NPC's using pronouns

I take it that the video evidence has also been edited with AI? :wink:

At the end of the day, what is inappropriate is called out and should be by all side of the spectrum.

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No but likely taken out of context. Sites like that loves doing so.

Such as filming an entirely separate event and then claim its part of the main thing they are targeting.

And it does. The issue is that people seem to think that simply being gay or trans means you’re automatically overtly sexual.

When that is a flat out lie.

I mean… Not really, look how big of a pushback there has been for gay marriage, as an example in certain countries, no rights taken away, only added, and yet people started to act like society was going to collapse.

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You’re 100% correct.

Just like any community, the smallest percentage are always the loudest and normally the worst part of said community.

Possibly the most reasonable post I’ve seen around this issue - thanks.

Actually your real problem is that if someone wanted to defame these groups and make them more hated, he’d do exactly what major corporations are doing.

Openly go overboard with inclusiveness, then exercise strict moderation to anger as many people as possible. But whatever. Surely you guys won the argument in this thread so people who’d like the option for extra immersion in this roleplay game have to abide by the oppression of the oppressed.


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If you seriously think that being referred to as a gender neutral term in a video game equates being oppressed then you are absolutely unhinged.

It’s not an agenda. They is used singularly if the gender is u known or talking generally. If someone ask have you seen this person both yeah he’s at work or yeah they’re at work are both grammatically correct.

That’s a different issue - that is cultural in those countries (and dare I say it religions).

Generally, most tolerant (by western standards) people are aligned with more freedom of choices.

It’s still very relevant to the example given. As it was just people in this example. And rights, not beliefs.

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rules for thee but not for me.

i think my IQ was reduced by being here and reading this nonsense about “they”.

Well I did say at the very beginning of this thread, I know how it’s going to turn out, and I wasn’t wrong.

I’m going to now read the Magna Carta to see if they use “they” as gender-neutral term. Seeing as people are throwing out wild claims that hundreds of years ago, pronouns were as relevant as they are in today’s society.

I think in cases like this one (which I believe are usually the cases that people are mostly against.) we have to understand who really is at fault. It’s not the people asking for these things, it’s just corporate trying to chase a trend. Having “body 1” and “body 2” is the bare minimum of what they could have done, so they settled for that. Now there’s no need change it or make it better, it’s not a feature that has a priority so they won’t bother.


Yeah, I didn’t say it wasn’t relevant, I just added a bit of perspective - although there will be extremes on both ends (as always).

No. This thread is nothing more than a cretinous “whataboutism”. The goal of this thread is to highlight the perceived double-standard of having to respect trans people’s pronouns while not having their own respected.

You will not be able to engage any of these people in good faith they are being intentionally dense. :person_shrugging:

Cite, please?

I first tripped across it in Shadowlands, with cases like “The Master of Their Craft”. Feels very weird and alienating to me.

So do you have anything before that?

The plural form is used when the sex of the referent is unknown, like Alewin’s example “Someone dropped their keys outside, I’ll leave them at the reception desk for them to pick up.”


Why can’t we just have both?

Have both what?

sits on the edge of his seat

Both “they” and “he/she” as options.