Once again you are too slow, all my buddies unsubbed

What do You mean? You have myth raid. It’s challenging. And you haven’t even touched it. Not even Ansurek heroic done yet.
I can’t take you serious.

How is it people want challenging content but don’t even do the challenging content.

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Well, I think it’s more of a case of there are probably more players who play a slower schedule, than the college students who play WoW instead of going to class.


In the past we had seasons go on for way way longer and manage to attract new players.

People need to be honest. The current M+ is uniquely boring, unrewarding and uninspiring. As well as being too difficult for the ability clickers who make up 50 % of the WoW population.

BFA S4 managed to grow the population by 50 % even 18 weeks in if I remember correctly, and at that point people had been doing the same BFA dungeons for almost 2 years in a row. Think about how crazy that is. Meanwhile ppl get tired of 4 entirely new dungeons after 2 months?

It has nothing to do with speed. Need to be honest about this, and need to be honest about the state of modern m+.


Your opinion is blizzard should release their content not on the active playerbase but on the inactive possibly unsubbed players? Good one

edit - sorry wrong thread.

No. But blizzard needs to allow everyone to enjoy the content at their own pace.

People can be subbed for long periods or time, but might only have 3 or 4 hours to play a week. So 6 months is a good amount of time for them.

As I say, not everyone is terminally on the internet. Some people have lives. And definitely some more than others.


we’re like 5 months in season 1 you need more time?

‘’ Some people have lives.‘’ My prior statements seems to be 100% correct

Blizzard failed to tune dungeons up until now, at the end of season and you want a new instance every two weeks?

Look, the game has plenty of challenging content. Mythic raids and dungeons are there to satisfy the high achievers.

You don’t want it, plenty of us enjoyed a little side activities, besides the M+ queue and spam game.

You have enough of that.

And then cry that there’s no content in this game.

I struggle to make time for all the stuff available and I play daily a few hours.

Sometimes I wonder if some of these folks do anything other than WoW, anything at all.

I did, best purchase in this game honestly.

This is how I see it as well.

If I’m fully geared I would try to push for some high keys or M raiding.

Or just join some low level keys and have fun facerolling them.

So you want a game catered to a very small minority of the population. That is bad business decisions mate.

You have the choice to unsub if you’re done but I cannot speed up more than I already am.

Very much so, there’s a point where you simply can’t push keys beyond your gear capacity so the game automatically slows you down.

Over 80% of my upgrades came from the vault alone, which is pretty darn frustrating.


No, I’m done now. But I didn’t start until 4 months into the season.

There may be others though.

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Bruh. Just because you can spam the hell out of the game means nothing for the majority of players. Chilld tf out and take a break for a month or two like normal people do

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I know that which is why I said what I said are you illiterate

I doubt very much Blizzard would agree with that statement.

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There once was even a loading screen hint telling us that.

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Nice, you’re calling someone illiterate because they don’t spend all day playing video games.

Makes sense.

a 6 month season has always been too long, but really much too long, it should be 3/4 months max

like any other game

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An mmo that become seasonal( AKA Diablo 3/4 copy) …what could go wrong :smiley:

I prefer playing Diablo/Poe/2 that i’m not paying a sub for the same content that wow offer right now .

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Thankfully Blizzard do not control our lives, unless we let them.

They agree very much because if they didn’t, you would still be playing Legion or Battle for Azeroth all over again. Nowadays, it’s once again a game where you can log off, come back, and finish what you started, without the need for an AP grind or any of that Legion/BFA stuff.

In the past, the game held you hostage if you liked progression. Nowadays, it doesn’t.

My raiding guild on Argent Dawn announced that the officers aren’t interested in Season 2 at all.
They are going to play Swotor instead. Told us to go look for another guild if you want to do Season 2 stuff. TWW is pretty much over for them.
Like I said TWW is my worst expansion experience and I’ve played them all.
I wouldn’t be suprised if we just keep seeing bellular publishing number videos and we see a downward trend until next expansion.

No because you can’t read

They agree very much?

The guy was talking about unsubbing, or did you not read that bit?