Now Available on the Shop: The Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur Mount

You two okey? You arguing about asmons ban? xD

Its a temporary 2 week ban.

Vulpera’s always have the last word. :disguised_face:

Which is why the word suspension is the better word to use. When someone says they got banned, now you have to wonder if its perma or not, while a suspension already suggests its temporary. English be hard.

Ahh come on who cares?.. 2 week ban? Suspension? A two week ban or suspension is still a two week ban or suspension.

Indeed, no one said it was permanent ban.

It matters when someone says ‘They got banned’ ok so what does that mean? Temporary or a full ban.

Now if I say ‘They got suspended’ that already clears up any confusion as to if they can come back or not.

Wow was once a game where you paid only for game and subscribtion, and recieve ALL content. Now i paying for the timegates and opportunity to buy a overpriced junk.

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Its not such a big deal… I mean its been clarified what was meant by now no?

Sure, because we had to discuss it further to get to that point. Changing one word would have avoided any confusion, which is my whole point in the first place.

Oof its over now >< both of you walk away and live happily ever after

Shop mounts have been around for ‘ages’. I bought some, but by far not all.
This mount is nothing like gamebraking, its a useful gizmo.

Absolutely disgusting! Greed all the way. I hope you(Blizz) will use that money and invest in new servers because they are trash again!


Maybe you’d have more luck with orctioneer.

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Same thing nicpicking much ?

No. Suspension indicates he is temporarily not allowed on the platform. A ban suggests he is never allowed on the platform. Besides that , you are about 4hrs late to the party.

I am not shocked that ppl would give that kind of money, we are monkeys and we love looking awesome, being special and looked with envy at. What shocks me is that Blizzard is selling it. The greediest thing you’ve done in a long time. Ridiculous. Shameful. Disgraceful.

After releasing this patch in the state it is, with that many bugs, lack of good content, horrible lag and bad optimisation, a few moments later you put a mount that costs 78€ in the shop? Disrespectful to the community.

I really had hopes that you changed. I might have been right, only it might just be the wrong type of change. Only time will tell.

I am very disappointed.

Hardly a party when you got uptight over something that didnt need to be said but i guess you are one of those people who need to feel right

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Ok buddy. You do you. Funny you cant counter my argument though. Peace.

People who for some weird reason finds him entertaining and/or worth listening to :thinking:

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Explains it you are a trump fan .

Not a word i would use :smiley: