Not a single class is appealing - is it time?

Me too… except I did not betray the superior race… :kissing_heart:

I accepted your other 2 Mak’gora. Still waiting to execute them.

Lets go !

Hey if alliance had orcs, I might still be playing one.
But horde cities are dumps compared to the alliance. That’s one of the main reasons I’m hanging around.

I’m scared.

You should not. You have no idea how bad I am at PvP.

You know what would be cool now that there is cross-faction ?

Make a super long reputation quest similar to insane in the membrane… that would allow you to be exalted with both aliance and horde at the same time…

Wouldn’t that be cool?

Yeah sounds nice. Or just… let players join whatever faction they want.
We’re heroes. We’re special.

Also… but I wanna be a tourist in Stormwind. But just that, a tourist.

With out getting murdered.

Personally i find that the changes they made to most of the classes with the prepatch cleaned up a lot of the bloat and must pick talents and made a lot of specs more free in how you could potentially build them, and almost all the hero specs overhaul and change the specs playstyle to such an extent that the rotation, buttons, and cooldown usage make the class play completely differently from the other hero spec

I’m sorry Uda I don’t want your kind in my cities we have our own people to house let alone orcs.

Houses? That is for peasants.

Im staying in a Hotel. With views to the cathedral.

Personally I’m loving that they made dual wield Obliteration a valid option and not simply tying you to “OK you got the two hander? Obliteration. Oh you also like dual-wielding? BoS for you then.”

Yeah it is a bit of a spammy rotation but the amount of Killing Machines I’m proccing is hilarious mixed in with the miles better Frost Strike. I played around with Unholy and I just couldn’t get into it. I always preferred Frost dual wielding anyway because of my character’s rp with her twin Slayers so I’m very happy with this change and hopefully Blizzard don’t revert it back to what it was.

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I’m really enjoying it even with my DK’s shoddy, low-ish crit gear! My last melee experience goes back to when feral was actually a faster spec (before it completely shifted to the dot-side of things), so 2H frost felt a little slow. Dual wield has just the right pace for me and it feels great.

I also hope they keep it this way. I tried it in the beta and it’s even more fun with the Riders of the Apocalypse hero talents! The only real downside is that I’ll need three good weapons if I also want to tank on the side, but that’s manageable.

Okay you can come over then but you need to invite me for a gaming session.

Oh for sure ! I welcome everyone, especially you, and especially for letting me crash in your hood in Stormwind.

Although lately im bussy with other things. But I will come back to wow soon enough .

Send me a PM in discord and il give you my wow ID. That way you know where I am at all times.


Go frost mage! It is fun to play!

I mean did you try cata or vanilla classic?

Asking because if you answer that you prefer either of those 2, then there is a good chance that the answer is that yes, the game has diverged too much from your gaming habits.

Not that this is bad, its way better than to lose your time.

But also keep another things in mind:
Panda remix is NOT a place to try how a spec plays.

  • Mobs die instantly.

  • Your stats either are too low or scale to stupid amounts. You will almost never have a “normal” amount.

  • Balance is non existent, so you never “try” for real to learn a spec to optimize its rotation.

But at the end of the day the difference is:

  • Do you enjoy single mashing 1-3 buttons without really worrying about stuff? this is more of a classic playstyle.

  • Do you enjoy to have a rotation similar to playing guitar hero? Then retail is closer to that.

the problem with a lot of specs is that they often have 1 specific thing that makes them annoying to play.
be it slice and dice, lashing flames whack a mole, flame shock spreading, proc fiahing, tab target bleed applications etc. etc.
often with a removal of 1 mechanic the spec becomes magically instantly 100% more fun.
sometimes they moved in the right direction e.g. targeted earth quake and sometimes the make it worse e.g. tempest or all rogue hero talents lol

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That is so true! I’d enjoy Elemental Shaman if it wasn’t for Flame Shock multi-dotting, which makes the whole thing feel really cumbersome and “un-round”.

Actually, I can’t think of a spec that I’ve tried where this doesn’t apply. Even with the reworked Frost DK, which I do enjoy a ton right now, they just had to leave in the Death and Decay requirement for cleaving. So every M+ run, there are multiple frustrating situations where the tank has to move (or keeps moving even if they don’t have to) and my damage falls off because I’m not standing in DnD and it is on CD.

So it’s always a compromise, with any spec. I don’t understand why it has to be that way, though. The “pain points” of specs and rotations are well known because players bring them up frequently. Just actually playing the specs in meaningful content reveals them too. I can’t imagine anyone doing a key as Elemental and thinking “man, Flame Shock spreading is really fun, it makes the gameplay so much more fluid!”.

Yeah like with the new demonology. You have a talent that makes your dogs do more damage when fiend is out. So what are the cooldowns? In pvp thanks to the master summoner it all lines up. Dogs are on 15 second cd, fiend on 30, tyrant on 60 and grimoire felguard on 120.

But in pve, oh man. In pve dogs are on 20 second cooldown and that 5 second difference just absolutely pisses the hell out of me. Like why do I have to keep the dogs over their cooldown just to line them up with fiend.

I mean it’s probably a nothing burger to most people but to me it’s just beyond annoying and way too many classes have stuff like this buried in their talent trees and rotations.

In new dungeons priest is useless, new dungeons require healers for have good CC and interrupt

How is Fury Button bloat? :smiley: You have literally 5 abilities you actually use in combat. And Arms is complex? Its one of the easiest to play specs in the game.

I am with you saying you dont like any of the classes. I really do. Maybe the game is not for you. But come on. The statements about warrior specs didnt rest your case.

You have your answer right there, this might not be for you. It’s not rocket science.