Official SOM2 / Fresh EU Realms Discord Server

No release date has been been announced yet. Might never happen.

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I hope they announce it a month upfront though. So, holidays can still be planned in. :slight_smile:

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If som2 is just som1 or classic again, I rather want era as of now :sunglasses: no reason to restart all over again

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I hope the leveling time will be reduced atleast.

Era is on full swing at the moment.

SoM didnā€™t dent it. Everlook didnā€™t dent it. DF didnā€™t dent it.

People will soon realize how much meta phases, turbonerds, and overall clique/toxicity/gatekeeping spread in a timegated environment. In fact, its all retail WoW is these days. People play the latest patch LOL

Then they will rush back to Era, where all this is non-existent.

The rise and consolidation of Era means freshā€™ chances of success have diminished. Sure you would have an initial rush to it, but why bother if you cannot keep up with the points mentioned above?

This may difficult to grasp for some who are accostumed to the endless reset and the ā€œthis time will be different mantraā€. Also those that say ā€œits a different experience when everybody starts from zeroā€ - Which lasts 1 weeks at most.

This attempt of creating a discord actually proves the point. While you are making it, preparing, anticipating metas, etc. Some other people would join 2 weeks after release and have to ā€œcompeteā€ against people who have planned for it for months in advance. God forbid this people join WoW for the first time - By the time they hit 60 the game may be over xD


Yea, I think Blizzard is just waiting until the ERA hype is laying down again, then releasing either TOC in WOTLK or SOM2 / Fresh.

More like Hardcore resurrected it. Got back to try and play a bit of Hunter and it looks way better, although a lot of people are HC on on non-HC realm cluster :wink:

And Everlook is a typical sweatlord PvP private server. They hyped it so much but it flopped and was saved only by the Chinese that donā€™t have Blizzard WoW anymore. There are way more players on Turtle (Classic+) or hype around other Classic+ like projects (Epoch) or paradoxically ā€œsolo WoWā€ custom versions.

If Blizzard is smart they will do a really really custom season that will not try to be perceived as fresh-Era. If they have IQ over 9000 they will manage to build fresh seasons into an existing Era without making new realms and such.

Still, a bit odd that when hitting 60 on Era you are greeted with GDKP ZG or AQ20ā€¦

I doubt that. Only one server on US and EU is populated with HC people. Neither PvE nor PvP clusters are, and those were on the rise since the start of the year.

Era had a small, but strong community since the majority left for TBC Classic. Iā€™m certain that wonā€™t change even if we do get fresh/Classic+/SoM 2.0/HC servers.

Era is the most unique version of WoW. It offers what no other version of WoW does, and thatā€™s what makes it alluring to people, who are slowly starting to realize this. Even if we do get fresh or any of the other above-mentioned servers, era will keep its niche, and people will keep coming back to it.

Iā€™m personally fine with getting fresh/SoM 2.0 etc. And Iā€™ll be happy for those who were/are asking for them. But to me personally Era is all I need, and Iā€™m not the only one feeling this way. So Iā€™m not worried at all.


HC isnā€™t the biggest player base but it was good at advertising Era to people outside of Era :slight_smile:

It was, but so were YouTube videos, Reddit posts and Twitter pages advertising how era is on the rise. Maybe the two are connected, I donā€™t know. I donā€™t doubt that HC popularity helped with the rise of popularity of era, but I doubt it was the main contributing factor.

Either way, Iā€™m glad that we have options now. It makes for a happier, healthier and more diverse community overall.

People are overestimating how many people are actually playing hardcore, in reality itā€™s only a handful, but itā€™s def worthy of 1 hardcore realm, but not more than that. SoM 2 should have 1 pvp, 1 pve and 1 hardcore imo

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One Warmode realm and one Hardcore realm. One PvP realm will implode or just turn monofaction. Two PvP realms would divide between H and A so whatā€™s the point? :smiley:

And this is why we need a fresh SOM2. The idea of playing Era is amazing but once you reach 60 and see a warrior with Thunderfury, 2 ZG mounts, full BiS, etc. It can take the challenge a way a bit.

Seems that we are getting Fresh / SOM2 sooner than we think! Hype! :heart_eyes:

1.15 is an encrypted data file so we are quite a way off.

The dev team is doing several changes on WOTLK and also 1.15. I think we might expect an announcement in May.

I just want fresh. None of these HC. Give us Classic+ SOM2 or Fresh please.

TOGC and HC hype is still going.
High hopes for 13th of May for an announcement. :pray:

Why exactly on 13th May?

Isnā€™t it obvious? Itā€™s international Hummus day and World BellyDance Day! If those donā€™t give it away nothing does.

But seriously, itā€™s a Saturday so they wonā€™t release or announce it then.

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