Old Essence grind in 8.3 for new/returning players

Why alt chars should be given rank 4 or rank 3 essences? You do one mechagon and you got your essence, that’s it. It is enough for alts. What’s next, mythic TFed azshara trinkets given to alts? There is no such thing as grinding for months if you don’t want your alt to become your other main char.

Playing the game requires time, playing with more than 1 char requires even more time, you say your time is limited and again it is you who say you can’y paly with 1 char.

So you are basically asking everything to be mailed into your mailbox for all your characters. That’s the TL;DR version of this whole thread.

I’d be happy with rank 1 or 2 on alts via an account wide system, doesn’t need to be 3.

Rank 4 is just cosmetic anyway.

And a question for you:
What would you lose if the essences get changed to be:
A: easier to be obtained / more sources
B: accountwide (wont work for new / returning players but still)

So far, nobody bothers to answer these question, and if they do it comes down to:
I farmed them for a week weeks so now you have to do that aswell.

No, you didn’t.

No, that’s jsut what you think and completely irrelevant.

I don’t have any mythic EP item, and i am all for them to not become welfare, neither for mains or alts.

What would you lose if mythic EP TFed can be bought from a vendor for 5g a piece? What you lose if everyone get 100k gold each day for nothing? What would you lose? What would you lose harder content can be scaled down if you want to do them solo?

The timescales are like this (I dunno raid one, never bothered)

Lucid dreams
R1 - 2 days
R2 - 9 Days (including prior)
R3 - 22 days (including prior)

R1 - approx 12 days (all WQs, follower) reduce by 2 days for emissary (8.3 will reduce this to 2 days)
R2 - approx 22 days (same as above, will reduce to 12 in 8.3)
R3 - approx 40 days (ditto)
They’re rounded down because story quests that unlock give rep too.

Mechagon - vision
R1 - 1 day
R2 - 7 days
R3 - 21 days hardmode/35 days normal

Mecha - purchase essences
Mileage varies, I’ll use the Conservative estimate of 1000 rep a day (that’s the WQ plus 1 daily)
R1 - 7 days
R2 - 19 days
R3 - 40 days of you keep up with crates (by doing enough grind or quests to make at least 1 extra crate a day) otherwise about 55 days if you just leave it at the world quest reward.

Conflict and Strife
Either quickish or slow depending on your pvping.

R1 - 1 day
R2 - 7 days (mythic runs for the week)
R3 - 28 days plus approx 7-10 days for missions assuming no boosts.

R1 - 1 day
R2 - approx 3-7 days if you do your weekly island assuming 35 neck base, plus target azerite WQs for your emissaries.
R3 - approx 7-14 days same as above.
I mean my priest got r3 within 2 days of play, but she entered naz with a level 47 neck so there’s that.

R1 - 1 day
R2 - 1 day
R3 - 21 days (assuming 10 complete weekly)

8.3 is gonna push most of the grindier (sans bote) down to about 3 weeks average for r3.

Many r2s will be down to about a week worth of grind if that when 8.3 hits

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Thanks for the list. All i see is that the whole complaining is because some people can’t get over the fact that they can’t get the rank 3-4 essences from a vendor jsut by right cliking on it.

And you apparently can’t get over people having a different opinion than you.

No, people are complaining because the content you have to do is outdated and mindnumbingly boring.

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Start of MoP - they actually had to change systems and include rep. tokens, as it was THAT bad. Then Legion start - same thing. It was 2nd half of Legion, when they allowed alts to be ‘ok’. Legion was a bit worse even - then you had easier time to level 3 characters of same class than farm AP on each spec.

So, all this being against it boils down to a personal opinion?

And no, it is not what i think, it was a literal response from more people so far in this topic.

Nobody is asking for gear, everybody so far mentioned (if they want changes to essences) working on your character EXCEPT the essences is why people play more characters.

Dont be silly and think this will lead to mythic gear or gold being thrown around.

Just making it a bit more bearable that is all, but hey you gotta be against something right?

Still i didnt read any good reason why it cant be changed other than: i dont want you to have it, so you cant.

People forget Legion was hell in the beginning. Your off spec was legit unusable unless you kept up with AP on your weapon as no other weapons dropped, and it was grind as hell.

Not only was it alt unfriendly, it was spec unfriendly.

I already gave you the reason lol, if you couldn’t understand it that isn’t my problem.

Basically i am against things to become welfare because it cheapans the game, invalidates anything you do with your main char, just like how i don’t want gold or mythic EP items to be thrown at people.

Which part of it this was so ahrd to understand?

Just because it is an alt it doesn’t mean it has to be sht in terms of essences. That would kill the sense of having an alt in the first place.

I remember vividly how it was for me :
Az, this tier you dps, yes ? - Sure, Unholy is so above frost. I work on my UH, good luck new tanks in this tier!

Blizzard patch later - frost becomes raid spec. Me tilts head, have a mental cry down in my head, farm frost weapon like no tomorrow. And when I finally catch up enough not to be dead last on damage meter, one tank quits.

Guild : Aaaaaaaaazzzzzzz - blood, yes ? I shivered in my shoes and pulled trough my teeth “yes, my dears, of course I tank” and I do not even start talking how my legendary ‘catch up’ was.

I was smarter on my alts, no alt ever swapped specs during legion. Except for mage tower, but by then catching up weapons to ‘ok’ level was not so horrible anymore and you were able to grind some LFR gear for challenges.

But legion was special case. Good side of Legion was that leveling was super-super-super fast.

Ofcourse it doesn’t mean that. And they don’t have to be sht either, if you put time in them ofc. Just because you want them to do better, doesn’t mean epicses should be thrown at you.

Because it is still a personal opinion.
It still doesnt make any sense. Because it boils down to: i worked for them and so do others.

Nobody is asking for anything else to be thrown around as ‘‘welfare’’ and most suiggestions towards essences range from accountwide to more options to obtain them.

What is so hard to understand about that?
Accountwide might not be the right direction, but it surely needs a change.
Especially the different ways to acquire them would be a great thing to see instead of being forced around silly grinds / activities you rather dont do.

It wont change your gameplay 1 bit if they become easier to obtain for all parties involved. Be that new / returning / alt players.

So, thats why.

I’m not talking about epics. I’m talking about essences. Gear can be farmed at any given point by doing m+, lfr, normal/hc/mythic raids. Essences are locked behind weekly lockouts or max reputation per day etc.

ok then, i will fixit for you;

Ofcourse it doesn’t mean that. And they don’t have to be sht either, if you put time in them ofc. Just because you want them to do better, doesn’t mean essences should be thrown at you.