Old version of wow is better still than current one

PvP, dungeons and raids were always instanced. What do you mean by former self?

Look up the definition of an MMORPG. There’s several out there if you google it.
Maybe you’ll learn something.

if the player base played the way you do the game server would shut down within a week,
i mean this in the nicest way.
you are not the target audience for an MMO

it required a guild , grouping up , moving to the dungeon stone, required effort,
we now que up, wait for , receive 3 vaults get free gear,

everything is devalued, casual

  • continue play the way you want to play, but just heed what i said
    this is no longer an MMO

peace have a good day


Of course not. The devs would simply shift their focus on the type of content they create.
I’m still paying a sub; they’re getting their money. How I play doesn’t make a lick of difference to them.

I am actually (not the ONLY type of target audience, sure). And the target audience has been changing over the years; Blizzard themselves have stated this… More and more players like to play WoW more in a solo way. And that’s completely fine.

What I’m wondering though… Why do you think it’s fine to tell others that their way of playing is wrong? Why do you think it’s okay to force other people to play the way YOU enjoy the game?

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Just to offer some perspective; When vanilla released, it was seen as a casual game. It went away with open world dungeons, loss of xp and gear upon death, and other unforgiving systems incorporated by its contemporaries; and as a result WoW became a massive commercial outlier, even though it was looked down on as an MMO lite.

The point is WoW has always attempted to cater to their main demographic with varying degrees of success. Blizzard won’t pivot into making the game more “hardcore” because that was never their philosophy. WoW was made for casuals, and if you stepped foot onto Azeroth, you too were deemed a casual.

Yeah except of fact that everything have threshold. And vannila, tbc was fine line between solo play and game being mmo. Retail is way way beyond that line what is acceptable for mmo game. WoW isnt mmo anymore. Which is also reason why somany players have quit retail.

Guys, there’s is no better argument than what I just said. Even the fact that we talk here why classic wow is better than dragonflight, it proves how bad the current game is.

They had freaking 20 years to improve this game. And all they succed was to creat a game that is still comparable and subjective inferior to their first version. Even if you’re right and DF is better than classic wow. That still just proves how bad DF actually is to be compared with that. You guys dont get how much 20 years mean…

DF should be like 100x times better than classic wow, with all the money and tech blizzard got right now.

True, you said it, it’s

Just let people enjoy what they enjoy smh.

I would agree with you if retail wouldnt be lossing millions of players every single expansion. But clearly modern wow barely holds any interest.


Sure. But it seems like people dont enjoy their modern version of wow. They lost massive amount of players and are still losing.

And btw, there’s no other kind of player that is more loyal than world of warcraft players. To lose them, its true shame.

Dont get me wrong, dragonflight is decent. They repaired a bit of damage they did. But its still not even close as how good it should be. Plus, is a bit to late. People lost faith after shadowlands.

imo there’s elements of the game that classic does better then retail but there’s also elements of the game that retail does better then classic
imo there’s no clear winner on which is the best on an objective level.
I enjoy retail (right now) but part of that is I’ve already seen what the game was like in those classic era’s.

Leveling is just enjoyable in classic because it feels less like a chore and more like an investment.
Endgame is just enjoyable on retail because you’re actually being challenged beyond just stepping out of the fire (tho sometimes it gets too much, but even then I’d prefer too much over none at all).

Nothing you can do there, most players after the scandals + having gone through BFA into shadowlands are simply burnt out for WoW.
Maybe forever, maybe some will return later in the expac, maybe some will return next expac, either way the group of people no longer willing to try the game again on expansion launch has dropped significantly after SL which explains the low sales.
Retention is up tho, so those who actually bought the game and played it seem to be enjoying themselves statistically

I agree with that tbh.

If you like classic better than df it’s fine. I couldn’t get back into classic, even though I loved it when it was current, and it’s also fine.

For example, I’ve stopped playing in Legion because I really really didn’t like it. When Classic launched, neither version of the game was to my liking, so I just played something else. If people liked it… I’m actually glad for them.

