Old Essence grind in 8.3 for new/returning players

I’d applaud blizzard if they made them account bound. It doesn’t invalidate anyones effort. I have almost every single essence at rank 4 and i’d cheer from the high heavens if they made them account bound.

As I said above I started getting into my priest again. If I’m moderately dedicated I should be around 435 or so in two weeks. By that time the essences should be rank 3 most.

To me it’s decent that it takes a similar amount of time to farm gear and essences. What’s the argument for a faster essence acquisition other than NAOH? Honest question

Bottomline is for most, that it isnt the work needed for the essences, (else we wouldnt have multiple chars with them already) it is the lack of options to gain them, and once again it aint friendly for the above mentioned people.

yes i quoted myself and answered Lepanto’s question

So far none tries to even remotely answer the above points.

As I said I find it reasonable that gearing to HC level should take a similar amount of time to how long it takes to get some rank 3 essences.

Making it faster is imo not a priority, you’re not getting into harder content before you’re geared anyway.

I was away for a few expansions but I don’t remembr this game ever being so alt friendly. Perhaps some people want it MORE alt friendly. Can live with that, but personally I don’t think it’s in a bad spot.

So now that I’ve attempted and possibly failed to give you a reason please entertain my curiosity, What content are you trying to tackle that you so need rank 3 essences on an alt?

There is just no use if you ignore the post in total.

You are fine with the system and the speed it takes, I am not to some degree.

I am simply discussing the fact it has to be made more friendly for the people i keep mentioning and even for alts. (where my suggestion comes in: the currency system, gain the currency for essences in content you want to do instead of being forced to do content you dont like)

I never claimed i need rank 3 on my characters, i stated that essences are really powerful and maybe even too powerful.
I never claimed that gearing needs to be done in 1 hour tops or whatever people keep mentioning as fast gearing.

And for certain speccs they are mandatory. Simple fact, just look at how they sim and what the difference is.

And it was also a more general answer to most people in this topic, because as soon as you bring up a proper alternative for the Essences there isnt anyone posting an answer at all.

99% of players doesnt care about siming and doesnt care if they have bis essence or not. Also their end game content is mechagon, nazjatar and LFR. There is no need to change system to please top 1% of players. Most casual players are ok with essences as they are now.

Do link the source you base that on.

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How does a simple piece of feedback that goes along the lines of:

Please, we would like to see more options to gain the essences instead of only the rep farms / 30k honor / raid content / pvp content.
And make it so you can obtain them from anything that you do in the current world or in 8.3

Turn into:

Nobody cares about BIS essences or arent needed for LFR people.

If you do reply next time, please make sure you understand whatever you are responding to.
So far, all your responses are your personal opinions or just things made up out of thin air (99% of playerbase doesnt care about essences, okay, your source?)

Enlighten us with some feedback or reasons why the above changes cant be made to this system you so love apparently.

And another piece of news: within the next 12 months the essences will be removed from the game or atleast be lost in their current form. You might aswell start to find professional help now to make sure you can deal with this loss.

Thank you for the long reply. However I am at a loss. Again, What content is it a new alt needs the rank 3 essences for again?

Are you really going to be geared faster than the time it takes to farm the essences to rank 3?

More flexibility, and the such. I dunno. The game as it’s structured demand certain activities for certain rewards. Essences are just an example?

Again, I don’t cherish the idea of getting to exalted or whatever in Mechagon, again. But since there’s a few options and I don’t intend to bring many alts to Mythic EP I’m fine

You are simply trolling now, you are once again asking the same questions and putting forward the same points again.

Thanks for your amazing insight.

You say you’re not getting replies. Yet you fail to reply yourself, because it doesn’t add to your argument. Whatever, have a nice weekend.

Your response on this topic.

My response on that response:
I am simply discussing the fact it has to be made more friendly for the people i keep mentioning and even for alts. (where my suggestion comes in: the currency system, gain the currency for essences in content you want to do instead of being forced to do content you dont like)

I never claimed i need rank 3 on my characters, i stated that essences are really powerful and maybe even too powerful.
I never claimed that gearing needs to be done in 1 hour tops or whatever people keep mentioning as fast gearing.

I said in other responses in this topic: faster isnt a requirement its more about differrent options to acquire them (which matches with all the options WoW has to offer contentwise)

Your response following right after:
I dont see why you need Rank 3 essences
I dont see why you want to raid M EP on multiple chars. (which i didnt even touch on, at all in any response so far)

So thats why i responded like i did.

Man please at least read 8.3 patch notes so you know what you are discussing about …months of old content to get essences, jesus.

Yeah but you always have the option to do what you want

Essences are ‘‘You are doing this for this? no? then screw you, you can’t have this’’

I mean just look at azerite, you can literally reach max level on your neck by spamming keystones, theres so many ways to gather it so next time on a new char your not forced to do the same crap over again and if you do wq spam you can skip some and they will change over time

How bout gear? you can raid, do dungeons, freaking openworld to some degree & pvp … its not good to pvp for gear but hey its there!

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be careful there, some snowflake might read that a bit wrong :wink:

on topic though, I have 2 essences at r4, 2 at r3 and 1 at r2 - do I NEED them? not for what I do, I got these just by playing casually

Today by accident i discovered I love elemental shaman. The accident was that when you equip 0 essences you get spam on your character stats ui. So my solution has been to ask friends help with what I call a “social aid M+” to get the essence and get rid of spam and carry on alting away.

Now the accident was that this M+ dungeon i did I loved almost everything in elemental shaman and asked my friends if ele is any worth in casual M+ roflfun, my friends nod along and say : GO FOR IT HUN!

So I go look what essences I really need and I felt i should delete character :
2 PvP ones and raid one, or for dungeon was raid one, 1 pvp one and gnomeland one ? Don’t hold me for that accuracy for now as its 5 am, but my reaction was - some would say - priceless.

How on earth can I be pulling my own weight in a dungeon, casual (hc) raid or whatnot content with my new found awesomeness - elemental shaman if I need to go farm R3 PvP essences and whatever nonsense.

That shaman play idea went with that closed icy-veins and bloodmallet windows. I stick to my survival l hunter for lol-around.

I feel sorry for anyone, who returns to game NOW and wants to jump in to play with friends. Hope they are good friends because they must carry one a lot.

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Tbh, essences is the cure from altoholizm.
Many people confess that now they happily play 1-2 chars instead of 12 as before.

Indeed. It also helps with wow-addiction. On older days spent doing emissaries with more than 2, now I generally do it only with two (raid char and main). And then there some odd-alts that just sailed on multibox ship (and this is how they got gnomeland exalted etc) with the two characters I normally play.

Definitely - essences have helped cure the addiction and altoholism. We should perhaps be thankful for Blizzard thinking about our health so much ?

‘‘I was thinking about my alts’’

Fixed it for you. Alts don’t need full BIS everything. Consider essences as strong trinket effects. Devs basically gave 3 trinket slots that you can fill with various essences. And there is no need for them to become welfare for alts. What’s next account wide gear?

Yeah, no you didn’t fix anything for me, I play my main for about 90% of the time, and the other 2 alts I play have the BiS essences they need, so no, it’s not for my alts.

And you can maybe compare minor essence slots with trinkets, not the major one, even tho I think that’s a stretch for some classes also, like the mana regen ones for healers.

And there are plenty of ppl playing their Alts in high lvl content, so they would want BiS everything.

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