NPC's using pronouns

Those 20 years the body types were also not called 1 and 2, but male and female.

They clearly want to have a more inclusive approach: Your body type 1 might be “her”, your 2 might be “him” - They have no way of knowing that and that’s why they need to use a gender netural term.

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Personally I am very tired of this, because there are alot of women who play games and its a really tired old joke at this point.

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Why do these threads get so personal? All OP asked was a question and expressed his feelings without alienating anyone and his post is flagged. All they want is a toggle, an option, which would make me happy as well.

Again these debates get so out of hand. It wasn’t that deep. Didn’t insult anyone. Just said it was uncomfortable for him.


Just out of curiosity, you do realize that this attitude is precisely what sparks even more animosity against certain groups, and why indifference is slowly turning into hatred concealed by moderation?

And for the future, this WILL become your problem, because only a blind man would think things are actually improving.

But that’s not my problem. :slight_smile:

check the posts above from those “allies” and c the reason.

Can’t say I’ve noticed myself but I don’t read quest text and I’m usually called champion. However, if they want to be inclusive by using they/them to refer to you as a player, they shouldn’t do it by then excluding he/she as that is, well, not being inclusive.

it’s also a million times easier. Changing it to be gender neutral just involves altering any text to use “They/Them”.

Adding it as an entirely third option for the game would require both a complete overhaul of the entire character creation and a re-write(rather than just a word replacement) of most dialogue in the game.

It’s a near impossible task to do for a 20 year old game thats also getting semi-monthly content.

It would be the same work, if not more, as a full expansion to cover everything.


It really has…

“Someone dropped their keys outside, I’ll leave them at the reception desk for them to pick up.”
“That driver doesn’t know what they’re doing!”
“The food was excellent, tell the chef they’re doing a great job.”

I guess the OP’s issue is that we don’t typically use a they pronoun when face to face with someone who’s gender we can reasonably infer. But that’s just language evolution. It’s going to go in the direction it wants to go whether or not we act like grumpy old people who hate change.


Let’s not lie and pretend it cannot be confusing at times. For example, if I invite you somewhere and you ask if you can bring invite people I say sure. And you say great they said they’re going to come. Does that mean one person or two.

Using they as a singular while it has been done, doesn’t mean it’s best practice. It’s kinda dumb since the notion of body type 1 and 2 is dumb but you’re best approach is to make it optional which pronoun you want or do it via the body type selected. Body type 1 is he/him body type 2 she/her. Done.

Generally they as a singular is not a great form of communication, regardless of if it has been used before.

Not necessarily the case, in the UK all data shows that the under gen aka currently 18 and under, are becoming increasingly more conservative and traditional in their view points. So pendulums is likely starting to swing the other way.

At this point I’d rather they just believe I’m one of the bruhs, cause then I don’t have derogatory jokes and threats made towards me for being a woman who plays games. I had it so rough growing up being a tom boy gamer being told I didn’t exist or “T-ts or get out,” all the time.

It’s also why so many women use voice changers on games like Call of Duty, Overwatch, etc. Just wanna play without gender directed insults.


O my god, that’s horrible to hear, I feel for you. But seriously, T-ts or get out.

I absolutely understand, and I’ve also gotten alot of harassment in the past sadly on various games for being openly feminine or correcting. (Heck I’ve gotten it on these forums). I’ve also hid my gender before and just let people assume I was a guy.

But I am also pretty tired of it and the old “hehe only guys play games”. It is just first and foremost boring.

Secondly its also wrong.

whats on the menu of gen discussion today?

oh good another American culture war thread

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I’ll do to you what I did to them. Got old school Microsoft Paint out, drew two of them in lime green ink and didn’t bother to color it in, hosted it on Photoshop, and posted the hyperlink for them to click. The views were pretty high but the reception to it was pretty angry.

As you can clearly see I’m not adverse to green t-ts :rofl:

Animosity from people who are already mostly hateful against anything LGBTQA+, yes, I know, but they won’t be happy until everything that includes that is gone.

I never said otherwise, yes, in such situations you would normally just use [number] of people that are coming, atleast that’s what I do irl.

But the point is that They is and have been used for a -long- time.

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Hah! That made me laugh. :rofl:

Thing is, I wasn’t using it in an insulting or “meme” format. “They” is simply not part of my active vocabulary in this context and lazyness makes me default to one or the other. If this insults you…well, terribly sorry, but this is lightyears away from using derogatory language towards girls on purpose.
So keep your accusations to yourself :wink:

I’ll tell you a big secret. Most people were completely neutral towards those groups before all the propaganda started. Now they’re not.

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All I said is that I was tired of it. That you take it as an accusation towards you says more about you than it does about me.

I mean, if people say that they don’t like that you do it and you still willfully do it, that is pretty derogatory.

And thanks for confirming you’re not worth spending time on.

Oh no, the big and scary gay propaganda, whatever that is.
