Old version of wow is better still than current one

Old version sucks only if you are not RPG and specialy not MMO player. So if you really dislike old version and you like new one it only means that retail isnt proper MMORPG game. Thats why you like retail more. You are simply not mmorpg player what enyoj mmorpg games.


When you say Vanilla, do you mean Wrath or actual Vanilla?

Becouse you stoped liking mmo games, It has nothing to do with game desing.


No ‘we’ don’t. You might.
I certainly don’t ever do that.

Classic open world is just as easy. Open world was never hard, just tedious.
And I for one don’t want difficult open world content. I like to relax and enjoy my gaming sessions.

Yes it is. Just because some players choose to not engage with it in that way anymore, doesn’t mean it’s not an MMORPG.

well what else to do then? things just flop over

the times are over where you fight for your life through a mine and meet a guy who you end up questing with and then do a dungeon & add to fl and continue days later again and have some chats.

and circling in 40man raids to farm boring brainafk rare mobs i wouldn’t call content.

content is made with other players which outside dungeon/raids dont exist and even there 99.9% just goes on without interaction and might aswell replace your party member with bots and wont notice a difference.

or you want to tell me now you have a ful friendslist from your lfr adventures?

its not a bad game but its just not a mmorpg anymore =)

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It actualy is. This logic of your works only if you have just few people what simply like old stuff. But whe you have majority of your aduience playing your 20y old version of game instead of new moder one than its propably more than just liking old stuff.

  • the vault system should be scrapped
  • Open world pvp should have rewards equal to HC raids even on drop chance from RARE mobs could have a mythic level drop rate
  • killing players in Open world for pvp could reward conquest instead of honor
  • incentives to raid should be increased as m+ has ruined the raiding scene
  • give us back Twinking alts
  • warmode should be considered “hard” mode and increase ilvl of loot
  • more difficult content other than mythic raids and m+ high keys
  • solo content for those that wish to be alone

here some suggestions


First: Please use a spelling checker.

Second: Of course it’s about game design. I still like MMO games; but my standards have changed because of several factors; newer technology/games/possibilities, playing online isn’t new and rare anymore, my personal gaming style has shifted from ‘hardcore tryhard’ to ‘just want to relax and have fun’.

its more anti social now than ever before

  • we appeal to the masses and give free gear with the vaults

why should we give out free anything, make them group up and work for the gear

this vault system devalues the WHOLE game

  • to put it in perspective
    i have 5 characters all 424 geared full tier sets, i play once a week to get the vault and then log out and wait for wednesday for the gear
    i have no incentive to use that gear to play, ive achieved the maximum possible
    pvp ques offer 30-40min timers and thats not fun or incentive

No, they don’t. That’s pure hyperbole.
But even then; there’s multiple areas in the Dragon Isles full with elites. Those definitely do not ‘just flop over’.

Also: I like it when things aren’t too hard.

That literally never happened to me in WoW.
Only times when it got ‘dangerous’ was when I was lazy and just ran across a lot of mobs aggro-ing everything.

About the same difficulty that actual raid bosses had in vanilla. :sweat_smile:

And it literally always was made that way. Because that part of the game didn’t change. People did. Because it’s no longer ‘special’ to run into someone online.

I literally never had a full friendslist. I never added guildies to my friends list either. Only real life friends got added to that list. I never had any desire to befriend random online strangers.

It IS an MMORPG. It’s players who choose to not engage with others anymore.

its a sorry state for an MMO
since when does MMO mean " group of 5 "

MMO = massive multiplayer online
i dont consider dungeon groups of 5 people a massive multiplayer game

hell even raids are capped and are so unrewarding people dont bother with them after RWF

this game is not a MMO,
its more a MOBA = Multiplayer online battle arena

ie INSTANCED gameplay

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The players are. The game is essentially the same in that regard.

Because the game would lose even more players if they didn’t.

Sounds extremely tedious and not fun. No thank you.
Also: It’s not ‘free’. Nothing is ‘free’ in WoW; you play the game for rewards.

i dont think you understand what a MMO is

sounds like you would rather play Solo

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No you dont. Becouse desing you enyoj have no place in proper mmorpg game.

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I don’t think you do.

I indeed do.

An MMORPG doesn’t mean you HAVE to group with people and do group content.
It means you share a persistent world with lots of other players. How or if you engage with those players is up to every individual. Some content will be soloable, some will require a group.

That is an MMORPG.

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Yes it actualy does mean exactly that.

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No it doesn’t. You’re clueless.

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Yes it does. You are clueless.

everything is devalued in this game
its no longer a MMO

its simple really

you feel free to play it solo but when its all done and gone you will wonder why the game feels empty .
why the population is in a sorry state

you cant play this game solo
every content is Grouped it requires player interaction

from LFR to MYTHIC RAID to Dungeons to PVP


it has all devalued into waiting for que timers to pop for INSTANCED versions of its former self

i feel sorry for you , if you feel this is what an MMO should be reduced to , you never got to experience the joys of a true MMO

you are 100% a solo content player

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I really don’t. I couldn’t care less. I play the game the way I think it’s fun and I don’t care about anything else.

I can. For the most part anyway; of course I sometimes group up to do group content.
But for the most part I play this game alone and I like it that way.

That is just completely untrue.
‘the big 3’ endgame content does, yes. But I don’t do that content (except for LFR).

I mainly do world content.

Not for me. Because like I said above: I mainly do world content.
I LITERALLY never sit around in town waiting for a queue to pop. Never ever ever.

Don’t feel sorry for me; I enjoy the way I play this game.
You are the one who thinks this game is somehow lesser for it; so you are the one you really feel sorry for. I don’t care at all about all the instanced nonsense.

Not 100%, but sure… 95%.
And that’s completely fine.