Old Essence grind in 8.3 for new/returning players

You have been dodging the questions all along. Ever since my first post responding to you.
So there is that.

And what is the issue with making essences to be acquired from more sources?

Either with a currency or more options to obtain them?

There is 2 questions. Which i asked multiple times already if you just read up, but i guess dodging is hard work.

And once again, it aint asking for more welfare. So far it is a lot of feedback about the current system and how retarded it is.
I even said it multiple times: accountwide might be a step too far, but it needs to be changed.

Nothing tells me anything about anyone if they have all essences or the ones they need for their speccs.
You cant tell if they are skilled or not, if they achieved something or not simply because they are nothing more than timegated REQUIRED items for most speccs.

Add to that it aint friendly for new / returning players and yet you still go on about welfare.

I already answered your question a lot of times. I don’t want welfares to be given to alts for no reason because it cheapans the gmae and invalidates what you did for your main. Less alt char = better game.

If essences are going to be welfare, then mythic EP TFed socketed items should be also sold by vendors for 4g.

Besides the fact essences can be get from various sources. Each essence requires somethign else to do lmao, what are you talking about?

Errm… you do know what “status quo” means, don’t you?

People want gazillions of things. Essences are not the only one.

Less alt char is faster dying game for most players in this topic, but i guess you didnt read anything.

Essences are tied to 1 source. Each specific essence has its own source. AND only 1 source to get it from.
Good luck trying to get Vision of Perfection from anywhere else than Mechagon Mythic.

People playing alts (me included, since i got 3 with most essences that i need on high ranks) dont care to work towards the same goals again, be that gear / m+ score or a arena rating. However the essences are just a pain to acquire because they only come from 1 source.

Look up the word currency, instead of referring to gold all the time.

Lastly: new / returning players are also willing to play now and when 8.3 comes, but they arent coming back due to essences.
Will changes benefits alts? yes it will.

Will anyone care? no, since it might be aswell a returning player if you dont tell them you are actually playing an alt.

So once again, i dont see the issues and i still dont get why you are so on the fence about it all.

Look, my main concern is returning players, even new players, lets face it, BfA hasnt been that good so lots of ppl quit even before essences we’re introduced,
8.3 does look very good, and a lot of ppl will return to try it if it wasnt for the forced grinds for months in old content for mandatory essences that you NEED to be competitive, that’s just a big problem and it needs to change, more ppl playing WoW makes it a better game.

on the other hand, for Alts, I think account wide essence is the best option, if that’s not happening, then let essences that has been earned by mains be like 90% faster to obtain.


When it comes to alts, this isn’t about time. It’s about repeating the same quests over and over again.

When it comes to my main, it comes down to time. You don’t waste time doing things you don’t enjoy.

My main(restration druid), is still stuck with rank 2 essences because I can’t stomach anymore WQ. I was unlucky that both my main essences were locked behind the new factions.

Needless to say, when I can’t stomach more on my main, I’m not doing it again on alts.

The time argument is about priorities. Obviously I’m not going to waste my time doing stuff I don’t enjoy to an extent. Pathfinder and the essence grind took me very long, because even tho I needed flying, and the essences, there is no way I’m going to sacrifice all my time online doing WQ’s and dailies. I usually play after 20 in the evening, or after 21.30. End between 22-23. So yeah, I don’t start playing alts, before my main is “complete”. Stopping with alts, changes nothing.

The way the essences are obtained, are just terrible in my opinion. With the way the essence grind are designed, they should be accountwide.

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That doesn’t answer my question.

me starting out as unholy, gets Koltira as second leggo…

No, it is the opposite. People get bored because they can quickly change from one char to another. This behaviour itself became very monotonous and cause of the boredom in the first place.

I am doing mythic+ for the last 2 weeks only. So in these two weeks what i saw was that premade group finder is infected by alt chars. The alt chars that belong to people that already done +13 or something and now they pollute that whole group finder list with their zerg mentality. Since they somehow managed to timed an +12 now they think they are almost high as world first raiders, they expect others to know as much as they do since they did the smae +10 32434 times before, and frightens all the others. Which means that list is actually a jrk cycle of alt chars of same people who can just time an +10 or +11 which is WQ difficulty.

