Old content scaling problems - Game Director has answered

Yes, wrong. He said not being able to solo Legion raids is how it always was - this is not the case, it has never been like this. He lied. What happened is they failed to update their scaling to account for change of levels 1-120 to levels 1-50. That’s all there is to it.


Well I could, EN was soloable on pretty much a fresh 120. I was clearing Gul’dan Mythic on 4 different characters (only one of them was well geared). Yes Antorous and KJ were not soloable (and still is not now) but the rest was.

Legion is TWO expacs old now. It is like saying HFC wasn’t soloable in BFA when in fact you could do it in heirlooms

They have chosen to make this harder and they need to be honest and say so.


You are wrong though, because many people did this, including me. But main point is being able to solo 2 expansion old content on any lvl 60 character, without any gear, which was possible before.


He doesn’t know what he’s talking about, talking about soloing 1 expansion prior, when we’re talking about 2 expansions prior.


Yes, at the end of the expansion … -.- Tell me, are we at the end of the current expansion? No? Does everyone have super awesome gear ? No? …

No, the scaling of all the BFA systems were so out of control it allowed us to solo some legion content waaaaaaay before we were ever supposed to.

I did heroic NH in s1/s2 of bfa :thinking:

24’th of februari 2019 i killed guldan heroic. That is the start of s2 in bfa.

Do you understand that we are not asking to solo BFA raids, but rather Legion? Your comparison for BFA should be WoD, not Legion. WoD raids were a piece of cake in BFA, in quest greens.

Did you even read the thread?

He’s talking about being in BFA and easily soloing Legion raids.

We’re in Shadowlands now and still talking about Legion raids.

He’s not talking about BFA raids.

Do you understand that we’re talking about 2 expansions prior, and not only 1 expansion?


they dont want you to have fun in legacy content.

they noticed that there is huge part of playerbase who refuses to play endgame and focus solely on content using legacy buffs

they did it on purpose as legion has a lot of transmog content locked behind raids and instances

they do not want people to play that they want peopel to play garbage SL to help them with DAU / MAU meters for their garbage endgame content.


Who would have thought that players like doing content that feels rewarding, right?

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Who is asking to solo BFA raids? Nobody. The request is to be able to solo Legion raids. Learn to count to 2, maybe.


Made an edit after i posted, but the point stands, we were never meant to be able to solo legion stuff in BFA.

Could do Emerald Nightmare with freshly dinged char in BfA and with some more gear even NH. Currently Uldir is impossible to solo at all, even with good gear. Same problem is with Legion raids, where anything above NH mythic is currently impossible to solo. The scaling is completely busted for both, Legion and BfA content.

Irrelevant. Read the thread.

What do you mean we were never able to be able to solo Legion stuff in BFA?
Gear made it possible and i’m not talking about corruptions.

We have always been able to solo some things from the PREVIOUS expac and simply delete the stuff from 2 expacs before that since they added LEGACY damage increases.

I am afraid they are losing more than they are gaining with this change. Two of my friends refuse to return to wow until they make Legion raids soloable since tmog farming is one of the main reasons they play wow. :frowning:


Which is ok to address, I am just tired of these childish posts of “I will unsub because of this and that”. Then unsub.

I usually do that with friends, so maybe you’re right and it was like that. But the constant crying over things like little babies is just pathetic :wink:

That being said, if things were like that in the past, just try to address this in a normal way, I can imagine certain changes suck, I also am not happy with the loot in SL so far, but I ain’t gonna cry like a tantrum little baby over it :smiley:

While you might solo some things, even in 8.3 there were people who struggled to solo M Nighthold. (Which was 2nd tier in Legion).

It’s their decision to do in regards to their money, you’re not paying for their sub, now are you?

Due to you being ignorant to what legacy means, it makes you the infant here.

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Right, there is a big issue that harms the way many people play, it doesn’t get fixed for months, the dev guy comes to look at the issue and somehow states that everything is fine and suck it up, meaning that there will be no fix, and an angry thread about all this is for some reason “pathetic whining”. Right.

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