I’ve returned to WoW many times from Vanilla and I decided to join AD Purely on player numbers alone and play an Alliance character for a change. So i was happily running around in Loch Modan on my Warrior and saw what looked like a band of NPC’s wandering North along the road from Thelsamar. I ran on and as i approached,i saw that they were PC’s, and WALKING no-less!
I waved and they, almost to a man, waved back So I asked them where they were headed, I knew I was on a RP server, so i was as respectful as i could be considering RP on a video game is pretty new to me. They mostly ignored me, but one said they were headed northwards. On they went, i followed for a while, but then i was headed westward to Ironforge.
I can’t stop thinking about it! I started playing WoW when I was around 33, I’m now 48 and keep returning at Christmas time for the events and then maybe once a year to ‘see how it is’ and now as an Alliance character to see if it sticks!
But this is the first time I’ve encountered ACTUAL Role Playing. People trotting along on seemingly standard black horses, some walking alongside, chatting between themselves and ignoring some nutter galloping around on a pretty expensive-looking horse and asking them questions. Good RPing if you ask me, we’ve all seen that dude and kindly ushered him along.
So, my point is, How do i join? Am i too old? Do i have to speak aloud? (I’m self conscious, but only verbally, not chatting by text, if you see what i mean)
I think i’ve found what i’ve been craving in the game, a sense of immersion that i havent had since maybe BC/WotLK.
A bit about me, I’m 38 M from Ireland, I play sitting in the main room with my wife, so no audio exceptfor the game. I have played D&D as a kid and Warhammer RP as an adult, i even bought the new book to have a go with my family one Christmas.
So anyway, this is a rambling post and i just wanted to know if anyone is recruiting, i’d play a rogue, or maybe a warrior. I’d have to work on backstory as it would depend on the guild i think.
EDIT: I’m 48, not 38, God, old age is a biyatch with the memory!