Old Essence grind in 8.3 for new/returning players

I just dont think it is good to force players in content they do not want to do. I am at the moment grinding that pvp essence, and i got for the first time in the BGs. The players complain about people not knowing what to do, and i am in there not liking it being a burden to the group. And my real only thing in there is just get the essence and never return. It is not really a win-win situation.

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Conflict and Strife is the worst. Hard to pug to 1.6, time gated for 3 weeks thereafter. Once is enough, particularly if you don’t enjoy Arena.

But noone is forcing you? Some essences having better effect for your class doesn’t mean you are forced into that content.

Some people try to do their best for their chars :slight_smile:

Nobody forced you to make this dumb comment, but here you are.

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That’s what almost everyone do. But still doesn’t mean alt chars should be at same level with main chars, unless you put effort to them.

Nobody is asking for them to be at the same level, stop strawmanning people in this thread already.

Everyone is asking for that. According to them; they want to try for the best for their chars, all of their chars. They want their BIS for their chars, all fo them.

That’s what they are saying.

This actually about my main dps where i also did the raid on (curves) :slight_smile: But it just shows obtaining essences are completely terrible. And when someone HAS done it on a char, start thinking about doing it on another.

And obviously this is not about gear, only essences.

link a post in this topic where someone says they want mythic gear BIS pieces all with sockets in them, rank 4 essences in all slots.


All we want, if you would have read the thread:

More diversity in gaining the essences. Since obtaining them multiple times is just a boring task all together.

Giving us options to obtain them would be a improvement on this system.

And solve the new/returning player issue at the same time.

His only argument is trying to exagerate our arguments and try to show it is stupid, but he can not stay reasonable and on topic.

Noone wants mythic BIS welfare, people apparently aren’t that crazy, at least not yet.

But everyone here wants r3 essences.

It is already very diverse. You get one from A content, one from B content, one from C content and so on…

If you want essences on your alts because you think that content is not enjoyable, why anyone else wouldn’t want BIS from pet battles?

The only reason to that is you think WQs are braindead content, and mythic+ requires 4 digits IQ and Harvard doctorate. This is why you think essences which can be more powerful than BIS gears should be given to you, but mythic gear should not.

Please tell me what is difference between asking for r3 essence and mythic EP items.

I think you got a complete wrong thought of me :smile:

And when you do not see the difference in essences and mythic raid gear, then i cant help you. especially not in a language that i am not native in.

There is no difference between asking for essence or gear to be welfare. Same thing.

Except that essences are time gated content that you might not like lasting several weeks repeated over and over on alts if you want them to be competitive. How are you gonna explain to someone coming back to WoW in 8.3 that they need to grind 8.2 for 8 weeks before they can play current content? Hm?

They don’t need to play 8 weeks of content to get them. They also don’t need to obtain those essences to be able to play.

Nobody is even asking for welfare free essences, and especially not for free mythic raid gear. But you can stay in your trolling exagerations.

Maybe it IS the 4 digit IQ.