Old content scaling problems - Game Director has answered

Absolutely not. I was soloing BRF mythic in starter BFA 120 gear on my warrior with 0 issues, I wish I had recorded the footage and would gladly spam Ion’s mailbox with it.

There’s no need to simp for Blizzard’s blatant lies with your own.

Well, don’t comment then? There is no subjectivity in this matter, your personal preference is irrelevant. In BFA it was extremely easy to solo mythic WoD raids, now it’s impossible to do that to Legion raids, those are the facts.

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The legacy-buff introduced during WoD applied to two expansions old content. I don’t think people were expecting them to suddenly work for the previous one.

That previous expansion content is soloable after gearing up through current, perhaps even require a group for certain classes, was always the case.

But many players expected to have the legacy-buff kick in for Legion content once they reached the equivalent of 11 levels over the content after the squish.

I mean if you dont do old content, sure its fine for you. But those who enjoy it, its not fine.

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Lmao, no crap you’re fine with it, you don’t even do older raids with this char at least.

If they deleted druids tomorrow i’d be fine with it too tbh, my alt druid is just lvl 50.

Sounds nice, no?


I love people providing their 200 IQ insight on matters that have nothing to do with them or interest them in the slightest.

I could list a bunch of:

In 95% of the threads complaining on the forums, that doesn’t devalue the threads, it just makes my comment completely irrelevant to the issue those players are having with the game.

But people just love to be contrarians on issues that they don’t have any stake in.

OP disagress since his post specifically mention BFA.

Tell that to OP as well, since that’s what he’s complaining about. Ypu know, being unable to solo BFA

And with Legion, to be fair I’ve only done up to Nighthold since tomb and Antorus doesn’t have anything i want… everything died in seconds

OP is, do you even read bro :b

I spend most of my time in-game doing old content, I do have a stake in it. I just don’t think that old content should necessarily be literally one-shot. But then again I used to enjoy struggling to solo bosses on my blood dk, it was a challenge to solo things and managing to kill a boss was a reward in itself.

So I was just trying to say I wouldn’t mind either way, but I don’t think either direction is the superior and I think things are quite fine as they are now

No… he’s talking about Legion raids, that’s the article he linked.
If you’re talking about

It’s because that comment from Ion indicated that with BFA you’ll still need a group of players to complete it. Even though with Legion we could before solo most of mythic Antorus as well before the pre-patch.
Basically Ion knows he made it harder to solo previous content.

But the main issue right now is with Legion raids not being soloable.

I did more damage at lvl 50 before the pre-patch than i can do now at max lvl, with the so-called legacy buff of only 8X more damage. This did not even cover the down-scaling.

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This is what BFA is for now, not Legion.

Let me spell it out for you:

In BFA we had:
WOD - 1 shot
Legion - “a challenge to solo things and managing to kill a boss was a reward in itself.” ~Marfushka

In SL we have:

WOD - 1 shot
Legion - even harder than it was in BFA
BFA - “a challenge to solo things and managing to kill a boss was a reward in itself.” ~Marfushka

This is the issue, Legion should now be in the same category with WoD, as it is 2 expansions back.

You had "challenging solo content when BFA was current , for 2 years, to do Legion as it was. Now it should go into the trivial category, BFA is the “challenging solo content” now.


The article clearly says, the design philosophy is that at the end of an expansion you should be able to solo raids from 2 expansions ago fairly easily. And that at the end of shadowlqnds this will be the case with Legion raids. And that at that point we should be able to clear some BFA content in smaller groups.

OP mentions the BFA part. Please actually read the article and the OP comment.

Which was a result of the complete wacky scaling that went on in BFA. It was never intended.

Again, I’ve only done up to Nighthold as the other ones don’t interest me with anything, and everything fell over without any problems, and way faster than they did in BFA.
But either way, it’s designed to be easy enough AT THE END OF SHADOWLANDS.

In WoD: Cata was easy to solo, MoP was challenging.

In Legion: MoP was easy to solo, WoD was challenging.

In BfA: WoD was easy to solo, Legion was challenging, with later mythic raids impossible.

In SL: WoD is easy to solo, Legion is still challenging, with later mythic raids being still impossible and BfA wont be possible whole expansion at all. Wouldnt be surprising if we wont be able to solo BfA for 3 expansions.

This is different design philosophy than they had in past expansions. At end of expansion BfA should also be possible to be soloed partially, not require groups.

Not sure what are you talking about with BfA scaling, in every past expansion this was the case, that you could easily do 2 expansion old content and previous expansion challenging, but suddenly in SL its not?
And sure you did only up to Nighthold, because you wont solo mythic anything above that.

Even with NH mythic, its not normal that it takes couple minutes to do a single boss, they should be falling over in 10-20 seconds. Also there are almost no groups for BfA “legacy” raids, despite us being 10 levels higher.


That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have solo player activities.
Doing old raids is something you do when you want to do something alone. If I’m playing with friends I’ll spend it doing BGs, M+, raiding current tier, Torghast, etc.

Legion raids got harder in SL, it’s merely laziness and unwillingness to fix what they broke with the new scaling and level squish.


Legion raid should be soloable now. BFA raid should be soloable at end of this expac or start of next expac.

End of story.

At end of BFA people have easy clearing old raids than at start of shadowland.


Mate, I admit I was just messing a bit (sorry). I agree that there’s something wrong here, and it should be addressed. Guess it has something to do with the whole 120 --> 50 --> 60 thing.

Hope they retune it, since I also wanted to do some Legion raids, esp since they got my favorite looking sets for most classes.


That one is fair. Previous expansion raids were never easily soloable; certainly not the later ones.

The rest, though, is gaslighting.


Understandable for a full run, but over kill really.
We had the skip to M Aggra, so weekly we would run as 2 hunters and down mythic Garothi and Aggra without issue.

You honestly could do this with any semi-geared character in BFA, we just had to have hunters because their pets were immune to Aggra’s knockback and they held threat as long as you actually used threat redirection tools on them.

We did this in 8.2, before corruption came in, because of scaling, we can’t do this anymore. I have always personally been against changes which mean I can’t do something I was easily doing at a “weaker” level.

While i want your comment to be actually true which it is in some extend, go try solo tomb.of sargeras mythic or gul dan mythic solo to see for yourself that they broke the numbers due to 60 lvl prunning… Hit me up with proof after doing it.

Hi poster, pls ignore me, I’m just here to collect all strawmen to my Eternal Muted List. Have a nice day!

Just solo’d normal Taloc from Uldir… i can say that the 1st Tombs mythic boss is more dangerous. :confused:
Yeah… scaling on point! Nothing wrong here… move along.

And yes, 1st Mythic boss from Tomb of Sargeras has about 3 mil hp, while Taloc had about 1 mil and something, Mother has 1.63 mil.