Open PVP -> PVE transfers immediately

I get it, it was my own mistake to roll a character on pvp server. But it was an honest mistake. I haven’t played wow since Christmas 2005. Back then, I played on a pvp server, and it was fun.

Today, I play Alliance on Morgraine, one of the more balanced pvp servers in the EU. And it’s unbearable. Going anywhere outside if means getting ganked, grieved and corpse camped. Want to farm some essences for a craft? Forget it. Want to go for a cheeky BRD for some sweet loot? Do you have literally an hour to spend getting corpse camped from the moment you land in SG or BS? Want to hand in a quest on the other continent? Enjoy getting jumped at every turn by horde.

A host of terrible design choices has rendered this game basically unplayable if you play Alliance as a minority faction on a pvp server. This choices include: 1) massively increasing population sizes on servers, 2) keeping the imbalanced pvp racials that has caused every pvp try-hard to roll horde, 3) the absurd decision to keep alliance infrastructure (boats, towns, flight points) completely undefended by NPCs, 4) the honour system that explicitly incentives zerging, camping and griefing.

Blizzard, do the right thing and open up for PVP -> PVE character transfers so we can actually get to play the game. If not, this game will have a tiny player base come January.


I begin to think they wont, not just yet anyways.

If they offer transfers itll mean all those horde (and the 1 ally server) will basically become pve due to 90/10 ratio. Then players will come here and moan and quit.

You got 2 options

1 cancel sub and speak with your wallet, hope this is enough to mitigate the above issue.
2 start fresh on pve


Option 3, which may piss off some of the people who’re at the fun end of the zerging, but might save the game: change the way pvp works on pvp servers:

  • remove honour for anything but equal fights. I.e 1v1, 2v2 etc. This will disincentivise ganking and zerging.
  • remove honour from targets three or more levels below you.
  • significantly increase the power and presence of NPC guards near key infrastructure to make it impossible for small groups of players to grief and camp flight points, boats, towns.
  • cap the number of players from one faction that can be online at any given time to a proportion of the other faction at 55%.

Hard to determine equality of fights, what about 2 level 40s against 1 60? Or stray aoe?
Yes change it to maybe 5 levels instead of 10 but again people will gank and camp regardless of honor gains.
More powerful npc would help a little but they should still be killable as its ok to destroy the enemies infrastructure so to speak. Id give npcs a 30 second immunity upon respawn myself.
Faction queues will just lead to quitting.

The problem with 90/10 servers or even 95/5 that you’re frightened about is already happening.

Servers which are 60-40 will soon turn 70-30 and 80-20 will quickly become 90/10. Opening transfers will definitely speed up that process, but it’s Blizzard’s fault that they didn’t put a simple faction cap on every server.

For the past month, Alliance players haven’t been able to experience the game. They can’t level, they can’t go to a dungeon without dying about 5-20 times, they can’t farm and/or level their professions, they can’t even hand in a simple quest because there are literally people there 24/7 just staying afk in a raid group for 5-10 honor per kill.

These people, who spend over 12 hours per day as rats in Blackrock are now rank 5-6 while I managed to get rank 3 with only 2 hours of WPvP. These players have already grinded honor for like more than 3-4 days played time and they’ll keep getting lower and lower gains.

Higher ranks, more competition and even less Alliance players who leave the cities will leave those people spending weeks online only to reach rank 7-10 at best.

PvP to PvE tranfers will definitely not solve the issue, but it will help bring some of the players that left back. The people who left however, are not few at all.


Ive cancelled already, December 9th my last day.


So play till Christmas 2019 and free transfer will be a gift for u

Can you stop crying please and get over it. I play on Mograine too and it’s fine.

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OP u must be kidding, everywhere I go on mograine is just alliance zerg, it must be 70% alliance server.

That like the dumbest thing ive ever heard, also corpse camping doesn’t earn you honor, the system reduces honor gained per kill on the same person, also FP camping doesnt earn honor because you’re an honorless target for 30 seconds, even if the system is changed you’ll still get ganked, thats how people are, stop with horrible ideas and reroll if its that unbearable .

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At the moment we have a 90% PvP and a 10% PvE server environment. However this should have been the other way around. PvP servers are for hard core try hard no lifers and they are probably having a great time. The casual player base that makes up 90% of the players population ruin the game for themselves. When you roll PvP you are agreeing to all the issues raised in this and other posts.

This is the fault of players who rolled pvp and were not up to task, blizzard merely responded to the pvp registrations by creating new realms.



You are talking about something, that requires implementing, testing etc. Blizzard does not even have GMs or CMs for the forums, even reports are being ignored. Sorry mate, not gonna happen.

These two are more real. I chose to speak with the wallet

Although my situation is that RP-PVP became just PVP and i want to move to RP(normal). I like PVP but at this state it’s a tasteless mess I don’t even enjoy.



When I started to play on a pvp server I had this believe that I was going to have a good time but then the faction that have the most players on that server always started to gank the other faction in raids none stop it stopped being fun

Jokes on me

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2016: LET ME IN

2019: LET ME OUT

How times have changed


Not for everyone - I’m having a great time :slight_smile: And I play on a Minority faction on my server :wink:

Might aswell post it fom your character to back it up a bit.

typical rogue comment xd

This is an incredibly massive change and there are multiple issues with this:

  • It will make griefing incredibly easy (see a 2v2? throw a rank 1 fireball and all of a sudden the fighters can no longer gain honour)
  • Levellers will struggle to earn honour as 3 levels is a very small disparity
  • While not against more guards in principle, it would violate NoChanges to an unacceptable extent
  • Capping faction populations is naive. What happens when all servers are sitting at an exact 55% horde imbalance? All of a sudden horde players literally cannot play their faction on any server at all

If you are really desparate to level, but can’t, have reached 40+ level so the reroll option is not for you… you can still transfer to a low-pop PVP server.

I was sick of constant ganking, and migrated to Dragonfang. It was a huge relief. Although I do get ganked sometimes, there are times I can sit on the road of Eastern Plaguelands and nobody will attack me.


Give us some option blizzard! pvp to pve would be nice

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