NPC's using pronouns

People that mock them deserve to be as banned. However given the history of this forum most of it is rage bait and people respond according to that.

And Blizzard won’t change it because it would mean additional cost for voicelines.

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So you agree with the concept but don’t want it implemented because…you don’t care? Right :slight_smile:

No… Because they can be use for a single person.

“Where did Rebecca go ?”

“They went to the store.”

they is for plural, isnt?

the correct sentence is “She went to the store”

Exactly Blizzard is cheap, they always go for the laziest options.
Meanwhile ESO has a fully voiced game and has less players. Shows you how cheap they are.

Not only, no, they are often used if you don’t know someone. A more proffessional term.

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And you would be surprised how wrong you are. Go up to a German and speak Plattdeutsch. You will be looked at like you’re from outer space because the odds you find someone capable of speaking that is astronomically low.

ESO is a better RPG yes. But not exactly a good mmo.

Fair, quick google and I’m clearly wrong on that then. I thought German had remained un changed for quite some time. Weird that it’s still a living language. By comparison pretty much the only people that speak Middle English are only doing so for the purposes of reading old text.

That is besides the point, Zenimax can spend a lot of money on voice actors… which makes Microsoft King Activision Blizzard look even worse and cheaper.

Yeah this was always my issue with ESO. On Paper I should love it but it just doesn’t hit home to me.

Its not much better for Mittelhochdeutsch (medival times). You can make out some words ye sure (same for old english) but most of it is gibberish to a german of todays time.

It is not weird. This applies to pretty much all languages. Languages are always evolving.

Cambridge and Oxford at least arent saying that people still speak middle english. They are saying it existed (cambridge expands this with some other example for modern time which I dont neccesarily agree with but they are the dictionary, not me). And languages are still using old versions of their language as a basis or even dead languages like for us latin based languages.

are you sure about that ? sounds like a woke stuff

I never heard about that and teachers told me that I can use any singular pronoun for someone I don t know.

She for a woman
He for a man

they is for plural

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I mean a living language in the sense of still being used by people. As opposed to Middle english which is only really used in a scholarly sense.

I would also say that Cambridge and Oxford now allow for literally to mean figuratively because we have allowed the language to be reduced to the lowest possible standard. So we’re not on speaking terms right now. :rofl:

It isnt. They are both run by companies in the end. They wanna make money. ESO as an RPG and WoW as an MMO. They don’t do it for the love of their fans (especially not Bethesda and Blizzard lol)

It’s been used since the 14th centuary. So no. It’s not.

I’m sure some people have used it, maybe even literature. But in the spoken english in media (that most people use to learn languages) this hasn’t been present until the last decade or so.
That’s why many of us instantly picked it up when NPCs started doing it and found it sounds really awkward.

Mate, what the hell are you on about.

ESO is an MMO.
WoW is an MMO.

I swear you younger MMO players are a weird bunch.

ESO is a terrible MMO. Its a good RPG. We already established that.

WoW is a terrible RPG but a good MMO.

Odds are high I’m as old or older than you mate.
