NPC's using pronouns

Just because YOU think it is a terrible MMO doesn’t make it an RPG. It is an MMORPG.
You might be older but I doubt you played MMO’s as early as me. I’m not young either.

There’s been abit of a switch in design philosophies, generally people don’t make MMORPG’s anymore, they make MMO’s set in fantasy worlds. The difference is there’s next to no RPG elements in modern MMO’s. ESO is following the older approach of focusing on RPG elements. I believe that’s what Kretias is pointing to.


Not just my own opinion mate. But hey, you’re free to love the game. What I said stands though and you already disqualified yourself to continue this conversation as soon as you tried to use the age card.

Keep believing that buddy.

And how do you refer to a person you don’t know the gender of?

You guess based on their name or the context. Or “he” in case of the Internet/gaming.

But to circle back to the topic at hand, once someone’s identity has been established there’s no reason I’d refer to them as “they”. And that’s not me being rude or intolerant, it’s just the type of English that’s embedded in me.
And we’re talking about NPCs standing 2 meters from me.

Alright, well, personally I think using singular “they” is a much better option than guessing or assuming.

omfg you cant be serious

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by the phone is the person has a female voice and introduced herself as Rebecca

then its She

I mean it literally says it here…

“The singular “they” has existed for hundreds of years, but it was long condemned as grammatically incorrect.” Even if others “Deemed” it incorrect, doesn’t mean it is.

For example…

A Comedy of Errors
" There’s not a man I meet but doth salute me
As if I were their well-acquainted friend

and Hamlet from Shaklespeare…
" 'Tis meet that some more audience than a mother, since nature makes them partial, should o’erhear the speech"

calm down, night sister :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

we need to keep our zen mindset
do not deal with anger :dracthyr_crylaugh:

(I know its hard)

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I think these are great examples of why we shouldn’t use “they”. These sentences are hard to follow for my ears.

Sure, because there’s no real right answer, there’s no actual defined ruleset for the english language.

It’s really confusing. For so long no NPC had troubles with knowing how to address my character. Now i can stand there with a almost naked mog and they don’t know if its male or female?


“Anduin! Take Body Type 2 and charge that gate!” :smiley:


And yet they are examples of they being use to refer to a single person.

Way way way before modern age, it’s just that languages adapt, crazy, I know.

So they have recently become more accepted, APA style even recommends using they for, and I qoute

Also use “they” as a generic third-person singular pronoun to refer to a person whose gender is unknown or irrelevant to the context of the usage.


“Where did Robin go ?”
“They went to the store.”

because gender is irrelevant.

just stop at this point just stop everyone know the true reason behind this decision. It s just business.


Great, but not in everyday English, and not when the person is standing right in front of you.

If it were none of the controversial changes of the last few years would’ve been implemented.

But they aren’t. They’re behind a computer screen in the future while people write that dialogue.

Dude I’m talking about the NPC, not the dev. The same NPC who had no problem determining gender for 20 years. Come on…

It flew high up, didn’t it ?

Oh but it is becoming more and more common, don’t like it ? not my problem. Nor anyone elses.