NPC's using pronouns

Because you’d have to triple the amount of recorded voice lines that reference the player character wasting storage on the end user and potential inconsistency in line delivery between recordings.

it’s a waste of resources.

That isn’t a problem for other games. Most of the lines in this game aren’t even recorded either. The few times I encountered a situation where my character was called “they” was in side quests.

This game is also an RPG. And the biggest MMO on the market.

That said, this is something they were doing a lot prior Dragonflight anyway, and as we know now they have a bigger budget.

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Bigger budget, but fewer employees due to budget cuts :wink:

There are millions upon millions of lines of text (in multiple languages) that has been reviewed by people and then changed to add a her/she/he/him/they/them/ze/zer etc because we know that some people will get extremely offended if they finally add those select pronouns, but haven’t added the multiple others, which are created on a daily basis.

It would end up with Blizzard being branded as transphobic, if they don’t add those others.

So it would have to be the job of some unlucky soul to continue to update/edit the pronoun list.

It would honestly be a waste of time & money from Blizzard to even consider doing something of that scale, when they’re in the market to make money for the whole community of gamers.

Also lets face it as well, the vast majority of us do not even read the text in quests, it’s just a select few.

It’s literally so common that use of neutral pronouns is the standard in games with
character creation but like I said earlier there’s literally no point engaging with you people.

This isn’t a case of ignorance, you do this very intentionally.

They didn’t go back to change the other lines of texts that were in the game since 2004. They don’t have to do it if they end up adding options because they’d just need to change it for future content, just like how they did for Dragonflight.

TWW has one of the best campaigns AND side quests that have been in the game in a long time. They didn’t do this for “just a select few”.

No, you’re just assuming that I have some ulterior motive. I’m not surprised because people on social media and some of the posts here too are bad, and I’m not sure what the OP is thinking, but what I literally want is a choice.

Also I’m not sure why you say that “this isn’t a case of ignorance?” I’m not ignorant of the issues the LGBT community is facing, and I’m not pretending that I am or anything. Again, that’s just your assumption. PunyElf linked the thread I made some time ago, near the start of this one. I’d like to think that I’m asking for something that’s pretty fair.

Edit: Don’t group me up with the kind of people that just see “they/them” pronouns and lose their minds, I’m not.


I would love if Blizzard would start referring my character as an undead because that is what Death Knights are for Shadow’s Sake.

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My character is an oldman, not once have I been referred too as Grandpa :cry:

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100%. As I said the younger generation are pulling away from the “woke” agenda, I know it’s a poor term but it’s pretty much an understandable umbrella term. With the youth pulling away from it it a pretty sizable number, you watch how fast these corps turn on the LGTBQ+A whatever you want to add identity as soon as they don’t believe it’s beneficial. They never cared.

Which is why the people in said LGTBQA+whatever you want, community should be actually trying to be open and friendly with what they describe as hetro normatives, because we’re going to be the ones fighting for you when the corps turn on you when it’s covenant for them. So to those in the chat who have been vitriolic please keep that in mind, it should never be us against them in regard to one another.


I’m actually interested and horrified as to what the next trend will be with the upcoming generation, which I believe is being referred too as “Gen Alpha”

Stuff like using body type 1 and body type 2, and using “they” as a singular for everyone is simply “woke” company policy. Flag me all you want and stone me in the replies, but its what things are, and both “sides” of the arguement admit its simply profitable company policy hiding behind fake morality.


Beware my dead friend, I can’t protect you with my spell on this forum 'caus … you re dead :dracthyr_comfy_sip:


oh boy you used the “W” word. u are not prepared for what is coming.

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As long as I don’t hear them saying "Don’t have a cow man! to me I will be ok

I am a mighty Tauren, I shall not be milked!

/moooooo :cow:

Most likely rather right wing and conservative and traditionalist, western society goes through flips every 20 years or so from hard left to hard right and vice versa. You get about 5-10 years of centralists and it’s pretty chill most people are happy then it keeps swinging, then counterswing.

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I think the diagnosis is “REEEEEEEEEE”.

I m actually laughing in my office thinking about a remastered “Donald J trump is now the president of the USA - NOOOOOOOOOOOO” But with “Elon musk is now the new CEO of Blizzard Entertainment - NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” on the forums :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Technically you aren’t a male. the moment they made it body type 1 and 2 they transformed you into a transgender.

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Stop it, this is a game not real life and blizzard pls focus into the fantasy world in the game as that’s the core idea. Keep the living outside world out of WOW.

I just don’t care about anything else than good working characters in the game storywise, i don’t have to feel i’m part of the story anyway. I don’t have to identify as they or theirs.
That’s my only rant towards the expansion. This is not needed in a video game or in the fantasy series. I’m a big fan of J.R.R. Tolkien and you know what the story of Lord of the Rings doesn’t have to change a bit that it works. It’s so good, so my rant is focus into creating a story as good as Tolkien and we play this game gladly with enjoyment.


I will just say, FFXIV exists in the same era as wow today. They use He/Him for male characters and She/Her for female in all conversations, throughout the story. Even voice lines use those two pronouns. It isn’t an issue there. And yea, there probably are ppl who would want They/Them but they aren’t many and it would make no sense catering to such a minority. But…we do in WoW for some reason.

I want my Nelf to be refered to as a She/Her as I’m a woman irl as well, but…I don’t get that option. Am I bothered by it in-game? Maybe a lil bit, but okay. The game can’t know if I’m a boy or a girl outside of the game. But, I am playing a girl in the game. The NPCs see that. I’m standing in front of them with boobs and long hair and a female voice. Yet they still say ‘They’? Why? It’s almost like they are being intentionally ignorant. That is what bothers me, the non-logic. Then give us an androgynous body type or something. Then ppl who want that can pick it.


If I had to develop WoW in any capacity (which I dont), I would also use gender neutral pronouns with NPCs.

Because it avoids having to have 2 voice lines (him/her) for every single toon and interaction they have with players.

Its a LOT of NPCs you can talk to by the way. So cutting all that dialoge in half is not a small thing.