Old Essence grind in 8.3 for new/returning players

Can i also get BIS socketed TF from pet battles? For jsut 1 pet battle wini want all of them to mailed me for all specs and alt chars.

If not, then why not?

Afterall i shouldnt be forced into content i don’t like, right?

No, understnad you. You wnat to do the same content again and agian and again, and you want to get everything from that pcertian content whatever it is. This is what you are saying and then it is you who ahve the audacity to call current system repeatitive and boring and monotonous. It is you who want to do the smae thing over and over and over again.

But currently essences comes from different sources. Whatever you do, you will get different type of essences.

ıf you want a certain type of essence, than you will go and do that type of content. If yo ufeel liek you hate that content, then don’t do it, and don’t expect that certain essence tob e mailed to you.

Altisim or altholocism isn’t a playstyle, it is how people trying to avoid RL manifest in game.

I fail to see how this even fits in anything that has been posted so far in this topic, so i will just stop discussing this with you.

Might be on a very big stretch: but i do believe gear is actually obtainable from more than 1 source already anyway. sarcasm off

You clearly dont want to get it and are dodging all answers to your nonsense just to spew more nonsense.

This goes for yourself aswell,

If you feel M+ is infected and screwed by alt players, just stop doing that content.

Now you are grasping at straws.

I spesificly said I don’t enjoy repeating quests .

Obviously I will repeat content I enjoy multiple times. Mythic+ is one activity like that, but as of now I only run those on alts, since people I play with aren’t interested in pushing keys. I don’t PuG. On the plus side, we all run them with alts(which tends to be without essences), so I am not the odd one out.

AP comes from all sources btw. That bothers you?

Why can’t essences be more like the legion legendaries in the end? If you don’t want them account wide. You got a currency from multiple sources, to buy spesfic ones. At the same time you had a chance of looting them from many sources.

End of Legion did everything right in my case though.

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Btw, the amount of sudden typos and some of your sentences here, like your last paragraph, indicates that you are very aggressive atm, so perhaps take a break and clear your mind before you go on?

Nobody is trying to arrest you for your PoV.

No i am on terrace and my hands are cold that’s why.

Fair enough.

And how does this solves anything? If you have currency from variety of sources people will complain about being forced to farm that currency from all of those sources you would still do content what you dont like to get all essences from vendor. Not mentioning that vendor rewards for currencies is most boring and cheap rewarding system you can have in mmorpg game. Blizzard would have to let you be forced to do all that content or gate it be weekly cap wich is even worse becouse right now people actualy like fact they can target essence, put as much time into it as they want and get reward for it.

No it wont,

Than the top end players will maximize their gains and indeed farm it all.
And if we get a currency system (where we have multiple sources for said currency) the following will make a lot of sense:

If you dont wanna do that type of content than dont.

This means a reduction in currency gains for your essence, but atleast you can get the essence regardless.

But you dont have to farm bis essences from content you dont like. You dont need those essences to participate in high end content. Min maxing is something for world first guilds and thats hardly reason to change system what is working absoulty fine for majority of players.

Condensed is up for nerf bat in 8.3. The +5% damage taken debuff it gives is being reduced to 3%.

So if i want to perform to the max i first have to apply to be a world first raider?

Okay, ill send them an application then.

Legion legendaries at the end of Legion worked out for me. It’s a million miles better than what we have now, in my case anyways.

I never grinded the currency from the sources I had no interst in, like the daily heroic. Meant I didn’t get the legendaries as fast as those who do all sources, but at least it gave me an option to obtain what I needed just by playing the game.

So yeah, it solves a ton in my case.

I am not a fan of currencies for stuff like upgrading gear or just buying gear tokens, but it worked out very well for the legendaries in my case. Part of it was possibly because it also had a chance of dropping just from playing the game as well, so it wasn’t all bound to the currency.

Slightly OT, but I guess a similar system could work with titanforging as well(I know we’re losing it), but if items could titanforge, AND you could also obtain a currency to upgrade the gear that didn’t instantly titanforge, I guess titanforging wouldn’t be as hated as it is now by some people(I never hated titanforging btw).

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No if you want to be this min maxer than you have to do content you dont like and thats again type of behaviour for vert very small playerbase which means no changes needs yo be made. This game content focuses on casual players. People what run lfg/lfr and world content. For this kind of players system is absolutly fine.

You don’t need gems and enchants either, yet you’ll not be taken seriously if you don’t get that.

Casuals dont care about it.

Because making stuff to be obtained from more sources is actually hurting those LFR / LFG / World questing people?

How does this change or feedback ruin anything for casual players etc.

I am not sure how many times i have to say it to you, most of us dont mind the work we have to put in for essences (BiS or not) we just want more options to gain them from.

What kind of destruction can come from that for those casuals like you keep telling us?

I dont see the issue if they become obtainable from other sources then they do now.
And if they dont care about the essences, why would they care about the changes being made to the system or to essences themselves?

So the game is all black and white?

No middleground?

Is the lack of middleground, the reason why you think we should not bother with our essences, since we’re not the top players in the world?

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Now as multi alt player with raid character and main, i do not think alts should share all with main, but my take is that the time investment should be within reason, or at least be somewhat entertaining. Current grind is not it.