Not a single class is appealing - is it time?

Because big dam.

It is more appealing than your ugly orc main, thats for sure :smiley: :smiley:

Also statement that WoW is inspired by tolkine is some outstretched mental gymnastics right here.

WoW inspiration has nothing to do with Europian mythology, it is straight up Warhammer rip off, ever since strategy games. Devs confirmed it, look it up.

Well except for Shadowlands, where they stole everything from World Of Darkness - Wraith.

Enjoy your drachtussy, vulperussy, taurenussy and other furries that are ugly as hell compared to FF14 characters.

Can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not.

It’s just a known meme within the FFXIV community.

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Ah ok, would explain why I didn’t get it.

Since orcs went to the chiropractor they’re badass

They aren’t, they stayed the same heigh as hunched over orcs so if you look at them properly they look tiny and weird, they have like squished torso.

I guess so. I mean… Your class is the basis of the gaming experience in WoW.

Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, in FF is more appealing than anything in WoW.
It’s a horrible game with horrible aesthetics. That’s for sure.

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I swear most peoples main complaint about FF is the looks. FF14 is in my top 3 for worst MMOs ive ever played (tried getting into it 3 times) its the lack of actual story that gets me, people hype it up but its somehow worse than wows story.

I think they also know its bad but are just huffing copium hence the whole “it gets better after (insert whichever expansion your currently in)” arguement they always say.

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Yes, Blizzard should copy mobile MMOs. It’s time! Have gender locked classes, each a copy paste of its opposite gender counterpart with 6 spells, but you only choose 4 to use. Problem solved.

Females gnomes, worgen/vulpera, void/blood elven males. I mean WoW is the last game that can call out any other game over furries and other degen stuff.

Having played and playing ff14 for RP I would argue that Lalafell are realy more “childlike” then gnomes that are more “small sized”

But the other stuff is true. Think about Draenei and what strange combination of sexy and animal they are.

We even have Draenei for people who are into tentacles stuff. Don’t by shy, include yourself when you’re so freely judging players of gnomes, vulpera and worgen. :fox_face:

I didn’t want to make the list too long. They named a few so I just named a few in return. The furry ratio is heavily scewed in favor of WoW.

I wrote my intentions in the wrong way.

I did not intend to imply that WoW was inspired by Tolkien. And I agree with you that its a warhammer rip off.

What I really wanted to say is that in all western fantasy there are recurrent races, themes and ideologies. For example races : Elves with pointy ears, Dwarfs that live underground, Savage Orcs, noble humans…

All those “ideas” of western fantasy come from western mithos. Some like elves are Keltic, others like Orcs are victorian (if my memory serves me correct). And all of them are re-interpretations of existing stories.

And of course, asians also have their own. One really “kliche” theme are dragons and monkeys. You see that a lot in Asian fantasy.

Its what I was told to believe atleast. But hey ! I can always learn something new. Tell me if I am wrong though.

So not true. My muscle mommas are beautiful !!! Look at their abs !

Oh I dont enjoy those. They should be burned at the stake !

The ONLY true race are Orcs. And because Orcs need something to do all day, we got human punch bags. Literally it ! :smiley:

In my humble opinion : When I played FFXIV one time, I saw a difference between FFXIV and WoW. In WoW the majority of players play a “normal race”. While in FFXIV literally every person I saw was a loli or a cat lady. In underwear.

But either way. Its a waste of words really. Because its a matter of taste. Some people like it, I dont. And there is no problems with that. :slight_smile:

How about you adapt and address your keybind issues?
If you are looking to sit back and auto attack, classic exists. Go play it.

The rest of us have moved past the basic 3 button rotations. WoW rotations are still pretty basic compared to other mmo’s, so it’s time to step up or be left behind.

Fair enough!

I don’t feel that most people who play a worgen or a vulpera are actual furries, though. The furry fandom is fairly small overall. I think anthropomorphic races generally tend to be popular in fantasy games.

Not as popular as the more generic stuff like elves and dwarves, but I think plenty of people like the idea of being some non-human creature, especially if it’s adorable.

You calling female gnomes degen?




I’m getting Déjà vu. :sweat_smile:

You have to understand that I played female orc in vanilla/tbc/wotlk. I racechanged Tahra, but she still has the soul of an orc!