, there would be no need to have mythic raiding in the game. And further adding to that:
If there’s no mythic raid tier, there’s no need to have heroic, normal or LFG either. I mean what would the point be to even have raids in the first place? I can assure you that the majority of raiders don’t raid because they want to experience the raid, they either do it for the gear or prestige(World first mythic end-of-raid boss killing for example).
“but what about the people who want the story?” Just give them an NPC to talk to so they can view cutscenes. The way I see it is that taking away high/End-game gear from end-game content just serves as a basis to remove said end-game content since there’d be no point in doing it in the first place.
Also imagine spending hours running the same raid(My group spent around 2 hours last night in Sanctum), counting wipes and leavers just to complete the raid and get a 30 second cutscene, MIGHT as well be accessed by a small 5 minute quest or talking to an NPC(As mentioned above).
You might be fair in the rights to make casual players slightly more powerful but the way you’re going about it is a hella slippery slope that doesn’t end well for anyone BUT the casual player.
You can also not do any of unappealing stuff you mentioned and Play FF14 . Which majority of wow players do atm . You think they will go back to this garbage design of SL now that they have tested how better MMORPG does stuff ? Just lol
Yea, but using your own argument you dont deserve it.
To a degree yes, but mostly no … N vs NP is hard, and solving that would be amazing no matter what … Solving 2+3 might be an accomplishment for a 3 year old … but outside that … not really
The world is controlled by interstellar aliens made from cheese, controlling the human race with Chili cheese tops. there is ofc no basis for my claim, so you’ll have to take my word for it…
You tell me, do you have to take my word because i say so? No you dont, and i dont have to take yours.
Yeah, nothing I’ve read is of benefit to me.
Is there a skip for Maw Intro?
Will Threads of Fate be faster, less repetitive or in any way better?
Will gearing alts be reasonable? RNG slots is not viable.
Will Soloing BFA dungeons or Legion Raids be more viable?
again thats just blantantly wrong, you cannot solely decide which game is better based on how many people are playing it, because that would make something like minecraft the best game ever made based on the amount of people that have played it over time, and i know people that absolutely despise it for their own reasons,
when it comes to gaming much like literally everything else in the world there are just subjective opinions, you can say that FF14 is a more successful game currently because it has more players, but you cannot say it is a better game.
9.1.5 isnt a full content patch, so why would it be giving more content?
This is exactly why you are not successful and loose the argument here. If all would be as childish as you, we would not come anywhere. Grow up mate
You can’t really believe that, can you? I’m no mythic raider yet I would love to swap around for all kinds of content, try out X for m+, try out X for ST raids etc. That goes for both conduits and covenants.
As to your original post, why would they nerf instances, dungeons have already been nerfed quite significantly over the xpac. The VP cap should not be removed but increased for sure. being able to upgrade one item three ilvl per week is a little scuffed to be sure.
Perhaps they could increase your VP cap the higher m+ you clear or smt. If you really are a +10 casual player, you don’t really need high gear lvls anyway.
He want to lower the skill lvl, he is mabe handicapped or something? We all mostly agree against his bizzare behavior. To be honest i think he is trolling here.
Why ? Reason is very Simple. Its formula which worked. And would continiue to work if they didnt sacrifie gamę just so mythic raiders are happy. Proof ? The pinacle of wow was when game was offering over time nerfs. Aka ICC and SoO in mop time. You can disagree with IT but it was formula that kept people playing and kept game alive. The moment people feel they stagnate and loose power progress they stop playing MMORPGs.
So are you!
This is just nonsense. Pure, pure nonsense.
I really don’t get people with your mindset.
Doing content that you think is fun? Maybe?
You know… Fun. THE reason gaming exists in the first place.
Yeah. That fun. Fun.
Then they are petty and sad. Imo.
Because the gear means nothing and there is no prestige. They’re just playing a game.
And to be clear: I’m not saying getting better gear isn’t fun. Because it is. But its worth is not diminished because someone else can get it too. Gear is gear. You wear it and your character becomes a bit stronger. THAT is what it does. If someone feels better about themselves as a person because of gear in a videogame, I think they should re-evaluate their life. But hey, that’s just my opinion. We will never see eye to eye on this.
Riiight… Let’s just instead give raiders a big empty room with a boss that they can hit with a stick for half an hour. How does THAT sound?
Fair enough. And I fundamentally disagree with that notion.
What I am proposing is NOT a slippery slope:
I want seperate progression for PvP, for Dungeons (M+), for Raids and for World Content.
Progression that is exclusive to THAT content. So it wouldn’t matter if you got ‘Mythic Shoulders of Pure Awesomeness’ from a WQ (not that I’d want that to happen btw; I DO want to work for my upgrades), because it would only be great in World Content. It would suck for PvP, Dungeons and Raids.
And the same goes for the other activities. I truly think that would be the best solution.
Everyone gets to be powerful in their preferred activity if they put in the time and effort.
And if you want to be great in several activities; well, you’ll have to put in more time and that’s fair imo because you’ll get more out of it. At least it has the BIG advantage that players will no longer feel forced into content they don’t enjoy.
You think it was, but it wasn’t
So what exactly do you want? Do you want them to over time make raids easier?