Old content scaling problems - Game Director has answered

I think you could do with a better title tbh.

Like mention legacy content.

Well, it is not easy to solo. You need the ilvl. And 224 is not something that is obtainable for the regular player. I dont even consider myself regular with the amount of M+ i am doing :slight_smile: But i am far from 224 :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

You do know we could do m0 easily on any char at the end of the previous expac right?
We could solo m0 for BFA at the end of BFA, now some players are struggling to do those.
The scaling is botched for the previous expac as well.

But we’re talking about Legion raids now, not BFA stuff.

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The problem is those damn stat squishes that tend to happen in just about every expansion that comes out nowadays.

They always mess up things beyond repair. SL is no exception to that rule. There is no progression and anticipation anymore. When I played during CATA it was possible to solo TBC content without too much trouble. WOTLK ones required some creative tactics but some were still doable (such as killing Sartharion in naxx for easy and fast gold). And that was okay. Once MOP came out WOTLK became soloable for the most part, Lich King 25HC was unsoloable until 5.4 with good gear (for most players at least). WOD pushed this further, you could do CATA raids without trouble but not MOP ones, not until very end of WOD at least.

And then - fustercluck. Nothing made sense anymore. Patch 8.3 im able to down mythic nighthold without problems, 9.0 I can’t. I could with gear and using all possible tricks. It’s harder than in 8.3 which is unreasonable. There is no progression, rather than that there is regression. I have to wait until 9.2 or 9.3 to go back to 8.3 soloing levels. This isn’t what I expected. If I could do it in 8.3, then I expected to be BETTER in 9.0. Maybe not one shotting with 1 aimed shot but better. It’s not better.


Not really? That how all these “we easily beat X boss on mythic 1 patch ago” stories are born.

Appropriate angry fox noises insert, then deep sigh

It was possible in 8.3 but its not the norm. Current content gets upscaled with patches, so hc dungeons don’t drop gear that is 150 ilvl worse than your world quest blues.

8.3 was a clown fiesta patch, don’t take that as a norm. Ye i could solo M0 with 475 ilvl and 160 corruption (max stat corruptions on all gear) but this isn’t what should happen xD

Yes really… any char of 465ilvl could easily do them.
They were doable since the end of EP patch.

Yes it was, but far from “soloed easily on any char”. With my optimized gear back then I coudn’t do it. Now I can.

You know mythics get buffed when the new season starts right?

Also doable and doable with any char is a bit different. Maut was soloed by Rextroy, but that was far from “any prot pala could solo it”

prestige in a game that you find more advertisement groups than actual groups. Sure. That’s going to be prestigious. Who are we kidding. It’s a joke of an excuse.

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And then you could solo them easily the next patch as well.

Yeah… that’s nice and all, but i’m not talking about raids… but mythic dungeons.

To return to the original topic.

It’s about Legion raids having a proper legacy damage buff against them, like WoD had when we were in BFA.

The current legacy buff did not even cover the down-scaling that was done in the pre-patch.

Before the pre-patch i had more damage (pre-corruptions) against Legion raids than i have now at ilvl 215, and this is with the current 8X legacy buff.
This is the issue.

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So you think soloing Mythic dungeons was a wide-spread thing in 8.3? Because it was not, and impossible with multiple chars / specs.

It wasn’t as easy as pie, but it was doable, if you didn’t have the right corruptions/essences you may have needed BL on classes that didn’t have them.
ON SOME BOSSES. - If you couldn’t do ~2 mil damage to kill a boss then it means you simply sucked with your class, or had low gear.

What about WoD raids in BFA, how were those? Use your words to describe the situation.

I dont think you grasp the concept of us being 10 levels higher, which should automatically make any previous content easier, regardless of gear.

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It was doable if you were a tank or maybe plate user or havoc. Cloth classes got hit fairly hard.

I remember HFC first boss was impossible, and there was a boss called the butcher in highmaul as well which killed me in 8.0. Didn’t really tried to solo tho, I think I started going for the mounts in around 8.2, and that time it was a cakewalk.

I coudn’t solo BFA Mythic dungeons in 8.3, now I can. I think that’s the “easier” part right there. It shoudn’t trivialize content tho in such a short time.

I find it interesting given it’s proven the vast majority of this games playerbase play only in old content . They would tamper with it knowing this is the largest loss to the game that could be made…

Are they trying to push players who aren’t involved in the current games progression out the game. To reduce server size and reducing world lag I wonder :face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle:


How exactly is this proven?

It wasn’t, you had the damage increase of the legacy buff, the issue was that the mechanics of the fight meant you had to clear the mobs before they destroyed your cannons.
As a paladin i am slow, so i made myself a speed set, was about 160% base movespeed, so it was easy.

But this is about mechanics of a fight, we’re talking about the damage increase.

Let me write it out for you, we don’t care about BFA being soloable.
We care about Legion having a proper legacy buff.

WoD has 122X damage against it.
Legion has X8 damage.

My lvl 50 alt has the same damage modifiers against them as my lvl 60 has.
So no, leveling didn’t grant me 122X damage against WoD bosses.

Solo was different up until MOP. Back then it was possible to solo previously expansions but what you can do or not vary much by class, as a Protection or Retribution Paladin I was able to solo the previous expansion raids but some encounters require to take attention to boss mechanics to avoid a wipe, and even some were impossible.

It was on Legion when soloing was made so easy that everything that you can solo just kills every boss on one hit, while the raids that you can’t solo it just simple you can’t, that middle ground of being able to solo the encounter without making it easy does not exist anymore.