Official petition for SOLO Rated Que

I did elaborate already a couple of post above, but ok, i will do it again.

Here we go, riddle me this.

You are once again just crying about the fact that there could be a “thrower” on your team wheras you have the same chance to get it on the enemy team.

I cant “solve” this problem for you because those people who make a problem out of it are mostly those who are absolutely delusional and call a soloque system “unfair” and that they cant push rating because of ELO hell when in fact, they are just bad at the game.

Reality hits hard huh

Also once again bringing up “arguments” from literally any other soloque system out there and you still see that they can work out

Like your arguments are refutet the second you type them out, do you even realise that ?

Successful in what? Making money? so are the tobacco companies, does that mean that we should all smoke?
WoW already has a system made that works just fine, the problem is that the game is unejoyable to play unless you play whats best and with the best.
Fix the game first.

I don’t understand why soloqueue can’t be in this game, especially RBGS. It works in Dota and other games, yes it has tons of super downsides, but the big upside is you actually get a game going, and players adapt to it.
But gear is a big issue, so maybe create brackets and personal mmr. I mean, I’m sure they can come up with something

Just don’t argue about things that are pointless to argue about… And you just argue for the sake of arguing…
If anything who ever wants to play solo q or team q …or whatever q …he should have the option for it.
No one say delete team queues…just bring an extra mode for solo queue rated.
If people want it they play , if the want team they play team if they want both they play both…
It won’t even split the playerbase… because those who want it…either will play both, either they stop queueing with teams already after a point…because lfg doesn’t work…

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I mean if you dont think LoL is successful i might aswell talk to a brick wall because that thing probably has a higher IQ than you. Also, you should have stated your question different. If tabacco companies are successful we should all start a tabacco business.

And yes, doing that is indeed not the worst idea since it pays of alot.

anyway …

Nope, LFG does not work fine and literally 90% of the people who use it openly complain about it in the forums, in game, on youtube and literally everywhere.

You gotta be a Raider exclusively to think LFG works fine

Yes but people in here just disagree to disagree so its w/e

I didn’t say it’s not successful, i just asked why? is it because the soloq? do you have the metrics to back it up? have you seen the data, how many people play soloq and how many play premades? And don’t start with the IQ thingy, its really cringe.

Source for the 90%? Again you are pulling number out of your a**.

Why do i have to bring up exact examples on why League is so successful when you cant even form a proper sentence backed up with sense on why Soloque doesnt work other than “BrO bUt It wOulD bE unFaIr”

yeah ok man ure right, people like LFG

god youre so dented i dont even wanna continue, this just hurts at this point

Even at WoWs supposed peak of PvP in MoP the PvP scene was dead compared to PvE, guess why, because breaking into PvP is a million times more difficult than PvE.

Arena in general is such an old boys club, the people that are good only play in their closed off cliques and never interact with the peasants beyond boosting them or taking a dump on them while boosting some other peasant.

Trying to break into PvP and be successful is like trying to get an entry level position job that requires 5 years of experience.

You know why people lie about their experience? Because it’s the ONLY way to get to play is to lie, if you are honest about ‘‘Hey i’m new just looking to learn’’ then no one will play with you. So many people resort to buying boosts since paying someone in the closed off clique is the ONLY way they’ll ever get to play.

See the issue? If you aren’t already networked or have irl friends willing to grind with you you are SOL, no two ways about it.

So with LFG peoples only solution to get to play the game and actually try to learn is 1. lie about your experience and hope someone doesn’t check to get games in, 2. buy a boost to the rating for gold, or 3. have irl friends who can devote as much time to the game as you.

What if you’re a person with no prior experience and no irl friends to do the grind with? Then your ONLY option is to lie about your exp and hope someone accepts you to get practice in or pay some pro to carry you.

This is why wow PvP is dead, because before you even get to play the game, half the challenge is getting into a game in the first place.

You haven’t brought up any examples, you just said it; I even asked what caused it’s success and you still didn’t asnwer, but you did call me out as a low IQ, so that’s that i guess.

Yes they do, even so that they asked for it to be implemented in TBC classic, how about that?

Ok, you can take your 90% friends and sing the same song to eachother untill you fall asleep.

This is where you people lose me completely. You just make stuff up. Everyone and their mom played pvp in mop.

Did i say PvP was unpopular in MoP? I said it was less popular than PvE and proceeded to explain why. PvP has always been a minigame in Blizzards eyes because of the reasons i stated.

If you weren’t there in TBC when the train took off, or you aren’t some prodigy player like Pikaboo getting gladiator at age 13 then good luck trying to play the game since everyone in wow pvp gatekeeps with this moment 22 of you needing experience to get experience.

Solo queue would solve this, because you wouldn’t need to have already played the game to start playing.

It has been long time ago but from what I remember on AT people stopped looking for 3s teams with introduction of soloq, bracket died so they introduced duoq and it ended by 3s teams facing soloq teams.
Also i think it affects 2,2k players since less people playing 3s = harder enemies (cos i guess people who have harder time in real 3s would quit first) => it would be harder to climb and get their rewards.

Didnt holinka Tweet in wod that there are as many people doing pvp as raiding? (I’m not sure but someone linked that in forums before)

Why do you think the only way to play high is to play with these people? Just make your own group of friends and improve together. Idk maybe I’m weird but in past i enjoyed just playing with friends and improving together and eventually climbing and reaching our goals.

Ok and what if you don’t have irl friends who are willing to fail and improve with you? Because you sure aren’t finding a single soul in LFG who is looking to learn.

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It would solve nothing. If you’re a new player, spaming soloq would get you nowhere. You’re not going to learn anything about the game and the only things you’re going to experience are rage and frustration.

As opposed to LFG where the experience is very teaching and new players enjoy learning and improving?

From what i see its not a system problem but a peoples problem and yet you advocate for a system change that will be used by the same people.

i mean like but thats not how it works currently else people wouldnt beg for soloque

Im having 3k xp just this ssn and its incredibly hard to find anyone to play. Mostly because everyone has already a set team

No question its the most fun to improve with friends but thats not given here

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First of all you dont need irl friends to play the game. Personally i found a great ingame friends in lfg who were willing to play + lfg is not the only place where you can make friends. You can make friends by doing anything in this game such as m+, raiding, rbgs, afk in durotar, leveling etc.

The thing is with the system right now, you are REQUIRED to have another partner with the same mindset as you to consistently play.

With solo queue you can at least do your part to improve yourself since you can get games in to practice.