Now Available on the Shop: The Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur Mount

Does this mean Blizzard has the money now to hire someone to get our guild bank stuff back?


I have the old longboi and i dont mind that they put this one in.
What i do mind a litle however is that this new one is aprox 1,8 mill gold and the old one was 5 mill.
This is just giving the middle finger to people who bought the mount in BFA for 5 mill.
I farmed 7/8 mill gold in 4 months so it was basicly free for me i never spend 1 dime on it.
However gold tokens back then were 195k so you needed over 20 tokens or between 400/500eu if you wanted to buy it with real life money and that is just a F U from blizz to people who bought it back then imo.
Even if i used it 5 years that still is not equivalent to the 500eu it cost back then for people.
They could atleast give an upgrade for the old one and put a mailbox on it aswell.

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You better disable the /laugh emote too because im gonna spam it when i see someone with it like crazy.

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Rofl… you’ll have your work cut out for you, Dornogal is drowning in them :joy:


78eu is cheap as hell the old longboi was the equivalent of 500+eu back in BFA in goldtokens.
78eu is 1,8 mill gold atm.
This mount is cheap as hell.


Yes. And i agree that is madness.

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What do you think the gilded armour on the brutosaur is made off? See if you look real close on it’s right leg? That’s all your stuff melted into a armour casing mold.

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It really should not matter to us as players, which department is responsible for what.

Imagine going to a 5 star restaurant, you have a great meal, then you go to the toilet, only to see poop smeared on the walls and toilet seat.
You complain to the waiter and he says ‘‘Sorry mate but I don’t clean the toilet, that’s the cleaners job.’’ Would you be cool with that?

We pay Blizzard the company, for a game and a service. So we can expect them to deliver us a quality product.
Now our opinions on store mounts aside, them dropping a patch with a load of bugs, which makes PvP pretty much unenjoyable, along with a 70EUR fomo quality of life mount, is just downright disgusting behavior. On their celebratory 20 year Warcraft anniversary nonetheless.
‘‘Celebrate with us by giving us more money!’’
It just shows a lack of respect to their playerbase, regardless if you can afford it or not.


Hmm if i buy that Brutosaur, will Blizzard send me then my missing guild bank items ?

If I had the gold back then, I’d much rather pay the 5M gold than to pay roughly $100 USD for this mount. The price is just insane.
Inb4 Blizzard soon makes Invincible available for purchase for $50 USD on their shop in the near future.

Gotta love the outrage about this mount.

Meanwhile 99% of the people that own the original brutosaur bought tokens for it :nerd_face:

Sorry you’re not special anymore.


Nooo you don’t understand that was different !

How ?

:woman_shrugging: I dunno.

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Oh dear you say they camped the AH day and night for tokens, killing millions of auctioneers to get some tokens and now you can just buy it from the shop!
What a disgrace!

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People are already getting ripped into, when they take them out ingame xD

The amount of salt from people and the amount of simping is amazing in the say and general chat :smiley:

I called out over 2 weeks ago, that I bet Blizzard would add this mount onto the ingame shop for 50euros, but near 80euros … holy crap that’s an insane price.

If it sells a lot, watch a lot more shop things start to appear for the same price.

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i am the 1% who never spend a dime on it. :slight_smile:


Now take this money, pay your employees, and fix all the bugs in the game, because it’s insane. It’s 2 months after release and there’s still so many bugs.


If someone started a go fund me for you to get it after your help on the forums, I’d be happy to chip in for it to be gifted to you.

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give us the old one this one sucks il gladly forget about you guys removing it,il gladly pay you the 5 mil like nothing ever happened

After removing Mighty Caravan Brutosaur from the vendor, adding The Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur Mount into in game shop is a spit in the face. Just canceled my subscription


It’s too expensive for what it is imo. So I’m not buying it.
I also simply don’t like the aesthetic of that thing, so yeah… :person_shrugging:t3:

Have fun, those people who are willing to fork over the gold and/or cash for it.

The 30 euro 4 mount pack is nice though. :sweat_smile: