NPC's using pronouns

I’m from the north.

those weak weirdos are getting offended so easy lmao


You’re saying it tongue in cheek, but it’s true. Not all opinions are equal, some are in fact quite stupid.

True, very true. Stupid doesn’t mean you should flag it though. I think the flag feature should be removed, replaced with a downvote feature.

Not perse, no. If it also breaks the ToS, flag it.

And calling people names will get you flagged as well.
It’s not about being offended; it’s about not wanting hatred spreading here (and the rules are very clear, so if you break them; expect to be flagged).

True. Some opinions are based on facts. Those tend to be more correct (objectively speaking) than opinions based on feelings, for instance. Not always, but usually.

I mean, whatever, the flag feature is just a moderation tool.

It’s not like it’ll land you in jail or anything.

Flagging isn’t a “I don’t like it” button. Abusing it should definitely incur punishment.


These clowns can’t accept logic they just cry when it’s something they don’t like. They don’t understand that pronouns are simply a part of language

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And how would you decide when someone is abusing it?

Also, you don’t have to explain, I know how it works and I didn’t flag OP.

It isn’t, no.
But that sentiment goes both ways. There’s abusers of this feature on all sides of various arguments. I guess because it’s easier to hide someone’s post than to debate them on why you think they’re wrong/bad/toxic, etc.

They’re not trans you absolute …

and how the OP post is against TOS or is something negative by simply not want the pronouns thing? He just said that he s feeling uncomfortable and prefer to be addressed with male pronouns. And asking if there s and option in settings? HOW is that a reason to flag his post?

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You can’t, that’s the only reason 80% of people in this thread aren’t banned.

Are you a linguist?

The first written use of the singular ‘they’ dates back to the 1300s, and given that words tend to be spoken before they are committed in writing, it’s likely its use could predate that.

Some linguists in the 18th century took a harsh stance on the singular they, and the Chicago Manual of Style still does, but the singular ‘they’ has been commonly used for a long time, especially if some linguists two centuries ago got a bee in their bonnet about it.

Do you take issue with using ‘you’ as a plural?

I’m not saying it was against the ToS.
I wasn’t responsible for flagging the OP.

I find it weird that it makes them uncomfortable, but that’s not a flag worthy reason.

I think too many people on this forum are just sick and tired of the same topics coming up again and again. It doesn’t make flagging a post for no reason okay, don’t get me wrong. I’m just trying to think of a reason why people would lash out at a thread like this.

I’ve already shared my view on this numerous times. I think choice would be good. Because THAT is inclusive; you give people the choice to give characters their own pronouns. In theory, wouldn’t that make everybody happy?

Pretty sure in the 14th century it was middle english, not the english we use today. Also fairly certain they didn’t use they. Then again the word man used to me both male and female, so it’s kinda silly using a language that functionally doesn’t exist as it’s structures changed so much, to try and prove you point.

That being said, I honestly never noticed them calling me they in game, wouldn’t really care if they did. Anything is better than Hero or Champion.


if playerGender == BodyType1 then
player:SendUnitSay(“Hello, sir!”,0)
elseif playerGender == BodyType2 then
player:SendUnitSay(“Hello, ma’am!”,0)

This ignores the fact that the English in use today evolved from Middle English. Languages do not work like software, with hard version changes that can completely rewrite the rules of language overnight. Linguistic change happens over centuries, but to suggest that Middle English is a wholly other language is incorrect. The Canterbury Tales are written in Middle English and are still largely readable, even if you have little exposure to Middle English.

The point of my comment was the assertion that the use of a pronoun, typically used to refer to a collective or group, instead being used to refer to a singular individual dates back centuries. It is not some new subversive rule-bending brought in the ‘woke overlords’, which is always the subtext when ‘they’ is discussed.

It’s also not used commonly enough in modern english to justify forcing it on everyone, without any choice. You’re only for it because it aligns with your agenda, and you’d strip us from affecting something that’s only visible on our own screen. :slight_smile:


Oxford and Cambridge says they did. You basically have Oxford and Cambridge defending the singular they and ye, as long as both of them don’t change their stance you won’t see any real change here on a worldwide scale.

They don’t need a justification. Its their game.