NPC's using pronouns

The little murloc memories you save in Dragonblight during the TWW pre patch event do that. They call you ma ma if your char is female and da da if your char is male.

Hastely hiȝed eche . . . þei neyȝþed so neiȝh . . . þere william & his worþi lef were liand i-fere.

Yeah you can definitely read that with just an understanding of modern English.
That’s the example by the way of they being used as a singular in the 14 century. Even then it’s debatable that it’s referring to they in the singular. As the prior statement is referring to multiple people.

Again I don’t care if they do have they in the singular in WoW. Just saying using Middle English as an example of Modern English is not a great argument IMO.

A lot of languages still use old versions of their language as their basis. Or even completely different languages it evolved from.

No. Because they have those ‘names’ for a reason.
They’re not considered male/female at the moment.

Just choice. Don’t be greedy.

Sure but lets not pretend that English in the overarching sense, is a normal language. it’s like 4 languages in a trenchcoated and a hat pretending to be a single language. That then completely changed in a different language.

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You mean like pretty much all of europe? All our languages are a massive mess.

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I’m not arguing with blizzard, but with people whose only argument in the past was “I don’t like how this is” and who are now against a change that would improve the game experience of others without affecting theirs.

Not quite like english. Mainly because it’s a much newer language. It’s derived from Latin Franch, German, Celt and Nordic. And from Old English, to Middle English, to Modern English, Grammar and Word definitions changed massively. Again Man used to mean both male and female.

I’ve interpreted the sudden implementation of using they/them as a catch-all so they can hardcode dialogue instead of doing lookups.


This makes sense.

This is a poor argument, by your logic, if its making things bad for you not being called they, then it makes it bad for others to be called they. The only acceptable position in your argument would be make it optional. But I’m with Galander, it makes coding easier to screw who cares.

I’ve said this in my threat too but, if a game like Starfield which has every single dialogue voiced, can have 3 different versions because of 3 different pronouns, then WoW can do it too.

And again, a game like Call of Duty did it too for it’s campaign once.

thats very offensive in fact…

using, by force and without choice, to call the player with “they” suggests that the player has dissociative identity disorder (DIT)

I m alone in my head and I dont want to be called by “they”


I’m also for making it optional and it would make zero problems in coding since the framework has been in place for 20 years.

Well placeholders aren’t hard to implement and replace, it is probably because it does literally cover every scenario with no effort. I think we need a Venn diagram of where different pronouns fit. He/she is equivalent to they, which also covers the plural. And then there’s them. But with modern pronoun requirements having he/she would cause an issue to those who object to them.

However I’ve ever seen anyone have a hissy fit in reverse, this whole topic sounds like nonsense.

They didn’t fully implement that though and gave everyone the worst of both worlds.

Of course, I agree completely.

I’m just speculating that it could have been done this way because WoW’s 20-year old spaghetti-code made it infinitely easier to deal with.

I have no basis for this other than personal speculation though.

I can guarantee you that most germans won’t be able to understand Plattdeutsch or even its newer variant. And that one is way younger than middle english. Plattdeutsch is to High German what old english is to modern english (a mess of people who can’t speak)

That isnt english exclusive. Pretty much everyone couldnt converse if they get yeeted a couple centuries into the past.

It still does dependent on context. Mankind is just more commonly used is all because it avoids confusion.

Why are so many twisting reality…

Yes, they is used singular
Yes, gendered pronouns are used a lot more.

At the same time, why are you making fun of people wanting to be He/Him & She/Her. It is completely normal and what the majority are.
If one would mock people for they/them or whatever then it is a problem? Kinda hypocritical no?

I am all for choice… but that doesn’t mean to me: you take away my pronouns and gender (the lame body 1 and 2 I mean with that).

Now are these big problems for me? No, not at all. But I think it doesn’t make a good example or an easier acceptance of LGBTQIA+ movement… to annoy hete-ro’s (Blizzard wth is wrong with you censoring that word?) with taking these things away is not the way.

Advocate for more choice, now that is progressive and a way forward. Taking away things isn’t.


Take your accusations and assumptions of my politics or ‘agenda’ and stick them where the sun doesn’t shine. You know precisely nothing about me or what my personal beliefs are. Get in the bin with that crap.

The singular they has been commonly used for as long as I have been alive, which I’d bet is longer than the majority on these forums. Someone asking for its use to specifically refer to them is newer, but the general use of they as singular is not recent.

I would prefer my character in game is referred to as ‘he’ or ‘she’, and would advocate for an option in the settings to allow players to decide. I have always been an advocate for options. But I’m not so sensitive as to make these things my entire personality and cry on the forums. It’s dialogue in a video game that has never been renowned for its storytelling. Pick better hills to die on.

I don’t know if that’s true I’m fairly Certain other than turns of phrase and idioms French and German haven’t changed massively in the last few centuries.