Old Essence grind in 8.3 for new/returning players

If you have limited time don´t make tons of alts just like anyone else :wink: Moreover, it takes about 20 minutes a day to do mechagon/nazjatar and they are nerfing requirements from exalted to revered. Isn´t that easy enough?

It was 1.5 to 2 hours before doing nazja + mecha the daily. only finding 3 rares or 6 chests can take already an hour :thinking: Not that i personally care about those essence-grinds, because it is content i do regulary anyway. But it takes far more time.

Then you’re doing it wrong.

What? :smiley:

if you get there between spawn timers it can take close to hour yes. I have had 45 min to find 6 chests for example. Just because between timers.

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You mean; Don’t play the game?

You do realize I rely on those alts to keep going?

I main healer(this druid). Healers get overgeared for content very fast, this expansion faster then ever. When I at the same time stop at heroic raids, I need something else to occupy me, and this is where my alts comes to the rescue. It’s either that, or quitting the game. It’s not like I want to quit either. I enjoy alts. Alts are a major thing for me, they are their own gameplay feature when I log on, just like transmogrification is, and PvP, and mythic+ or raids can be. Telling me to stop playing my alts is like telling me to not play the game.

I’m not asking for grinds to be removed(well actually, the essence system is horrible in all sorts of way imo), but people playing mutiple characters aren’t putting any less effort into the game than those who play one char. They just play the game differently. Priorities, and the essence grinds have a terrible design for a “mandatory” feature. Repeating one task, over and over again.

I am picking up chests wrong? Ok :thinking:

Well you are not a rogue, so it is not a shame to have clumsy hoofs. Try cat form next time. Maybe claws fit locks a bit smoother ?

And if it is carrying them away is the problem, try bear form because owlkins feathers are too soft.

/signed Always Helpful forums.blizzard.com team EU

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Yeah, indeed, can’t even remember when it actually was less alt friendly. If you want to play an alt, or simply play the game, you have to go through 13424665 boring chores before you actually play the fun part.

If you don’t have lots of time as you claim then why do you play with alt chars and why do you expect them to be up to date almost like a main char? If you really don’t have much time, do it like me and play with 1 char, and play with alts as a change, not as if they are your other main chars.

What if some person has 2-3 hours a week and wants everything mailed to their main chars and their army of alt chars? How does this make any sense to you?

And no, Blizzard removed lots of timegating. I know you guys don’t think that have to drink or eat doesn’t mean tiemgating but they are. Imagine if filling mana or hp takes 1 day. That would be timegating right? 30 seconds of eating and drinking after every 2-3 mobs isn’t different than that. You can do way much more than before in same period of time. That’s one of the many timegates Blizzard has removed.

Which essences requires you to ‘grind’ for months? Please tell me.

Vision of perfection.

Mechagon and nazjatar essences.

Those do not requires months of grind sorry. You can get them instantly.

No, you can’t.

Yes you can, i did.

No, you didn’t.

Just to put into context the requirements for those Essences you are debating:-

This is the Vision of Perfection Essence for your Heart of Azeroth available to all specializations . This is obtained via the new mega dungeon Operation: Mechagon.

Items that grant this Essence’s effect are:

The following Essences can be earned from Nazjatar Reputation:

  • Tank : Aegis of the Deep

  • Healer : The Ever-Rising Tide

  • DPS : The Unbound Force

  • Rank 1: Obtain Ankoan / Unshackled reputation Honored and buy it from the Quartermaster for 10 Prismatic Manapearl.

  • Rank 2: Obtain Ankoan / Unshackled reputation Revered and buy it from the Quartermaster for 25 Prismatic Manapearl.

  • Rank 3: Obtain Ankoan / Unshackled reputation Exalted and buy it from the Quartermaster for 50 Prismatic Manapearl.

  • Rank 4: Obtained from Ankoan Supplies or Unshackled Supplies.

The following Essences can be earned from Mechagon Reputation:

Wasn’t sure if you also meant this one:-

You can earn the following Essence from leveling up your bodyguards and completing the main storyline.

When you do hardmode it is 4 lockouts, otherwise 6 :thinking:

I can’t play 1 character.

Alts are one of the biggest features this game has to offer. I get access to various races, animations, styles, mogs and story with a RP connection, through playing alts. I am not an RP’er, but I connect with the world. The story of this game means a lot to me, and alts makes it more immersive.

I have no desire to have anything handed to me on a silver platter, but I have a desire to progress my alts through natural progression just by playing the game. I have the same desire for my main actually. I have no interest in PvP, so I don’t do PvP, but PvP doesn’t hide anything I should have for group content, unlike WQ’s.

I love questing, but I despise repeating the same quest over and over again. In the past we’ve been able to skip that activity, and still progress the power of our characters through just playing the game. Tell me why this is bad design?

Explain to me why an essence(talent/ability, imo) should be solely locked behind a faction + spesific daily quests(follower reputation), instead of being obtainable through multiple sources, like gear?

Yes, i did. Do mechagon and you got essence, instant. Spend an hour for 2-3 days and you get lucid dreams. Most other essences are also instant.