Old content scaling problems - Game Director has answered


Finally after more than 2 months we have some acknowledgement, even if it is this insult to the players.

I am glad he said that, I am not going to resub then. And with his “you will probably need the small group of people even at the end of SL for BFA content” I won’t buy game time even at the end of SL, unless they completely fix it and apologize to the playerbase, which (we all know that) is not going to happen.

I am fed up with this behavior and lies from Blizzard.


That’s how usually it is. I remember getting a 10+ player group for M ToS and ~20 player group for M Antorus in BFA.

What lies exactly?


You could easily solo normal/hc Legion raids in BfA, try soloing BfA raids in SL, tell me how that goes.


So what if you need 5 people or so, its a mmo not a, single player game, thats not the main problem of this game in my opinion.


they’ve always stated

its 2 expansions back which is the soloable content. u are im afraid wrong lol…

Legion wasnt rly soloable during BFA and WoD Wasnt soloable during Legion, its quite litterally been this way. the Legacy loot bosses are the ones made to be directly soloable.

while u did have this happen it was never “promised” or offically announced to be played like that. ALOT Of things over BFA was doable which was never “offically” announced to really be happening.


I remember a lot of people crying around 8.2-8.3 when they introduced legacy loot for legion raids because they thought without the legacy damage buff they won’t be able to solo it anyway.

The problem is legion raids not BFA raids, you have never been able to solo mythic raids from the past expansion, but the one before that yes


I mean, it is an mmo so playing even old content with friends isn’t the worst thing in the world.

Just find a group of people who want to do the same content and organise regular runs and make it fun? Isn’t there a bunch of old legion achievements that you need to group up for still?


Usually at the end of the expac only.

I’m afraid that’s false, it was never at the end of the expansion that you could solo raids from 2 expansions ago

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but bfa isnt 2 expansions ago, its 1 :P… we’re litterally talking about content we’re past ONE patch of.

u can equivilate this to being able to solo CN Mythic once the new raids released. lol

I honestly don’t know why they don’t scale things quicker.

It’s not a current content. People like farming old content. It hurts no one if you could solo the old content.

It’s basically a win win for everyone if they do this.

A win for players, and a win for blizzard because players are more happy, and will remain subbed.

I don’t get it.

Antorus is still not soloable. WHY NOT? Who gets hurt if they allow it to be solod?


I was doing MoP raids in WoD, then WoD raids in Legion, and finally Legion raids in BfA. While with freshly dinged char could easily plow through 2 expansion old content, now that is just not possible.


No the article talks about 2 expansions ago so Legion, we shouldnt have to wait for the end of the expansion to solo raids from 2 expansions ago

The lie was that we were assured that the squish won’t mess with soloing old content. In BfA thanks to Corruptions you could push Legion Mythic soloing. People even reported in Beta that while their level 50 character could solo Legion content, their level 60 couldn’t. And instead of fixing this anomaly… it’s being touted as intended.


most likely because they want the transmogs (not that bFA had any) to have some prestige for a short while so players dont feel like everything they got is insta invalidated upon the next expansion launch.

Not saying i agree with that, but its likely why they push such a thing. i have met several people who beleive this game should strictly scale Raids to ensure those transmogs / mounts arent obtainable easymode.

i know :stuck_out_tongue: but im saying the system wasnt actually announced to work that way. and thats what i mean, it was always announced as the expansino before last becomes soloable with the legacy feature.

but yes ur correct… this system wasnt Working to what they stated til now, weather that was a good thing or a bad thing is another question i guess blizz didnt like it.

Not really.

In WotLK I remember MC destroyed my poor mage
In Cata TK was fairly hard to solo as well
In MoP ICC25 HC wasn’t really a cakewalk
Didn’t play in WoD or Legion, but I remember at the start of BFA HFC first boss was nearly impossible to solo.

oh oki… wlel this should be fixed most defintly tbh.

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I just love how an obvious scaling bug (they failed to update scaling coefficients which were applying based on the level after they scaled levels 1-120 into 1-50) suddenly turns into an apparent “it has always been that way” contract.

No, Ion, it has never been that way.

In BFA, we could EASILY clear WoD raids, right from the beginning. The only encounter of any note was the first boss in HFC and only because you had to run like all hell (mechanics).

In Legion, we could EASILY clear MoP raids, right from the beginning.

Etc, all the way to WotLK, where yes, I was clearing classic raids like MC / Onyxia / etc, right from the beginning, in Naxx gear, and the only encounters of any note was the first boss in BWL, the boss in AQ which required fast frost damage to shatter, and so on, which is again - mechanics.

Stop deceiving people and fix your s**t!


Complete nonsense. See above. I mean, MC could have destroyed your mage because some of the bosses had school immunities, but that’s mechanics, not ilvl.