So I got one out of two right
I’m okay with that.
So I got one out of two right
I’m okay with that.
this was fun guys.
Makes me a little sad actually how someone can think romance and love is above the age of 13, what a hateful place the world must be then. No, let characters be in love, getting married etc. There’s plenty of romance that can be done without filthy ERP, have a romantic pincic by a lake
And I just have to second this, nothing makes me cringe so much as this, please make your characters at least teenagers. I don’t know if it’s because I’m a parent but it really disturbs me to see (by high chance) an adult grown up person pretend to be a 9 yo…
It doesn’t help that they tend to portray any child in the range of 6-12 as a…not so-smart 3 year old with “Cwookies” and something that feels like it is just creepy.
One could have a lengthy discussion on why people would feel the “need” to RP such characters
The only arguement I can think of is having a character go from a place of naievety to a place of understanding, but frankly that can be done with a late-teen or early-twenties character just as well without the caveat of being creepy and unsettling.
What a world we live in, where everyone is Schrödinger’s ERPer.
My current RP character is canonically ace. Does this make me the only not ERPer?
no, because it falls under the lgbtq+ umbrella and obviously we all know they’re all erpers!!! /s
(and ace can still be in relationships, so we’re in a paradox where you’re an erper but also not one, because your character isn’t interested
unless ur ace/aro then ur gucci)
She might not be aro but she’s a horrible jerk no-one would want to be with so its a self resolving issue.
doesn’t matter, you’re an erper harry jenit!
I think you’ve killed the OP guys… Potentially.
It’s a sacrifice we are willing to make.
Who hurt you?
I mean… I like to be half naked and I aint a dwarf… Is it Just dwarf behavior?
I know someone pointed out he has a hidden profile, but can I also point out the irony that he has his alts hidden(including the character he is posting on) on check-pvp?
Me thinks OP has something to hide.
Probably just trying to stir the pot on purpose. But it backfired cause we’re all not falling for it so they abandoned ship.
Probably not that but he’s clearly just projecting. It’s likely the dude isn’t even a RPer and is just another no life OOCer trying to come make drama with 0 sense.
I’d like to point out that there has been at least one in-game marriage ceremony. Thrall and Aggra in Cataclysm. If Blizzard is cool with storytelling that portrays a marriage, then romance RP is acceptable. Even revealing outfits are acceptable. Erotic content however, is not. If it was, then all in-game characters could have removed their undergarments and the steamy romance novels would be far more explicit instead of suggestive.
there is a lot of romance stories though, from Lor’themar to Thalyssra, Jaina-Arthas, Jaina-Kalec and her latest bf: Jaina-Jailer. Tyrande-Malfurion (who also have a marriage). You have Sylvanas-Nathanos.
And then you have less known couples. And so on and on and on.
Oh no… You did it… you summoned them… I can hear them coming… They are breaking into my house and overtaking my key… GUAAAH HEEEEEEELP!!!
Helo guys some person from /r/WoW here to tell you that ASCTSHUALLEH the steamy romance novels and ERP are the same thing.
Looks left, looks right
I think they are gone from my house now…