Official petition for SOLO Rated Que

Did I say that? Getting good in WoW has nothing to do with spaming 30 seconds games with a 3 minute waiting time in between. Soloq will get you nowhere if you’re new. Hell, even the garbage lfg system we have right now will help new players a billion times more to find someone to play with and get the experience than soloq.

The only thing soloq adds is accessibility. I said this a billion times but it’s the one thing that’s coming with it. And it’s not even a good thing.

It really shows that you have a set group of established friends you play with. Let’s just say that.

Why do we have to take the opinion from someone who thinks the game is “trash” and does not play it actively??

Acessibility is a good thing, ofc it is. You want noone playing the game … We want people playing it!!

I have one mate for 2s. Everyone else quit. My entire guild is gone. I know how hard it is to make friends ingame or find mates nowadays but this is an issue with how the game is designed and not because soloq does not exist. You’re not going to find friends with soloq. You can spam arena games more easily but it has no value for anyone, especially not for new players.

Just stop replying to me dude. I already told you why I’m still active on the forums. Just shut up already if you don’t have anything relevant to say.



Source: Holinka (Lead PvP dev at the time, current Lead Combat dev)

With that said: PvP would’ve been the dominating game mode in MoP if Solo Queue was a thing.

Explain how it has ‘‘no value’’ because to me giving people an outlet to get the mechanical skill part down before forcing them to go scouting for teammates to play more consistently with seems like a very good thing.

In every other PvP game, MMO or not, solo queue exists for people to get the mechanical skill down, the muscle memory, once they have that down, they take the extra step to find partners to get the more precise synergy and teamplay.

Don’t you think it’s a good idea to let people get the mechanical skill down first before forcing them into this pseudo tinder of finding teammates in LFG?

The outlet to get the mechanical skill part down is random battlegrounds. Arena games are way too short to learn anything besides how to play arena. And if you’re new and don’t even know how to properly play the game you’re not going to learn anything.

If you want to get good at the game right now, you can. Even better than years ago, because the skill ceiling is lower than ever, there’s enough guides, tutorials, streams and videos you can learn from.

How are you saying anything relevant? You don’t play the game. You think the game is “trash”.
And you consider your opinion to be fact?
You don’t like it when people voice an opinion? Your opinion has more value just because it is your opinion? People give their opinions backed up with reasoning. All you do is yell they are wrong and that you are right, not the signs of someone mentally healthy:)

This is like saying the outlet to get the mechanical skill of playing soccer down is to go practice kicking against a wall.

The skillsets of arena and battlegrounds are as different as the skillsets between raiding and arena, yes you kill players in both, but movement, positioning, cooldown useage, damage rotations, setups everything is completely different. Battlegrounds are as conducive for learning arena as normal dungeons are to learning M+15s

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It’s not. Spaming bgs for a week straight is 10000x more valuable than spaming soloq for a week for beginners.

Okay we’re done here this discussion isn’t serious anymore.

wait what are u even saying LOL

okay nah man this guy is def trolling at this point

A common theme amongst those for solo queue, is that they’re only looking at it from their own isolated bubble. There’s no real further thought than “I can just click a button to play instead of needing to sift through the garbage that’s the LFG for a long time every time.”.

But solo queue does have ways it can work. It just requires more changes than they’re aware of beyond that little bubble of theirs.

For example, if you look at barrier of entry, that includes the sub fee, the time spent leveling, the time spent gearing and so on. Every other esport game with solo queue is a pick up & play-type of game, often being free of charge or at most a one time cost for the game, with cosmetics being monetized.

They’re also all with lobbies. There’s not a single solo queue afaik that locks you into a class/spec before you’ve even been matched up in the queue.

And every single esport game has had to go to extreme lengths to combat toxic behavior. Outrage. Emotional responses. It’s because the investment is gone from a solo queue, little to no social awareness whatsoever, and so they have all had to find other ways to calm people down against their will.

Solo queue is definitely not a place where you make friends often. It can happen, but it rarely happens. Very rarely.

But anyway, so with that out of the way, the way it can work as much as it has worked in other games, is by separating rated PvP into their own arena tournament realms, where you don’t load into the game world. You queue up from the interface. You also create ready-made characters with the click of a button in that interface, and set up the UI by loading into an empty world or whatnot.
So by queuing up from the interface, you end up in a lobby once a match has been found. In that lobby you pick what to play, similar to mobas.

That way comp is not an issue, since you’re not “locked” into only playing 1 thing every match.

Account-wide/class-wide rewards on the account enables rewards being used on the “real” characters as well, so there’s the hook to keep people playing it.

But the social toxicity is unavoidable, and can only be mitigated with extensive reworks. For example, disabling whispers from the interface before queuing and only allowing bnet whispers would dramatically keep the toxicity down, since people can’t bug you after the arena.
Unfortunately, people playing music at loud volumes in the in-game chat would undoubtedly become a thing, the same as it has been a thing for a long time in other esport games. But choosing not to play with the in-game voice coms can be a thing as well, since barely anyone speaks proper English anyway.

There you go, now that’s a “solo queue just like every other esport”.

You have my blessing…
-Solo Arena 2s 3s
-Solo/Duo RBG
is only way which can save WoW , we are all sick of waiting more than playing, we are all sick of playing vs those low skill faceroll meta comps, we are all sick of being denied over and over and not have opportunity to play game become better players.

This shoud be blizzard priority no1…

I totally agree.

That’s perfectly reasonable.

Each and every one of us pay 10 bucks each month to play this game, and we do so to get personal enjoyment out of it. So of course we’re all going to ask for things that further our own isolated, selfish and subjective fun when playing the game. That is in our own interest.

Praise be the selfless saints who will sit on the forum and forsake their own desires and interests in the game in order to promote the interests of someone else, or simply because they are inconvenient or troublesome to others.

If I think a playable duck race would make the game a lot more enjoyable for me, then I should of course ask for that, regardless of whether it may be in the interest of others or beneficial to the game’s broader design. That’s all for Blizzard to worry about and figure out.
And if someone wants solo queue, then just ask for it, no further thoughts needed.

Except for the domino effect, where when they don’t get it, it leads to anger. Anger leads to conflicts. And on and on it goes.

I’m not saying you can’t ask for it. But to ridicule those who does look at it from a broader picture is downright mentally disabled.

Well there’s always the risk that you get an ugly sweater for Christmas and not the RTX 3090 graphics card you wanted.
But if you don’t ask, then you’re definitely not going to get it.

Not ridiculing. Just saying that it’s perfectly reasonable if people just see things from their own narrow viewpoint and make suggestions and requests based on that.

It’s of course great that there are people who appreciate the game’s broader design and playerbase and otherwise perceive things from a greater whole. That’s certainly an angle I use in quite a few forum discussions – selfless saint that I am. But it doesn’t make the narrow and selfish perspective of “I want” any less reasonable.

No, it just makes the heckling much less reasonable.
