Old content scaling problems - Game Director has answered

hahaha you just drew the insult card, gg, I tend to just laugh these things off :smiley:

BFA vs Legion. Who is asking to be able to solo BFA raids in SL? Nobody. Your point is completely irrelevant. Learn to count.

Well, I already unsubbed. I told I am not going to resub, that is different. What you mean by crying? I am a paying customer. I like to play the game the way I play it. From SL launch I can’t do that, even after they say that it will be the same way as it was before, so that is a lie from them and now I feel like a deceived customer.

So please don’t bother with your “child crying” insults. I just put here my feedback, that’s all.


Have you taken a moment to look at old logs? It doesn’t take much to see how out wack BFA was.

Legion, First boss, first raid 845,026.0 DPS (top damage)
Legion, First boss, Last raid 3,628,300.0 DPS (top damage)

BFA, First boss, first raid 23,451.0 (top damage)
BFA, First boss, Last raid 209,152.0 (top damage)

Azerite traits were made extremly powerful, to offset their boring nature, this was admitted way back at launch of BFA.
This of cause had results on how it was to do old content, or how fast you could solo it.

Are you trolling with this? People answered you like five times that the request is NOT to be able to solo BFA raids in SL, it is to be able to solo Legion raids in SL. That’s similar to how we could solo WoD raids in BFA, not Legion. Stop posting about Legion raids in BFA.

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Yeah, our arms warrior solo killed mythic taloc first boss uldir with a leech corruption build in s4 :joy: And it was not even close.

Many people play for Tmog and mounts since they are the only permanent things in the game (toys and pets as well) . Gear lasts a couple of months now with the ‘season’ model. I feel Blizzard have misplayed this one and poked a large (and normally quiet) bear


So me and others in BFA, could solo some things in Legion, correct?
We did that, we soloed lots of fights, even in Antorus mythic.
With me so far?

What about WoD which was 2 expacs prior to BFA?
You know, WOD > Legion > BFA.
Oh yeah, we had a great damage multiplier on those for over 100X damage.

What about the order now?
Legion > BFA > SL
Where is the great damage multiplier?
It’s 8X more damage against them, versus 122 that there is against WoD.


These numbers are too long and complex, he cannot tell 1 from 2 and you are asking him to tell 8 from 122.


Stop with your bs pls. Even the initial post mentioned BFA, and there were numerous comments about how you were able to solo Legion in BFA but not now. Learn to read I guess.

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Yet i was still able to do Mythic Hellfire Citadel Archimonde for mount in Legion solo. It was tough, but doable at end of Legion. Again thats just for previous expac, for 2 expansion old content we should be able to easily do it, which means Legion content in SL should be done without any problem on any lvl 60 character, while BfA content should require more gear to do, but still somewhat possible. Neither of these two things are currently possible.


Look here.

WOD > Legion > BFA > Shadowlands

You’re talking about being in BFA doing Legion, that’s 1 expac less than BFA.

We’re talking about Legion while in Shadowlands, that’s 2 (TWO) expacs prior.

Just like we have a huge damage increase, THAT WE ALSO HAD IN BFA against WoD, it’s called a legacy damage buff.
Just like that we need to have the Legion legacy buff, 8X more damage doesn’t cut it. WoD has 122X damage.

Do you see the difference? And the damage multiplier is the same whether i’m on my lvl 50 alt or lvl 60 main.

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You will have more damage in ilevel 300 at 9.1 or 9.2

Also in Legion you did multiple millions of dps and they scaled that down, while in BFA you usually peaked around 200k

Reading comprehension? BFA is brought up as an illustration of how completely ridiculous Ion’s answer is. As in, we could solo Legion raids EVEN in BFA, but we cannot solo it in SL. People are NOT saying that because we have been soloing Legion raids in BFA we should be able to solo BFA raids in SL. People are merely asking to be able to solo Legion raids in SL. Ask someone with glasses to explain this to you if you have difficulties understanding.

I feel like you are trolling him now. People were running WoD Mythic (most needed the skip for HFC) at the start of BfA not later, that is the point.

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So what you are saying, the people who play the game mainly for soloing old content should wait for 9.1 or 9.2 until they sub? I remember unsubing back in 7.3.5 when they completely demolished leveling (which now they did a completely 180 on and fixed) . Now my friends are unsubed because of Blizzards stubborn attitude. They have taken so many steps in the right direction in Shadowlands. Why must they always do these things and ruin what would have been a flawless experience?

The OP is clearly giving the example about 1 expac behind though. I see no word about 2 in his whole post. I acknowledge my reading comprehension is completely crap when people are not clear. His example is about 1 expac behind, so it is about that.

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If I play the game for the story, should I wait for 9.3 when the story concludes?

If the game’s current content doesn’t interest you, then don’t sub easy as that.

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I’m sorry but who the F are you to tell people how to play?

And seeing as current content can be done for the week in a night. I would like to do both.


The entire answer and the wowhead article is about Legion. I mean, OK, if you want to say that we should not be able to solo BFA raids in SL, fine, that’s one thing. But the people here are saying that Ion said everything right and that it’s fine not to be able to solo Legion raids until much later - and no, that’s not fine at all.