Old Essence grind in 8.3 for new/returning players

Than why are players capable clearing +12 and + 15 with nonoptimal essences?

No they are not, not even for ww monks. CaS is considered best overall but in m+ is easily replaced by iris. Single target dmg? EP essence is the best.

Stop pretending not having CaS as WW is gamebreaking. You just pick different talent and thats it.

You cow are consistent, I see now why you like the system.

I just have been flamed in ww monk last week for not having them, and yes then the class is unplayable :smiley: I think they know it a bit better. And this is of course not only about this essence. it is an example.

Oh its unplayable exactly where? Because if you check logs you will see people using EP essence as major. Logs don’t lie m8. Is it unplayable because of not having CaS as minor? :smiley:

To know how works this essence for monk? It is almost free combo points and 15-30% self heal. It is must have for pve content like some legendaries from Legion. This essence totaly change your rotation and talent build. And it is core in every guide.

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It changes 1 talent. You have enough chi generators without reverse harm. 4 if im not mistaken.

But only this one is cheap and healing you.

Only thing I read from the ppl that dont like it is, ‘‘I grinded them, so the rest should also’’ which is selfish, and childish, I agree with it if it was current content, but it’s gonne be old content in the next patch,
I see no reason to put ppl through old content for months just to be competitive with the rest, and if it’s gonne stay like it is now, we will simply lose a lot of players that cant be bothered with that, and I can completely understand that, thats the only reason I think it should change,
I have the essences I need on 3 characters, so it’s not like I want this changed for myself, I just want more ppl playing the game.

I bet the ones not liking the idea also hated the fact that the HoA got a catch up to lvl 35 in like 10 minutes, we all had to grind for months to reach that when we started it! why they get it for free?!

It wont make more people play game and 8.2 is not old content. Legion is old content 8.2 isnt.

It will make more ppl play the game and 8.2.5 is old content when 8.3 goes live.

No it isnt old content. Essences esentialy represent old vannila and tbc progression. Which is exactly where game need to go back to.

So, Eternal Palace isnt old content when 8.3 hits, and nobody goes there.

And why wouldnt they go there? jeez, maybe because it isnt relevant anymore…

Yes EP is absolote becouse of gear resesets. But mechagon and Nazjzar isnt. Content gets absolote by how game is desing no by “ohj we released patch so its absoltote”. In TBC me and many other new players went trough every single patch even when BT was alredy out. And thats how it should be.

I think he means that one of the best DPS essences come from EP, which you will have to farm to unlock (on atleast heroic for three weeks) unless they nerf it to the ground.

This is not TBC anymore though, most players will abandon the previous raid tier simply because of how fast gear keeps scaling.

Undusted my priest yesterday. He had been shelved ages ago, around January.

Few runs later and WQs I have a level 2 essence and a minor one at level 1. Gear sucks at 403. By the time he’s geared to do anything I’m pretty sure he’ll have at least 2 rank 3 essences.

Unless you advocate for even more gear I see this essences argument ridiculous

You dont need bis essences to play game.

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Nor do you need high ilvl gear to play the game, yet people keep advocating to keep titanforging in the game.

Look make e stop making sense or I’ll have to report you. It’s a well known FACT you need at least 445 ilvl and all essences at rank 4 to do any content at all.

Flawed analogy. Moving on.

Once again,
Essences arent working out like they should and are thought off.

  • The power they give
  • The acquisition for new / alt / returning players
  • The problem they tried to solve with it

It isnt weird to ask for more options to acquire them and also look forward and also think of new / returning players in 8.3.

People really feel threatened by something that might actually also work out really great for them.
So i dont get it.

So give me ANY good reasons why essences cant be changed to be a proper power gain for NEW / RETURNING players. (and then ofc, Alts / we will benefit from it aswell, like they do with all catch up systems most of the times.)

It isnt rocket science.

Btw, if you like classic / TBC so much, why are you on here?