This means less players are involved in mythic+. Which is exact opposite what you think. That’s jsut one example.

Also, a lot of up to date alt chars means everyone will be self sufficient when it comes to professions which shoud not be a thing.

Easy alt chars means lots of fotm rerollers as well. etc etc and

etc etc etc etc.

And no, you don’t care about returning players. I was a returning palyer after 10 years of break and i liked how pathfinder and essences do work.

Also, you didn’t answer my question;

Explain to me why an essence(talent/ability, imo) should be solely locked behind a faction + spesific daily quests(follower reputation), instead of being obtainable through multiple sources, like gear?

Wat I want is for rank 4 essences which require heavy luck like the ones from the paragon chests to have their source changed, or the drop chance to be heavily buffed. Paragon rep grinding is probably the worst thing ever.

They are obtainable fromv arious contents. You can get soem from mechagon dungeon, some from mechagonr ep, some from nazjatar, from bg, from arena, from island expetidion, from mythic+, from raids…

What are you talking about?

You probably want to get all the rank4 from the same thing. Maybe all shoudl come from WQs? or from mythic spam? Is that what you want? This would be the most brain dead and monotonous thing ever. And you have the audacity to call current system as boring or repeatitive. Seriously?

Everyone wants diferent things and they can also come up with ‘‘status quo is so bad, change is good, welfare is good’’.

This did?

Paragon thing is not bad either. It is only bad if you think you can’t live without that certain thing.

For me it is something that will keep giving rewards to you for keep doing the content. I take it as ‘‘if i get r4 or a mount then i’ll get it, if not then then i won’t’’. If you take it as such, paragon reps are good. Instead of trying to increase your odds to get those things, just consider it has a small chance and you’ll get it if you are lucky. If not, who cares?

Essences are from specific content, what are you talking about?
if you want ur BiS essences, you can only get it one way, whichever content it’s tied to, not various content.

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That’s wht i am saying. From each specific content you get different essence. Means you will get essences from various sources.

If you want your BIS whatever, go do the certain requirements. It wouldn’t be reasonable if i wanted to get BIS items from pet battles.

Hahaha, yeah you are totally wrong on that statement. Alts make sure people keep playing, since they wanna try out a certain class or specc after maxing out their mains or being done with them.

Some people run PVP alts or PVE alts or whatever options there are.

The group finder being infected with alt players is also nonsense, not many people will actually bother to run high M+ on multiple alts, and if they do they mostly run with the same group (thats also waht i do, M+ with 4 friends and we rotate through alts, i barely pug anyway)

And FOTM rerollers are happening no matter what, you can make content and gear and whatever else needed make 10 times as hard to be obtained and it will still happen.

I still dont see why we cant have a change in the acquisition of essences to be changed to all types of content.

Instead of the forced play on PVP / Arena and all other options around.

1 Essence from 1 source x 12 different essences doesnt mean various sources.
Once again: Vision of Perfection from BG wins? i wish you the best of luck.

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It’s required for the Feat of Strength which requires me to obtain all rank 4 essences on Uruk. So I can’t ignore it sadly.

Except that I don’t do that content because I find it even remotely fun, but because I just want that damned essence. I’m sick of both Junkagon and Nazjatar and I can’t wait to never have to see them again.

Are you trying to not understand?

Each spesific essence is from one spesfic activity. Both my main essences come from rep factions. I can not get lucid dreams from doing PvP, or islands, but I guess you deliberatly don’t want to understand that.

Reading your replies though, this is all about you. How you want everyone to suffer because they play the game differently than you do. Sorry, but I don’t play alts because it’s easy. I play alts because I enjoy taking on different roles, and this has been a thing for me since 2006, when I started playing. That you prefer one character is all cool, but it’s not how everyone else plays the game. “Altism” is a playstyle, not a sign of a broken game.

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