NPC's using pronouns

ur 100% a furry


There is no “choice” to reject reality outside your door.

At least not a healthy one.

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I’m talking about having the choice to pick whichever pronoun you want for your character thus changing the dialogue that npc’s use…

I’m not opposed to that, i responded to this:

which was a follow up to this:

Choosing pronouns is a fine option. Choosing “not to deal with that gender politics stuff” can literally not be an option in a video game. How would it even work?

if I could decide, I’d just put a “they/them” checkbox in character select, where male/female turns into body 1/2, if you tick it, and then it’s already solved imo


but they wont be trans then

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Just completed the Fearbreaker questline and when Moira referred to my character as “they” it honestly broke the whole immersion setup. Idk, it’s not even cringe, it’s just…why? I don’t want the game to make me think about gender-neutral pronounces in the middle of overpowered-family-hammer-chasing questline.

I’m usually against this whole “duh DEI woke agenda in muh game” screeching but this honestly is huge overkill, especially when most of the times the game uses regular “champion”, “outlander”, “friend” stuff and then all of a sudden decides to call me “them”. Stuff like this makes me want to read the quests less, and that’s a bit sad.

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That simply isn’t true at all, as explained in an earlier post of mine:

There’s certain posters who make it pretty clear that they do not want a choice to be present as it would prevent them from attempting to force these changes on absolutely everybody.

The people pushing this stuff tend to be terminally online and are rarely encountered in the real world, thankfully. At least in my experience. So no, this stuff isn’t ‘outside the door’ of many people, I’d wager.

I’d also note as a gay guy that even amongst the supposed minorities that these changes are supposed to appeal to there are many of us who oppose it, or at least expect a compromise.

If some people want to have their gender respected than that respect needs to go both ways and there needs to be an understanding that not everybody agrees with or sees it as ‘flexible’ or something to erode away to the point of what increasingly comes across as dehumanising language.

I’m male. A guy. Not ‘Body Type 1’ or ‘Body Type A’. Or ‘They’ for that matter.

So my personal preference is to referred to explicitly in male terminology, including the characters that I make.

There’s also merit to the idea of it being unwise to push and push and push against established norms in society without ever attempting to make concessions or agree to disagree. For various reasons, not in the least due to the risk of the pendulum swinging hard in the opposite direction.

As has been the case in every other period when too much change happened in too short a period of time.


I am english.
I know how i speak and how others in this country speak.
It is very much true.

“What time will susy be home?”
“Theyll be about 15 minutes”

Thats how i talk.
That’s how everyone i know talks.

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The anti-woke crowd arent exactly the brightest.

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That sounds very cold to me. Like as if you are on professional terms.


Yeah but you also said youre not a native speaker and your country talks different.
Different cultures and all that :stuck_out_tongue:

As am I.

It isn’t how people I know talk. Especially when referring to someone they explicitly know the gender of. Doubly so when there’s a close connection!



Well maybe different parts of england are different.
Im from the south.

My condolences. :pensive:

All this stuff reminds me of a scene from scrubs when turk gets a little manbag and he’s crying in the bathroom on the floor

I am a MAN! and a man does not carry a purse /rocks back a forward

Youtube -Scrubs Turk Is Very Sensitive About His Manliness

I also hate this. My character doesn’t use they/them.

Frankly I’ve been actively listening to english/american media for over 35 years and I’ve never heard someone use “they” for like the first 20-ish.

It makes some sense to use it when you don’t know the person’s gender but in most NPC conversations I’m standing right there in front of them.

I wouldn’t say this makes or breaks my immersion, but I find it…weird :slight_smile:


i wonder why this topic got instant flag*
:thinking: :thinking:

Because some opinons are more correct than others.

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