NPC's using pronouns

There is no propaganda. It’s literally just “Hey we’d like to exist”.

God didn’t you know Vixi ? They’re using the gay propaganda to make you…

checks list

Use a pronoun ?

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This is exactly it. They already had a bias and hatred in the first place, and any chance they get they’ll dismiss and harass us until we grow silent. But I won’t, because I have a shiny spine. They can get over it because I’m not going back to the times when people just offed themselves or lived completely shunned from society. We gotta keep speaking up to ensure our rights are protected.

I get their reasonings, it plainly is that equality feels like oppression when you’re already at the top. But more rights for others doesn’t mean less rights for them: it isn’t cake.

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No. I am not. Do learn to read what I write and context clues before you reply to me again, thank you.

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You’re never going to get it to change back, there are a lot of activists working on the team for the game who are passionate about this sort of gender neutral thing, they’d fully have pronouns in the game if it was within the scope of the budget and given the go-ahead by the suits.

There was massive backlash over the body type 1/2 thing, and it’s still in the game.

i’m pretty certain some npcs in DF has referred my female orc as a she/her multiple times

They can’t say that they don’t like it because I haven’t talked to them at that point, otherwise I’d know they’re a girl. For someone who assumes as much as you there’s quite a lack in logic.

I’m an average consumer of digital news, and do you know what my very first brush with LGBT… was, when I was in my teens? A parade in the street that involved lots of leather, skin showing and children.

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The guys that scream about how “pronouns doesn’t matter etc” get fuming if you you don’t refer to them as their respected one.

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Weird, because a vast majority of Pride shows and parades are not as sexualized as you claim.

Very few are.

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The funniest ones are the ones that complain that people use pronouns while they daily say he / she. :')

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I mean I very directly told you I didn’t like it, and your response was to claim that I was accusing you of things and then said that you really didn’t think it was a big deal anyway.

In what way? Because usually people DO care about their gender.

Trans people also care about their gender, otherwise they wouldn’t try so hard to change themselves so they can be more comfortable, both in looks and the way other people look at them.

Non-binary people don’t care, and they are the ones that really want “they” in singular fashion.

So who exactly is this for? If we assume that trans people are a very small minority, then non-binary people are even a smaller minority.

Gender does matter, it won’t stop mattering just because some people don’t like it.

In the context of what I wrote, i.e going to the store, the gender of a person does not matter on the action they’re doing, i.e, buying groceries.

As many others have stated some agency for the player to assign pronouns to their character that can be injected into quest text, and NPC chat / dialogue in the same way that the characters race is, or even the character name would be very welcome by way of a dropdown similar to titles.

Let’s be inclusive wherever we can, and it would be nice if Blizzard could swing the pendulum to better balance the whole playerbase, and not be too jarring for either side of the debate. Inclusivity means EVERYBODY.

They/them right now is as ubiquitous as “champion” / “hero” - however:

One observation I would make is that - they/them is perfectly normal in the case of referring to a group where there are multiple persons involved - e.g. the plural form, like when you’re going into a scenario with NPCs. – dialogue where this is the case is fine to be hard coded as plural They/them.

I think that if they could revert the dialogue options to follow gender in the same way they did with the body type toggle previously that would be one way, but that would require decoupling it from the artwork element, and therefore implementing a second toggle that affected only the graphical elements of body-type - that would have no effect on any dialogue anywhere. However I appreciate this would not work for those who may want a non-binary gender assignment and neutral pronouns. Blizz could maybe have that toggle for dialogue be either way, or completely they/them/neutral if not toggled explicitly into a pronoun type. i.e make everyone they/them unless they opt into something different (which could be completely contrary to body type for those that may want to have a male body type, but use female pronouns or vice versa).

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I agree with it if the gender is unknown. Because calling someone a he when they are a she can be considered misgendering.

However, I don’t think gender is irrelevant when we know what gender the person is. Who decides that?


I think you’ll find most people don’t have an issue with more rights for others, they have issue with less rights for themselves. Elevating someone should not come at the expense of someone else or you will naturally end up in combat.

For example Taking away Male and Female from the game and putting in body 1 and 2 make some people feel their identity is heard, but in it’s place you’re taking away someone elses that identifies as male or female. As soon as you start stripping away things instead of adding in things, you’re always going to end up with an antagonistic relationship.

As it’s been said before the best choices is to allow people to chose pronouns instead of blanket taking away pronouns in favour of a neutral one. If the argument is that pronouns are so damaging on the psyche when they’re miss used. Then taking the pronoun away from someone that identifies as that is damaging too.


A lot of heterophobic behaviour going on, in this thread! … just pointing it out!


Well, again, I’m just telling you what reaches the average person. If you want to label everyone as bigots because they dislike what corporate media is doing…feel free to do so.

That’s still not the point…

Going to the grocery store, is an action,

The gender in this context is irrelevant to the action.

My problem is that it is not what reaches the average person, nor is it some conspiracy from “Corporate media”.

It is far more likely that you stumbled onto a far-right news site that was trying to spread misinformation and hate, and got caught up in thinking it was real news.

That is extremely common unlike what you said.