On verge to stop playing classic due to cleave groups

I’m sorry to hear about your experience, OP. I consider myself fortunate enough to have not run into such groups and - thus far - have had no issue doing dungeons at a nice pace with mana breaks, CC and so on and so forth. That said, I have certainly seen invites for these meleecleave/spellcleave groups, so I know they’re out there…

I have had a mixed bag, some really nice calm relaxed folk and then people who just want to rush and seem to have no idea what to do. The people that want to rush and a general trend I have seen on my server is that groups want to overlevel the dungeon to try and make it as trivial as possible so they can try to rush and not worry about mistakes.

Even though I perfectly understand what you’re saying and myself hate having to look at a chat window which is 90% spam LFM *Cleave dungeonName all the time, the problem here isn’t really the people leveling that way, it’s the fact that the dungeons are so mind numbingly easy that you have to wonder “why the hell would I want to even take any tactic or CC to this when I can just aoe melt everything in sight in 1/10 of the time?”.

Dungeons are way to easy for any player who’s played wow before. Not doing this strategy is not being efficient in the slightest, and some people have a problem with that.

The main issue (or laughing matter) I have with this is seeing a lot of these people advocating for vanilla and wanting to play the game like it was before, taking their time, taking in the sights and quests and then they only explore the way to a new dungeon where they mindlessly grind their way up while watching netflix on another screen. Then they get to sixty and quit the game because they have nothing else to do xD

Not being invited to a group because you’re not playing a meta char/build is the typical side-effect to this pack mentality and yes, it sucks. But it shouldn’t be unexpected. People will always be people. If they suck in retail they will suck in classic.

You can wait all you want but you’re missing the point and 60 won’t be enjoyable either. You may as well just leave now and save yourself the disappointment.
If you ask yourself “when does the game start?” it starts at level 1 and if you haven’t noticed that then it’s the wrong game for you. I’m not sure why would anyone torture themselves with something they don’t enjoy.

There’s gonna be a ton of mages on lvl 60.
Or at least a ton that didn’t make it to 60… :sunglasses:

Is there any need to argue about this when I’ve experienced what we’re talking about and you didn’t?
I played on Private Servers and I know what the private mentality on those servers was. You didn’t and you’re talking out of your a$$.

Yes you knew every pserver player personally.

More than soemone who’s never played on a private server? Yes.

Just because you played on some pirate server means nothing. You clearly weren’t part of those elite guilds like APES who utilized their speedrun strategies to lvl fast. I’ve seen streams after classic released of people who played pirate servers last decade grouping together and doing it.

I think Blizzard (and other games) conditioned people to do this.

I just stumbled to this mythic invitational stream on Twitch. What’s it about? Who can reach the end faster by skipping as much as possible and killing as quick as possible.
Last I played there were Challenge Dungeons. What about them? It was a race to complete the dungeon as quick as possible.

I wouldn’t say leveling is long in retail, but again, everybody wants endgame, thus everybody wants to go through everything as quick as possible.

Also in Diablo 3, if you stop for loot, you’re a noob. If you play a difficult difficulty, you’re a noob. There are (required for journey) achievements to clear a rift in 2-3 minutes. It’s like clearing a WoW dungeon in 5 minutes. BRD in 15, or you noob.

I’d consider moving servers? I suspect you may be on one of the older ones where all the hardcore people went.

My server there’s a mix, but I haven’t had or heard of any major issues like this. I had one guy in Gnomer who before we even went in was like ‘I hate this instance’ but he ended up leaving because we didn’t want to zerg only what he wanted.

The mentality of the top guilds on private servers are is not the same as those of the common players, which you would know if you played on one.
Method tried competing for progression on classic using the same strategies as Apes and helped popularize them just as much.

I do doubt. You say Apes are ‘common players’ ? or what part of apes represents. You contradict yourself here.

I just kipped a “not” when I was writing my post.

People tend to follow popular trends set up by popular guilds/players. If top players establish that most efficient way to lvl is through dungeons then others will follow it.

Method didn’t try to compete for anything. They are 20 man retail raiding guild. Only few of their players are on Classic and they aren’t even same faction. Their esports organization provided media coverage of lvl 60 race and raiding race.

It’s a point where you form your own group if you want a proper run.

Cleave groups are people who don’t care for levelling. They aren’t like you.

It’s a sad sight but this is the current gaming generation.

Just, you do you.

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This isnt my first rodeo, i perfectly well know what awaits me at 60:)
I highly doubt YOU can imagine how I like at level 60 then.

What disappointment? When i understand completely what im getting myself into? And what awaits at the end?

Technically, you’re correct. Secondly, you cant decide when the “game starts” for someone else. Sure, you can be as technical as you want but you know what i mean. The game, for me, starts when i hit 60 and start focusing on other things than just leveling.

Beacause i know what awaits at the end. Like i stated earlier, i know what im getting myself into.

This is not a community issue. This is a Blizzard issue and choosing to go along with the patch where all the 5 man content is reduced to being this trivial that you can just throw 5 mages at it.

People were asking for a true progressive experience for a reason.

Don’t blame players for playing the game effectively.

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You need to play with people with the same mindset as you and me :slight_smile:
We actually enjoy the game and dont lvl fast just because we can.

You play a shaman and every warrior in the world wanna go WF cleave with you. Dont even have to do a boss and just passively gain exp.

If you wanna play at your “own pace” and have some sort of nostalgic ideal of how some dungeons should be played, then consider going to some RPPVP realm or the likes. Or find a guild with boomers.