I understand that it’s frustrating not to enjoy a game you’ve enjoyed for such a long time, I was there, but I really don’t see why several versions of the game can’t coexist now that Blizzard gave their OK with Classic.

Yeha yeah sure. It has nothing to do with game desing its all becouse of outside of game problems.

Do you know what is diference between bfa, shadowlands and DF? Nothing. DF have just less things to do outside of instanced content. Its literaly same game. Same *** seasons, difficulty levels, insame powercreep, invalidation of gear progression , lfr, etc… You know an actual true reaons why players quit.


Becouse your modern version despite of fact it cost way more money to develop atract way smaller audience than classic. Thats why. If you enyoj modenr wow cool but this game should be put on maintanace mod and developers should focus more on classic audience becouse its obviously way bigger.

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You’re correctly stating the differences between BFA, SL and DF on a gameplay level (lore is a different story entirely) and the fact that there’s no mandatory BS you’re being forced to do like torghast or island expeditions for some necklace or hoop jumping to get some generic boring effect as player power.

That’s exactly why its popular.
Blizzard has gone back to the drawing board and they’re proving they can make a game thats worth being played outside of those mandatory systems and honestly considering retention its been good.

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The threshold, as you put it, isn’t set in stone. The gaming landscape is ever changing.

Let’s look at one prime example: instanced content. When vanilla opted for self contained dungeons and raids, that was perceived as a departure from one of the cornerstones of MMOs at the time and a step into MMO-lite territory.

Well, those perceptions didn’t matter because that deviation contributed to the success of the game, and now instanced content is not only accepted, but are an expected feature in most modern MMOs.

Because its a waste of resources. And also, one version is old and outdated. If they do a classic+ , sure, that’s a different thing. But dont act like we get a choice if we dont like current version of wow. We need the current version to be good. Not to play old ones instead…

That’s true. Or like 90 % true. They did a few “classic good” changes in DF tho. Like world pvp being a thing. They stopped with the “chosen one” cringe quests/lore. Talents trees implemented. Professions being a bit relevant again. But yeah, overall its still not even close to enough. The damage is too big.

Yeah except of fact that only.people what had problem with it were high end players. Others actualy enyoj it.

Do you want true reasons why modern version is boring?

Boring leveling
Difficulty levels
Isane powecreep
Invalidation of character progress
No community
No desing to support group play outside of instanced content
Welfare gear aka epics raining from the sky

Agree on boring leveling, because this was literally one of my arguements.
LFG is a non issue, bring your own friends
LFR is a non issue, just don’t queue for them
Difficulty levels are fine, I’d like them to handle difficulty for m+ in a way that doesn’t include affixes but thats all I got.
Agree on the insane powercreep
Agree on seasons.
Disagree on invalidation of character progress, maybe if you specified player power specifically, then yeah sure but not much worse then new expacs do.
Disagree hard on community, part of a 200+ player one myself spanning multiple guilds on both factions on my realm.
Glad that they’re not doing anything silly outside of the big three, let them first prove they can actually do the big three right again.
Gear is just a means to an end, high end content has been cleared in low power gear before.

This is an arguement people who consider themselves ‘casuals’ and convinced themselves that they aren’t the exclusion in liking all these extra bits of content and its infact a small group of elite players who mind… no that’s not true.
As a casual, I hated those systems, I hated that content and I’m glad they’re gone. I just hope forever.
Blizzard didn’t stop adding that type of content on a whim, they know where their number drops came from and they know why retention is high now.

Noone is forcing you. There will always be people who prefer Vanilla and there is nothing wrong with that.

I’ve been watching WoW fail since 2004 , and yet, it’s still kicking.
You didn’t provide any info of why is DF bad other than “queues are getting bigger”. I am not trying to defend WoW , it does have it flaws, no question about it!
If you prefer Vanilla go play it , we have enough of this “Vanilla is better than current version” threads. This is the direction WoW is going for , whether you like it or not. Nothing you do is going to change it , so better accept it or go play Vanilla. Up to you bud ,have a good one.