Old Essence grind in 8.3 for new/returning players

Then they should start asking for BIS, socketed, TFed mythic EP gears to mailed to them, if BIS is so needed by them.

If not, then why not?

If it’s to be counted as gear, it should be obtainable similar to relics in Legion, and the rest of the gear we’ve been looting over the years.

No, essences feels nothing like gear. They feel like talents seperated from the talent tree.

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Says who?

When I play an alt at endgame, I want to put full effort into it, otherwise it’s not fun.

Gear isn’t time gated like essences are, besides some high lvl azerite pieces, you could get 430+ ilvl right now in one day on a fresh Alt if you really wanted.

Then get mythic EP socketed items first. Or ask for them to be mailed to you so you can put full efort into your endgame.

Why essences?

This expansion is the most alt unfriendly expansion in many years in my case. I level a lot of alts, but playing them at endgame isn’t fun due to always feeling gimped because of the essences not being account wide.

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Getting 430ilvl in one day on an alt is wrong, not not BIS essences mailed to you. Gearing being welfare doesn’t mean everything should. Gearing shouldn’t be either, but w/e.

No. I totally hate this whole “New update, lets give out ‘catch up’ gear” mentality. The way they are giving out stuff now, just makes pointless to hunt down new gear. Now wonder BFA subs were lowest in the history. There is just no point playing when game is giving you the gear for not playing.

I just think that time gating BiS essences behind old content is not a good idea when we are in the next patch, grinding old content for weeks or months even is stupid since ur only doing it for essences, there’s no need to be there otherwise.

Gear are RNG, and have multiple sources.

Essences are locked through time gating and very spesific tasks. It’s absolute trash design from my PoV.

I “loved” finally getting my BiS essence on my shaman alt when we stopped raiding the Palace, because… raiding break until the next tier. That essence should at least have been a boss drop(and tradeable like all other loot), instead of obtained through a currency slowly obtained through doing the raid. What’s the use of the essence when you’re done with the raid? I should have had that essence going THROUGH the raid, not when it was finished and never get to actually use it doing the content.

And the reputation ones? I’m not wasting my time repeating the same quests over and over again on more than 1 character. I want to play the game, and by playing the game, I mean doing group content with other people. That’s usually what my alts are for, to allow me to get a break from my main’s toolkit and role(s), and keep doing group content with my friends and their alts. I can live with gear RNG when playing my alts, Essences on top however, are very frustrating and no fun at all.

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if BfA has the lowest subs in history, then the essence grind is a big part of that.


You are using this ‘‘timegate’’ word way too much and way too irresponsibly, like many others. Blizzard removed lots of timegates from the game over the years.

Just because you are not getting everything in an hour or two for your alts, and it’s ‘‘omg timegate timegate timegate’’.

EP mythic gear requires you to do mythic EP, you can’t get them from multiple sources. I don’t care about the other gear maybe? Because i want to put full effort to my WQs.

It would be good if you don’t waste your time for same thingsWhy would anyone want to do same things for their 32513 alt chars, i don’t understand. That’s the point, don’t do it, or accept that alt chars are alt chars, not second, third main chars. If you don’t do it, that’s a win in my book. Less relevant alt chars = better game overall.

No, you shouldn’t get everything in one or two hours, I never said that, but when you have to wait months to get your best essences before you can feel competitive, and there’s no way to make it go faster is a problem, and I think saying timegated here is the right word to use.

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Once again, all nay sayers feel hurt somehow if a system gets changed.

Although it doesnt impact them at all.

If people want bis / play alts. They will work for it regardless. Most of us in this thread did the work on multiple characters.

We ask for a change since it isnt a friendly system for new / returning players and alts.

If you jist care about one character nothing gets changed that will change the game for you.

So where is the harm in changing essences to be obtained from more sources?

GEAR is from multiple sources. Gear has the same stats anywhere, just at different amounts. I don’t care for your mythic quality gear, so I dont bother running mythic raids.

Essences are different depending on source. If you could target spesific essences just by playing any part of the game just like with actual GEAR, it wouldn’t be a problem. What we have now however, are some very spesific tasks we need to do, further locked behind a spesific amount of time needed to obtain it, to make it all even worse.

I realize you love this system, but I would have thought you’d be able to at least understand that we don’t all play the game your way.

Actually, they’ve kept aadding them.

You may think it’s less if you have a lot of time on your hands. I don’t know your situation, but for me, with limited time, it’s incredibly frustrating having no option to one day spam one activity to attempt catching up. No, I will still only have access to 3 emissaries pr. set amount of days, even though I was offline for a week, as an example. Or had to pick between emissaries or a mythic once I get online.

So no, for my time schedule, this game is more timegated than ever, and this is actually something I realized even more, when I played classic for a month when it was released. How relaxing it was to just play the game at my own pace, without worrying about quests and emissaries and events and what not, timing out.

I tank mythic EP and did tank most of it untill my guild went on winter break (‘sigh’ there went my hopes for clearing it, but ok) and only mythic raid items I actually wear are my weapon and Inkpod. Here’s some food of thought about the relevance of the Mythic EP gear for some roles. I actually went and purchased 200k residuum items to swap my raid azerite items.


The game isn’t alt friendly at all. Previously you only had to get gear, now you have to do stupid rep and AP grind stuff too on your alt.


People play multiple chars. It makes people play more = better game to me. And i had to reroll for my main healer and main dps (so 2 chars). Otherwise i probably would have quitted the game and searched for another game (and then probably not returning to wow because having fun in another).