Old Essence grind in 8.3 for new/returning players

I can live without an army of alts. For much of bfa I stuck to 1 horde 1 ally (I now have just the ally char who is doing “content” at m10 or higher and have 3 horde chars with a 4th now beginning to do so in a similar situation so I have 5ish active chars)

But once you start introducing mechanics that limits my spec, and means I can’t tank or dps easily because 1 item of gear requires immense time sink to keep up? Then I start getting upset.

My general mains are always hybrids of some description (all of my active chars can heal or tank) I don’t like not being able to assume their roles because “mechanics other than collecting gear”.

Off specs essences have nothing on Legion first half. Nothing.

They wouldn’t be thrown at me. I have met all the requirements for each essence on my main character. I just don’t see any sense why i should be doing all of that again.

Well i said that i dont have mythic EP items and i will never have, and even then don’t want them to become welfare, NOPE. So this is not a ‘‘i did so others must do as well’’, no matter how much you repeat it.

Noone is forcing you to do anything. You are forcing yourself into it, let’s not mix things. If you hate that content, then don’t do it, and don’t get the essences. Simple.

Your alt chars don’t meet the requirements though. That’s what we are talking about int his thread.

Yeah and that’s what needs to be changed.

It will change when you do the requirements for each of your alts. You can cahnge this, not anyoen else.

Personal opinion.

Nothing is changing for you if it gets changed.
I was fine with refarming them all again on how many characters i want to play, if they atleast were showing some form of dedication.

But the essences boils down to:
Can you farm X for X days or weeks.
Can you run X mythic dungeon or M+ for x weeks
Can you run Aszhara HC for X weeks.

But nothing is special and it can all be bought. so it doesnt make sense to repeat it over and over.

Aside from that,
New / returning players wont return just because of it.

So after reading you dont have EP Mythic gear for 5 times now, what is your major gripe with it being changed that screws over the GAMEPLAY aspect of your experience when it changes?

A: you got all the essences you said, or atleast the ones you need
B: you dont play alts.

Conclusion: nothing changes for you and whatever you wanna do.

So where is the issue with changing the system?
XX Once again: accountwide might not be the answer, but atleast give us more options to obtain them. XX

BfA’s problem for me - it is boring as it is, and so alts keep things entertaining. Neck levels were non issue. You were still able to pull your wight in M+, just needed bit of gear, a bit of azerite trait hunt and you were equal member of the group.

Now I have actually tried, have azerite, have ilevels, dont have essenses, I feel like carry. People have claimed that ‘essences do not have as huge impact’. Those people should go try run M+s keys and then see how much their essences contribute in total - more so not all essences are easily seen on damage meter (as they give stats) - the overall buff is massive.

For me playing alts without essences in world, and such is not a problem. Doing party content is.

Yes, Blizzard can by making them account wide. Fitting the requirements for each of my alts would require me to quit my job and leave my family. And that’s a bit too much just to have fun in this game again.

Then you shouldn’t expect your alt chars to be up to date as if it is your main or don’t play with alt chars. Again, simple solutions to simple non-issues.

Yeah, let Blizzard (or people like you) dictate me how to play the game. I think not.

Again, non-solution to actual issues.

Mythic EP TFed socketed items should be available fromv endors for 3g. This would also wouldn’t change anything. Or make it to sclae so i can do solo. This wouldn’t change anything either. You can still choose to do 20 man version of it.

If you disagree with this i will disparage it by saying ‘‘peRsoNal opiniOn’’ like you did.

I just group with my community when my alts are “on the up” my dk, warrior and Monk have their essences “sorted” or set for 8.3 (not spending crates now lol,) my shammy has r2s in all of his bi’s essences, hell be able to get 2 of them r3 upon 8.3 and his other will be r3 in about a week. My priest who I started playing seriously (mained her in 8.1 then stopped) has 2 atm, but one is a bis (r3 flame) the other is bis sans rank and the other essence I plan on using I’ll get in about 3 weeks from mythic Chests.

I’m not gonna say its been easy. Its taken time, I don’t raid so there’s that. But I’m glad I have because it means going into next patch I can choose who I take in rather than having to go back to one char because they’re the only one I bothered to progress. I main changed too much this expo already. I like that this time, they can all technically be going together (within reason).

I doubt I’ll raid beyond lfr anyway. My schedule doesn’t work for it, too many raids begin before I’m available.

I am not dictating you anything. What i say is simple facts. If you want up to date alt chars, you need more time invested. Isn’t this a fact?

It is Blizzard who dictates how the game will be played (not how you will play it), and that’s because it is their game, i guess?

It’s the status quo. And it is what needs to be changed.

‘‘If i can’t get it instantly it is status quo.’’

No, things doesn’t work like that.

Once again, nobody is asking for this.
Nobody will ever ask for this.

And it is simply the truth, your main feedback about changing anything is based on a personal silly opinion without proper feedback why it would be bad for the game.

You are person number 750 or so in these kind of topics to say something that gear will become accountwide or vendor stuff aswell.

Once again, and read this line very carefully and try to wrap your head around it:

  • Accountwide might be a step to far

Solution or another thing we might be more happy with as alt players (atleast i will be happy with it, and i think more are with me):

  • Grant a currency from more activities (WQs / M+ Cache / PVP Cache / ETC) and lets us buy essences with said currency.

I am not talking: lets throw 10 gold at a vendor.
But the currency thing does change the way to acquire them and that means we dont have to go out of our way to earn them.

So if you play a lot of M+, you can get essences.
And i can make the list a lot longer. but i hope you get the idea.

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I’m asking for it.

Dodging the questions, because you simply dont have an answer.

Okay, thanks for your great input.

What question? Your entire comment was just your pErsOnnal oPinoiOn :stuck_out_tongue: i din’T see aNy argUemenTs :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

And you are the person number 562132 who ask free welfare for alts.