Official SOM2 / Fresh EU Realms Discord Server

Is this for real? Are people these days, in the so called advanced year of 2023, expecting announcements on a Saturday?
Damn, times have indeed changed.

Don’t crush our hopes. I believe. :slight_smile:
Saturday Aggrend will come with an announcement. And let’s hope it’s SOM2 or Fresh Classic or Classic+.

It’s a Discord server for a game, why would you even talk about politics there? There are a billion servers that you can join to talk about polititcs, not in these ones. :slight_smile:

Aggrend (Blizzard WoW Classic Lead) just confirmed the following 2 things:

  1. Hardcore servers are coming somewhere in the summer
  2. They are working on something next (no other details have been shared right now and we will get more details “in the upcoming months”)

SOM2 when? :slight_smile:

There will be no SOM2. It will have a different name. Aggrend said later this year and I think that means around November.

Indeed. I kinda felt bad when they announced HC only servers. I think there is a big majority who just wants normal fresh realms. Either fresh ERA or fresh SOM2.

They also announced new season (not called Mastery this time) to be released at the end of the year.

 a random guy makes a channel name it official and promise ppl game versions that simply doesnt exist
 we got no announcement about SoM or anything
 Stay away from all those channels ppl , administrators only try to exploit members of them
 Also If there is any administrator on this forum
 band everyone or everything that uses term “official” and is not operated or authorized from blizzard employee or game developers or in any short way under blizzard-activision administration

This is not entirely true, since we got the SoM2 announcement - or SoC to be more precise.
That said, calling a 3rd party Discord channel “Official SOM2” is just ridiculous.

The name hasn’t been announced yet so both SoM2 and SoC are incorrect.

I dont know man call it however
 still a fraud full of lies

Hype! Hope it’s going to be nice. :slight_smile:

If it’s not going to be nice at least it will be fresh.

The only time I saw something worth of an Ulduar boss (Mimiron HM level) was Kael’Thas and Lady Vashj prenerf in TK and SSC respectively. I do not belive HK vanilla raiding will interest them that much.

Besides the suscription? Not that much. They just want to keep audience till ICC patch as they know HC mode realm hype will last for a half of the year at best. Then SoM2 realms would become sparsely populated.

Especially with the recent HC news, I say NO to that. :slight_smile:
They don’t need to monetize it besides the subscription. Running a server is pretty cheap for Blizzard.

Even with HC servers announced, they should still announce a SOM2 server.

They will announce a new season of (not mastery) later this year.

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