Oldtimer looking for a guild

Hey there,

Old fart here- got kids, a job, so basically no life. Looking for a guild to bring some meaning back to my gaming sessions.

About me:
I used to be a hardcore raider from 2004-2010 in a top-tier guild. Since then, I’ve returned to WoW every now and then with friends, but never sought to rejoin any guild. Recently, I found myself craving that meaningful gaming experience again and decided to give WoW another shot.

So far, I’ve been really impressed with the updates—tons of fun content and some solid challenges. But while I’m enjoying the game, I realize I really miss the social aspect. When pushing for more challenging content (M+ dungeons or raids), LFG feels like a brick wall; its completely random where you end up with, and the main criteria for inviting me seems to be my iLvL or M+ rating. Aside from this frustration, I also miss contributing to a bigger goal; guildies and guild progression.

Anyway, my characters:
Warrior (Main, 610 ilvl in 1 week solo), Death Knight (Frost), and Rogue. Open to rerolling if needed—just prefer not to tank or heal.

What I’m looking for:

  • A group experience & guild progression, both social and in performance levels
  • M+ Dungeon progression
  • HC or even M+ Raiding on a semi-serious level, or even being backup or in an alt run
  • Unsolicited dumb comments
  • Inappropriate character names

What you can expect from me:

  • I show up when I commit
  • I come prepared (flasks, enchants, etc.)
  • I am still learning the more in-depth mechanics and encounters
  • I appreciate constructive feedback (but I don’t take any sh*ttalking)
  • I joke around a lot, but always with respect—and I expect the same from my guildmates

My time schedule:
Open for planned activities in either mornings (9-12 on some weekdays), or later in the evening (20:30 onwards). Can commit to 1-2 raid blocks per week, preferably one on a weekday and one in the weekend.

I smell funny, but this shouldnt be a problem online. I also have cats, they sometimes stand on my keyboard (so you know right away why i’m not on my A+ game.)

Any takers?

Edit; forgot to add; I’m currently playing on Tarren Mill - horde. I understand this doesnt really matter anymore these days tho.

Hey Man,

You litterally sound like all of us in the guild.
Add me on Battlenet - BoodyTV#2479 - Let have a chat!

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Hi you would be welcome with us at Lucid. Quite a few of us have family or work commitments and we understand that they come first. We do all content in a chilled way.

My Bnet is MarkBurnell#2927 and Discord is markb1511 if you would like a chat

Here is a bit more about us

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Hey dude, youd be a perfect fit for us, many of the players are in the same situation as you - working parents, demanding jobs and kids running riot :rofl:

check us out links below

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Thanks for the replies all. Added everybody to BNET to have a chat!

My nickname is Lamecake

Hi there!!! I hope you’re well. Would love it if you could check us out and figure if we are a match for you.

Hey Lamecake!

If you havent found your new home yet I hope that Reign could be it :wink:

If that sounds interesting to you , please reach out to me on bnet! Wicce#2631

Hey Bwakaw,

We seem to be an absolute good fit for you! We raid 2 days a week, 1 being on the weekend, starting 8PM server time!
We’re looking for a dps currently in our mature guild where we understand RL comes first. I also have 3 rescue cats, so we will have a common understanding of them acting like statues in front of our monitors!

Hi there,

If your still looking for a place to call home i think you will fir in with the marmots :wink: