Now Available on the Shop: The Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur Mount

The high price is due to the AH and Mailbox part, just like why character services are the price they are, so not too many people abuse the system (in case of AH/mailbox render cities etc. empty).
Downside is: Enough people (me included) have enough loose coin and interest to just take the offer, which tickles the wrong (out of their perspective the right) spots of a companies (in this case Blizzard) moneybags, which can push them towards a way of thinking like you discribed.
But it is just a matter of time when it happens, not if, only when. With or without us boykotting or praising the store or whatever.
This is, sadly, how the world runs.
Hence of course they still hope to get a nice big income through this item, regardless of the intention of the pricing so not too many people buy it.
I mean, the other pack has four mounts for 30€.
Yes, one could argue they priced it so high because they know nearly everybody will buy it because a very lot of people wanted the previous version, but if they’d priced it cheaper they’d probably make even more money as with this price.

So let me get this right. You’re charging $90 for a single model, where you charge < $50 for an entire expansions worth of content?

If people buy this, they must have money to burn, because there’s no value here. If it was $15 or something with the promise of a chunk going to charity, then whatever, but $90 for a single mount? No thanks. For shame.


It makes me laugh at the people defending by saying its waaay cheaper than the long boi. If Blizzard made a mount worth 10 million gold, Would you find it acceptable for them to put a mount in the store for 180eu?

Such a silly argument. If you want to buy it, thats fine, but defending this action because its cheaper than the long boi is crazy.


So much hate meanwhile in game.


The whole expansion is ~400$ - you need the subscription to see any of the 50$ you put up front :wink:

The price is definitely way up there, and I wasn’t too keen about spending this much on a single item. After reading a few topics and especially complaints from entitled, gatekeeping individuals, I’m getting it for sure.
If it wasn’t for years of trolling - blocking NPCs, mailboxes and other points of interest, dismounting or running away when someone approached to use AH - Blizz would make a lot less with this scheme.

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You gonna buy! xD

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Holy cheese, that’s a lot of tokens then :open_mouth: Source please. It sounds like a very interesting read.

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AH and mailbox but no vendor?

And you realise those different departments belong to the same company, right?

I’m from Turkey, with our currency, I bought this from 32,20 € (1194 TL). Considering people talking about 75€ and 90$, I’m happy <3.
I don’t think I’ll get a deal like that ever again. So, buy this if you’re from Turkey, no question.
Since our income and general economy as a country is in ruins like that, shop is properly set for us.

Blatant Pay 2 Win… Disgusting.

Well, with the wow token any mount you can buy for gold is basically a store mount. So I am not extra angry about that however I would have appreciated to have it bought in game via gold just for the better PR (effect would have been the same, blizz!).

What REALLY bugs me as an owner of the original Bronto is that the new one has more features AND is SOOO much cheaper. I mean - 5 mio gold vs 1.8 mio (you need 6 tokens in € to pay for the mount with battle net balance)! Plus: Now only available via BMAH for much more (guess no one is gonna buy this now anymore).

It really puts me off from playing the game. This was really an a**hole move, blizz!

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I also believe it to be untrue. I own the original and did not buy one token for it.

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I find this mount way too massive to be likable, I bought it only because of Auction House (mail is a nice bonus)

I feel sorry for folk who want but cannot afford this mount.

I feel not sorry for those, who had been selling old Brutosaur to players for inflated price of millions of gold or worse, real money currency (far more expensive than 80 USD).


Talking to designer team and marketing team of World of Warcraft.

So if this model was from Chris Metzen’s pen, I would believe it would be worth 78€, but when it’s not, it’s not. It is a very simple model and its frame is exactly the same as the previous longneck model, so what is it worth 78€? ( Current price of it ) Mount itself isn’t even unique, it doesn’t even have the stamp of any artist, which would be really cool if you could see something like this. Like if this had been designed by Chris Metzen, it would have value in terms of style.

  • He is very known artist

However, I would say that 45€ would be closer to the right price. Graphically this template is really simple, there are hardly any effects that would increase its value to pay 78€ for it. That’s all I have, of course it’s useful and I’m sure a few bot companies will buy it because it will speed up their game even more.

Btw just a reminder about gambling and store mounts. You have players already enough addicted to the game, add more candy and these players will fall even deeper into their addiction.

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So now you can put everything you said never coming back in shop so we can buy it? :smiley:
All classic mounts
all classic tmog
MOP/WOD CMs everything put it there so i can buy it cheap
You did it with bear now you did it with brutosaur
so when you do this do it all the way not just pick one of the things

BTW original brutosaur was around 500 euros back then because token was not even close

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Shameless 78 euro for a pixel item. For that price it should have had EVERYTHING: Transmog, AH, mail, guild vault, warband bank, Repair and General Goods vendor and even then it would be a shameless price.
Too bad you don’t know what it means to feel ashamed.
I can go and buy myself an ENTIRE game for less.


Let’s be honest, you don’t have to buy it.
I will :slight_smile:


yeah, but then you don’t get to gloat on the forums about it

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HAHAHA me too - grabing some popcorn: let them haters and mimimi-ppl come :smiley: