Official petition for SOLO Rated Que

That’s perfectly reasonable.

Each and every one of us pay 10 bucks each month to play this game, and we do so to get personal enjoyment out of it. So of course we’re all going to ask for things that further our own isolated, selfish and subjective fun when playing the game. That is in our own interest.

Praise be the selfless saints who will sit on the forum and forsake their own desires and interests in the game in order to promote the interests of someone else, or simply because they are inconvenient or troublesome to others.

If I think a playable duck race would make the game a lot more enjoyable for me, then I should of course ask for that, regardless of whether it may be in the interest of others or beneficial to the game’s broader design. That’s all for Blizzard to worry about and figure out.
And if someone wants solo queue, then just ask for it, no further thoughts needed.

Except for the domino effect, where when they don’t get it, it leads to anger. Anger leads to conflicts. And on and on it goes.

I’m not saying you can’t ask for it. But to ridicule those who does look at it from a broader picture is downright mentally disabled.

Well there’s always the risk that you get an ugly sweater for Christmas and not the RTX 3090 graphics card you wanted.
But if you don’t ask, then you’re definitely not going to get it.

Not ridiculing. Just saying that it’s perfectly reasonable if people just see things from their own narrow viewpoint and make suggestions and requests based on that.

It’s of course great that there are people who appreciate the game’s broader design and playerbase and otherwise perceive things from a greater whole. That’s certainly an angle I use in quite a few forum discussions – selfless saint that I am. But it doesn’t make the narrow and selfish perspective of “I want” any less reasonable.

No, it just makes the heckling much less reasonable.


Damn, you must be talking about the game: “Warcraft: Battle Master”

hihi :))

BTW: to all those that say “what if a person comes in a neverplayed spec and tries things out and drags your CR down”. Well, different CRs for every SPEC should resolve any issues about that part. And again, what is worse, to NOT PLAY THE GAME AT ALL, or at least play it.

And btw, don’t worry about my rating going down because of some guy trying out things, at least I get to actually PLAY the damn arena and not waste hours looking at the LFG tool.

When I said I played /played 30 days since hitting level 60, people accused me of playing 8 hours/day and getting burned out, but the only thing I was burned out about / got sick off was watching that LFG window for half of my /played time or even more.

I don’t have any real life friends who play WoW. I don’t play at standard hours, so it is hard for me to keep in touch to a 2s partner. Joined a couple of communities, biggest PvP ones available, but those are silent as LFG :confused:

All I want is to actually practice/play arenas, and not just WISHING TO PLAY.

If #soloqueue would be a mistake, then let us test it in PTR, add it to the game, and if it fails, get it out.

But saying that “if #soloqueue would be introduced, premade 2s and 3s will dissapear”. Well, think about it, if they dissapear, it means everybody hates the LFG tool, and feels like #soloqueue is a QoL if they start using it.

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It’s not like it’s the first time I’ve brought up that concept, and it’s just a way to mimic the actual solo queue games and what makes it “work” (they’re toxic af, but u can’t argue with the numbers at least), instead of just doing what Jito described and not give it any thought while thinking a simple addition of solo queue would work in any way whatsoever.

Solo queue as a concept has tons of ripple effects. For one thing on class design, but also on the social design of the game and it requires a lot more limitations and punishments to keep it from going to the “dark side” of human nature. (It’d devolve further than the way it is now, as every single rated solo queue has shown over the years until they brought in those oppressive punishments to deal with it.)

So to think a simple addition would work, is dumb as hell. You’d basically be a hillbilly, a redneck with a poorly made moonshine mug in your hand.
That doesn’t mean it can’t “work” though, but it requires a major overhaul of the game in its core.

Especially the way it locks you into only playing one character without being able to adjust it once a match has been found. That’s unheard of for a rated solo queue, in a game with roles and heroes/classes. Which Holinka also brought up back when he talked about solo queue as a concept, and that it’s a problem. A problem that’d need to be solved.

literally bumb every soloq post

Let me start with saying that getting destroyed by a one-trick isn’t the same as meeting a smurf. You can lose games against people who are your level as well, you know.

That said, leveling a new character in WoW means you still need to gear it. Takes time and effort for what will lead into a short reign in the lower ranks. As for tanking rating on purpose, I’m quite sure throwing games on purpose is bannable in any game with solo queue.

Even so, you’ll have people playing at lower rank than they should be at. So what? It happens in any game with solo queue.

What’s stopping someone from playing AD Heimerdinger jungle in high rank in LoL? Nothing. Has it harmed the game in any meaningful way and does it make solo queue bad? No.

Solo queue is something for people who want to play the game when they don’t have a team to play with at that time. It is not going to stop people from playing together, why would it? Yes, LFG will die, so there will generally be less players especially in the lower brackets, but I don’t think queues down there are an issue right now. And there’s nothing stopping people from meeting folks in solo queue to play constructed with. This happens in other games as well.

I’ve wanted it since TBC.

If they’re at your MMR doing ‘weird stuff’ then that’s your problem. They got there somehow, and I doubt they just decided to start doing ‘weird stuff’ in your matches, so it means that them doing ‘weird stuff’ puts them at the same level as you, which means it’s either successful or they’re simply better than you when they play normally. Similar to how people can make rubbish like AP Taric top in LoL work out, so long as they’re significantly better than the rest of the lobby.

Average Joe that ‘griefs others’ wouldn’t ever get into actual constructed arena and won’t ever reach MMR high enough in solo queue that he’s griefing anyone that’s trying (also, griefing on purpose is bannable). Elo hell doesn’t exist, it doesn’t in other games and it wouldn’t in WoW. And if by some miracle it does exist, it’s never stopped solo queue in other games from working.

Personally, I honestly would cba going through LFG meeting randoms that may or may not be somewhere on my level. Then queueing into people who have played the game together for 15 years, probably lose, and have to search again. Either way, I play constructed with friends. We all have different times at which we can play which leaves all of us wanting at some points. That’s where solo queue can fill the gap. Something to do when friends aren’t online. Works wonders in other games.

The game has always had pretty much all of those issues. Fixing them is completely separate from solo queue existing.

Here you go, you’re trying to argue with a proven concept again. It just makes you sound dumb. There’s not a game that has suffered because it had solo queue as an option. Only games that have suffered because they did not.


People are so sick being cannon meat to those low skill meta classes, this is reason enough to make soloQ… so we can maybe play a one game versus someone besides mage or warrior

LFR is just for when people dont have a guild or raid so they can easily do pve.
Dungeon finder is for when you don’t feel like forming a group yourself and just want to hop into a dungeon without caring for whom you get queued in with. That did work out very well and is a very loved within the WoW community.
We def need dungeon finder for PvP because reasons.

We already have, it’s called random BGs and skirmishes. Try again.

You don’t stop toxic behavior. You don’t stop it in LFG either. You don’t stop it in other games with solo queue. It is an unfortunate fact that people will be toxic and the only way to deal with it is to report it and move on. If they are repeat offenders, they will be dealt with by the system. Regardless of toxicity, a lot of those games are incredibly popular and they have - for the most part - got solo queue to thank for their popularity. So indeed, it’s already done before, it’s already proven that the concept of solo queue is an incredible boon to games, and you’re free to name one where solo queue was more harm than good to the game. With actual proof, not just “oh people were toxic so it must be negative, right?”.

You seem to be projecting, though. Are you that worried that you’ll be stuck at 1200 rating? Unless you truly belong there, no toxic behavior will keep you there, don’t worry. But since you are hiding behind a WoW classic character, I assume you have something to hide.

How can i be stuck at 1200 if i will never use it or will not care about the rating withing soloq? Normal arena will still exist, so i can buy all the boost i want there and gloat with it.
You mob keeping hitting on the fact that i hide and yadda yadda, what if i’m 3k or 1700? or 1100?
What if i tryhard at 800 rating? Am i not allowed to do so?

Yes i am, but not how you think thou. I have played alot of “successful” games with soloq and i have witnessed toxicity beyond my imagination, death threats, cancer wishes, mom orgies, doxing and all that good stuff. Some were directed towards me, some towards others.

And then come the other type of toxicity, the active one, where you are simply being griefed in game.

I am very much looking forwards to this in WoW, a community focused game.

Try again what?
Dung finder was the worst thing Blizz did to this game, even they admited to it, and you want it to be implemented into rated arena, Arena Finder? Are you serious?

You seem to be of the opinion that everyone that wants solo queue is either a streamer or someone at 1200 rating. That’s some heavy generalization. It doesn’t actually matter what your rating is.

The game is already full of it. Every game is. The internet in general is. Including the community-driven WoW classic. But in those cases I will have to quote others and say that you are in no way forced to participate. LFG is toxic as well and you don’t have to participate there either. Same with random BGs. It’s already been proven that it is impossible to battle toxicity entirely, but that does not take away from the success of solo queue.

I meant that random BGs and skirmishes are akin to dungeon finder and LFR. None of them are ranked. Solo queue in WoW would be a fresh and new addition, even if it already has similar systems (grouping up random players together for the same type of content). As for dungeon finder, I see it as a positive. Classic WoW, especially now, has already proven the flaws of the LFG system. Good luck finding a Sunken Temple atm., or Gnomeregan, or even places like Stockades that isn’t a boost run. While getting others to help and helping them in return is perhaps more appealing to some, I would rather be able to play the game when I want to play it and not have to rely on others at every turn. Then I may as well play something else. And that is the last thing Blizzard wants.

Additionally, the second you make it ranked, an automated system is far superior. As someone previously already pointed out, just imagine LoL or dota2 if you had to search for your own group for a ranked match. It’d be hell and they would lose popularity rapidly.

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I don’t have to, i lived it, matter of fact all the OG DotA players have, we all had to have friends to play the game with at the start of it, it didn’t have an automated system and did it die? Nope. So what your point? Again none because you have none and never had none, all you do is make stuff up.

And comapring MOBAs to MMORPGs is a good sign that i should stop replying to you. Keep comparing apples to oranges and keep linving in your coloured world, it must be nice there. Bye.

A videogame is a videogame. The systems implemented within can easily be the same, even if the game isn’t. CS:GO has solo queue. Last I checked, MOBAs and FPS games aren’t the same either. Then again, you’re comparing dungeon finder and LFR to a ranked solo queue system rather than skirmishes and random BGs, so I guess you might be fruit-blind anyway.

If the original Warcraft 3 custom game system was so foolproof, why did it end up having bots set up 99% of the lobbies? It was as close to random queue as it could get. Nor did it ever have any true ranking, except through third party websites which weren’t foolproof at the time.

It worked as a starting point, especially because better wasn’t available at the time so you HAD to make it work, but there’s a reason dota2 ended up having a solo queue system and the OG dota ended up having bot-controlled lobbies. Warcraft 3 itself had solo queue and nobody complained. Now Blizzard destroyed the Warcraft 3 solo queue and the community made their own solo queue, so people wanted it. Starcraft had solo queue before it and nobody complained. I bet if dota had solo queue from the start, especially ranked, it would’ve been even more popular than it ended up being. So, if anything, OG dota is proof that people indeed wanted solo queue all along and just couldn’t have it back then. Funny how that argument can backfire, isn’t it?

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Why do you argue with him?

He probably never played pvp,or if he did,he’s probably at 1300 rating in 700 games played.

This solo rated queue is like new movement,but only people who want to see solo rated queue are bad players,who never get invited because they are too lazy to improve their gameplay.Its much easier to join solo rated queue and ruin other people’s games,rather than actually sit down and learn how to play.

Feel free to check profile of every solo rated queue advocate.Most of them play game for over a decade,without 1750 achievement.

It feels like they met on some other forum,and decided to spam wow forums ‘‘we want solo queue’’ with copy paste excuse ‘‘i cant find group’’

How does everyone else managed to find a group?LFG is full 24/7.

I managed to find a group without any achievement,and i was able to push 1800.It took me some time,but i was patient.1 out of 30 groups on lfg want resto shaman.It took me 2 days to push from 1750 to 1800,because i wasn’t able to find a group.

Now with at l east some achievements,i can find group for 2100 push or next season push.

Problem of today’s ‘‘people’’ is impatience.Everyone wants elite gear in 4 days.

And heroic dungeons were never competitive in any shape or form. They were entry content leading you through leveling and the early steps of max level into raiding at the start of an expansion, and often new ones were added along new patches with higher ilvl as a catch up mechanic. People cried not only because heroic dungeons were too hard in a random group found in dungeon finder, but because dungeons in general were too challenging even for many premade groups, since the dungeons in WotLK were so easy in comparison. Remember, it was entry content with entry content ilvl. People didn’t see it as endgame content, so they didn’t treat it as such. Because of this, they first added challenge modes as an actual competitive dungeon setting to sate the dungeon fans without ruining the ‘entry level’ experience for the more casual player. Later, they added mythic and mythic+ as more competitive dungeon options that could scale throughout the expansion so raiding wasn’t the only end-game content.

Unlike arena, these would be far more challenging to implement as a solo queue system, though, since it’s difficult to determine what MMR one would have compared to others (raiderio, for example, only really works once you’ve done every dungeon at least once).

See here’s the problem. You seem to be looking for one solution to all the problems the game has. We are simply looking for a good addition to the game. Nowhere has anyone mentioned it will ‘fix WoW’ - at least not rationally, I can’t speak for others - but it will definitely make the game more enjoyable for many.

I don’t blame you. I can definitely understand how you feel; you come up with an argument you think is good, it backfires entirely with facts, so you figure you can just call it ‘mumbo jumbo’ and hope nobody notices. Being wrong is never fun, so I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes right now either.

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They want equality of result not equality of opportunity.

We all have the same opportunity to play and compete within the game, but we are not entitled to the same outcome, that is a communist viewpoint, and it will not work.

We all started at lvl 1 and we all leveled to max level, some made friends, others didn’t, some got better at the game, some didn’t, if you think you can’t find players to play with because LFG is broken, and because boosters and because other made up stuff you, i’m sorry that i have to say this, but you are either uneducated or outright stupid.

Only boosters and boosted people opose soloque, and the other category i cant say because of forum rules

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