On reporting potential erotic role-play

That’s… that’s the How i Met your Mother actor but she got cloned with TV magic.

Wow, that’s my favorite plot of O(O)C California

But which Jaina is gonna ice block on bloodlust? That’s the real question.

As others pointed out, there’s a big difference between the “haha tiddy” humor we see refferenced in-game and someone in explicit detail emotes how they rub parts together with a partner or multiples.

Ones okay, the other is not and should not be happening on a platform for people aged 12 and up.


People do that on Minecraft? wtf. That’s disturbing.

I don’t get it. What’s wrong with Enterprise Resource Planning?

…I’ll see myself out.


ERP is not against the ToS as long as it’s done in private. Public ERP is reportable, yes, go right ahead.

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Someone clearly wants to pick a bone with people.

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Not strictly true. Erotic content, whether it be in /say, /whisper or /party are all reportable offences, because it is bringing content to the game that Blizzards deems goes against the 12+ rating. The channel used/zone isn’t relevant.

If people wanna have character ERP on discord or whatever else, that’s fine - it’s only an issue when it’s brought in-game to an in-game zone or chat channel.

That’s false. Several GMs have confirmed it’s not reportable as long as it’s done in private. It is reportable and bannable if it’s done in public.

Private aka /p, /w, /realid or in a dungeon / instanced area.

Or open a ticket and ask a GM yourself.

Get your facts straight.

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No need to get aggressive, my man - we’re allowed to disagree. Do you have sources for what you’re claiming?

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Yes it still is.

Just none of the participants (2 people usually) will report the other. And even if they did, nothing would happen because the report system is not working on singular reports.

Yeah, because what else would they tell you?

“Haha, we know these people do erp and we also know that it’s against our ToS, but we can’t do anything about it because none of the two report the other. You got screenshots of them doing that in public? We aren’t accepting that because laziness”?

They can’t be honest, would be bad PR.

I am not aggressive at all, don’t worry about it, simply poor wording perhaps.

And, years ago, I spoke to a GM on this subject after someone reported my now wife who I live with since 2 years for ERP-ing (not with me even, lol) - in the Stockades.

He told me ERP is bannable only in public chats. If it was bannable even in private, everyone in Goldshire would be banned, don’t you think so?

I am pretty sure like 90% of ppl on AD have ERP-ed at least once, regardless of what they claim. (maybe make that a 80%?) That’s just me, though.

I could open another ticket and ask a GM for you if you want, though, and send screenshots over of my conversation. Yet, unless the ToS changed, I am pretty sure it’s still like that.

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Just going to point out, that you say this was years ago. Policies change and have changed.

Also GM’s are sometimes wrong. Don’t take it as absolute.

The current chat policy is the following:

" Communication

When participating in communication of any kind (chat, voice communication, group finder), you are responsible for how you express yourself. You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others.

Hate speech and discriminatory language is inappropriate, as is any obscene or disruptive language. Threatening or harassing another player is always unacceptable, regardless of language used. Violating any of these expectations will result in account restrictions. More serious and repeated violations will result in greater restrictions."

So yes, ERP in-game is actually a violation of the chat policy strictly speaking.

Beats me, I just remember what I was told back then. Must be a new thing, I’ve not RP-ed in a considerable amount of time even if I still play on AD.

And I am not usually one to care if ppl ERP in private or not. As long as they’ve made sure it’s not with a minor.

This current policy was last updated 6 months ago, but has been around since about 2018 in its current form.

Well, any channel ingame is public. Both /e and /s are channels.

They should, but Blizzard is a smol indie dev.

GMs are also giving answers to whatever they think. Some accept TRP profile reports, other GMs have never heard about it. It’s odd.

Me when I ask about how many people have secret goblin alts (yes, even you gnome posters :japanese_goblin:)

Possible? That was literally 7-8 years ago.

Two people, who both agree that it is acceptable to ERP in a 12+ game (and even do it), meet and get married.

A match made in… somewhere.

Yeah, then the policy has long been changed. I can’t say how it was back then as I don’t remember.

But never trust that a policy from 5+ year ago is still the same today.