NPC's using pronouns

Hey everyone,

I’ve recently noticed that NPCs in the game are referring to my character (Male, Night Elf) with “they” pronouns instead of “he/him.” It’s a bit jarring and makes me feel uncomfortable, as I prefer my character to be addressed with male pronouns.

Is there an option to change this in the settings, or has this become the new default for everyone? Thanks in advance.


It really should be a choice somewhere in the options.


You aren’t alone

Unfortunately the datamined options never seem to have made it to the game either.


Just going to grab some popcorn, as we know how this thread is going to turn out!

In before someone says they want to be referred too as a toaster or an apache helicopter! :smiley:


I’d say I somewhat care about this but I’m more curious how they’d incorporate this choice into the game without breaking the 4th wall.

I’m pretty sure singular “they” has been used for ages in warcraft, it’s a pretty wide spread gender-neutral pronoun that has been used in english for literal centuries.

one joke.


If they were misgendering me i would be annoyed.
But using a generic gender neutral term isnt an issue imo.
I would wager it gets used irl more often than gendered terms are.


Exactly and yet some muppets can’t handle that


Seriously, sometjing this trivial makes you uncomfortable?


Don’t believe everything you read on Google :wink:

Especially when you pretty much 90% did a copy & paste of the top search result :stuck_out_tongue:

I won’t give my personal opinion on why those results are showing up, as I don’t want to be banned from these forums and I know how easily some people can be offended by facts.

But overall, I don’t see a problem with how the game is currently. I think any further depth to provide a dialogue change to say she/he/they/them/ze/zer/potato will only generate more negative attention towards Blizzard and that small community of individuals, who want this kind of thing.

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First world problems.


Yeah, speaking as a gay guy who has fought pretty hard to highlight how gay men are not one big hive mind I loathe anything that tries to erode away distinct references to men and women.

The use of ‘they’ - especially by individuals who have known someone for a long period of time - is very awkward to read. Not to mention immersion breaking.

By all means add additional options without taking existing options away as a sensible compromise. Though I’ve noticed even NPC’s with a distinct gender are being randomly referred to as ‘they’ in certain quests even though it doesn’t make much sense to do so.

If it were truly so trivial then there wouldn’t be efforts to change the existing trends.

To say nothing of the hypocrisy of people wanting the game to be ‘more inclusive’ even as it becomes less inclusive to those of us who have some pretty good reasons to speak up about this kind of thing.


Interestingly enough, in TWW I think they tried to avoid talking about your character in the third person most of the times. I can only remember 2-3 times when it happened.

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You know how this thread will turn out but you’re also the first one to start that kind of thing.

Edit: Sorry for the double post, I can’t find a way to multi quote people.

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Haha I love this. More of diversity for this game please. I need reasons to stop play this trash.


I mean… I just use they for like, everyone, because its a gender neutral pronoun.

And if I know the person I refer to them by name 95% of the time.

You can highlight the text and press qoute, and it will well, qoute, just have the comment box open !


I certainly believe the oxford english dictionary website over some random on the wow forums.


As someone who suffers from multiple personality disorder it’s actually quite comforting to finally have the others be recognized.


Personally I download all knowledge I know from wikipedia, the best and most trusted source :smirk:

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I think it’s best I avoid this thread for the time being, as I really want to correct you so badly, but again I know how easily people can be offended.

So I wish you and everyone all the best!

Have fun in WoW.