Old Essence grind in 8.3 for new/returning players

Once again, no reading of the mentioned points.

Never mind its like talking to a brick wall.
Good day sir.

30k honor is no grind? Okay.

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Can you tell me for how many classes is BoTe bis essence?

You are juzy lazy af, thats all. No arguments needed here. Revered rep isnā€™t a grind, end of story. Maybe for Fortnite player, not for a casual MMORPG player. Iā€™ve been playing MMORPGs for over 20 years, really no point arguying with someone who compare Fortnite and MMORPGs.

You donā€™t lose rating up to 1500. If you canā€™t reach more than 200 with 430 il ww monk than I donā€™t know what to say. Maybe watxh some guides and get better?

We dont want to pvp. we dont want to watch guides about it, we are not interested. we play pve. and yes it happens to be the arena essence gives reverse ham, which is needed to play ww.

This is why people left in 8.2 and are not returning in 8.3 when it is still needed.

Get good in content you do not want to play at allā€¦ :man_facepalming:

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PvP players need to do PvE for gear to be competitive in PvP because PvP gearing totally sucks. To be competitive they actually need to spend much more time doing PvE (raids, m+) then PvP. PvErs need to spend like 2 hours to get CaS rank 2 and then about 2 hours a week for 3 weeks to get r3. Do you really want to do these comparisons?

We read all points. This is pretty much all about you being lazy and nothing els. You hace absolutly no idea what grind is. If you really want force on mmorpg game moba systems where you jusy pick char you want and spam dungeons with it than i suggest you to go play some other game. Mmorpgs are grindy, repetetive games and if you sont like it you dont like mmorpg games.

And i always said that that it totally bullsht too for pvpā€™ers.

When i have to start pvpā€™ing, i am out of this game. I have in my wow years never ever set foot in 1 arena on any char. When it is needed i am out.

Nobady forces you to pvp. You can get plenty of essences in pve content. You dont need bis essences to run mythic+ or raids.

But not reverse ham. It DOES force. Read 1 guide and you know you need it.

Guida always min max. You dont have to min max. Its completly your own choice.

This is not just 1% improvement. You dont want to know what for importance the right essences have.

Even if it would be 10% you dont need 10% better essence to beat high end content.

And blizz sure will not desing game around some min maxers in mythic raiding. Imagine changing system for entire playerbase just becoue some 0.1% of people try to min max at high end. No thanks.

Some Tauren just want to see the world burn.

It is required. Not min maxing. Think of playing hpala in dungeons without vision of perfectionā€¦ ouch. We are not talking about just a couple percentages, we talk about gamechangers.

No we dont. People were literaly finishing +12 on 8.2 release day or whener were mythic+ released with rank 1 essences.

Including me. Including me.

Also you signed up to min max and run high end content. It is your own choice. So dont conplain there are certain qspecta what have to do differently.

It is not min maxing, it are game changers.

No it isnt. It is min maxing.

Yes it is, is not just min maxing.